The Disney Chronicles 134 members · 5 stories
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Tim Ribbert
Group Admin

Hello everyone it's time for another Disney my little pony relationship for thiamine in going over the main 6 and spike again and give them relationship with other characters all right let get to it.

Twilight Sparkle/Woody

Now I feel this is a relationship that feels organic. Why you may ask? Well both characters know when to take charge in a emergency, both have the same morals of friendship well at least when they both learnt it at the beginning, and both characters have done some questionable things. Like taking a magic pearl without permission or knocking a toy into a gap but they both learnt they lessons at the end. Oh and both are obsessed with organising.

Rainbow Dash/Merida

Both characters are head strong girls with a sense of adventure who want to follow their own destiny no matter the cost, both of them are also a bit cocky although merida seems to be more relaxed then dash is though not by much. also they also had mother problems.

Applejack/will turner

Their not really to say about part from the fact they both come from a place with very little but still manage with what they got and both a have great determination.


Both of these ladies are posh but don't let it get away from their kindness, and of course they both seem to know about parenting. And both of them seem know how to look presentable.

Pinkie Pie/tigger

enough said.


I would find their relationship interesting, I mean usually both characters are normally quiet so I would feel like they would work together really well. Also their love of animals might be strengthen it. And I would see Fluttershy seeing wall•e finding love would be romantic.

Spike/Peter from Peter a e the wolf

I've read it on drama make mine music forum where phantom-Dragon suggest it i would be live it would work both characters try to show how capable they are even if it had disastrous results but they do try and make up and prove them selves at the end.
What did you think of these relationships let me know In the comments on each one and think how they might turn out.

Group Admin

1. Twilight/Woody: I can definitely find this relationship believable.

2. Rainbow Dash/Merida: The motherly issues seem a little questionable especially as it makes more sense for Merida than Dash. On one hand, it's embarrassing for Dash to get all the praise from her mother for even the smallest things even though she herself didn't realize how lucky a child would be to get such praise and admiration (Plus her mother is at least very nice). As for Merida and her mother, they argue a lot especially around the beginning of the flick. Merida wants to feel free to make her own decisions and be her own princess without having to marry, while Elinor tries so hard to encourage the importance of their clan's traditions even when it seems she's trying to dress Merida up to be like her. But, we shall see.

3. Applejack/Will Turner: One could argue they both have issues involving the loss of their parents. While Applejack lost both of her parents at an unknown period, Will's mother passed away while he thought his father perished at sea only to realize he's a prisoner on the 'Flying Dutchman'. And yet both would do whatever it takes to get what he wants, Will even believed that if he stabbed Davy Jones' heart then as captain he could free his father (Not realizing the price as to what happens to keep the 'Flying Dutchman' afloat).

4. Rarity/Duchess: I think the one major difference I can see is that Duchess doesn't get as dramatic as much as Rarity when things go wrong. She may get concerned and confused at times, but she doesn't seem like the type to get angry or dramatically depressed.

5. Pinkie/Tigger: Boy what a duo they would make.

6. Fluttershy/WALL-E: As far as love for animals go, up until the little robot met E.V.E. the only friend WALL-E had is a cockroach which during that time was the only organic life he's seen. I don't know how Fluttershy feels about cockroaches, but given she cares for 'all' creatures (Even insects) I suppose she'd be the type to find the little guy cute. As far as romance goes, Fluttershy may not seem like the pony in a rush to pursue a steady relationship (Even though there's been many hints between her and Discord, indicating there's more than just a friendship) but she can understand how tough it must be for WALL-E to express how he feels toward E.V.E., whom during most of the movie is more focused on the mission to determine if life is 'still' thriving on Earth and if the crew on the Axiom can finally go home.

7. Spike/Peter: I 'did' make mention several weeks ago as to how I felt about this dynamic. Peter's actions to hunt down a wolf with seemingly no other motivation than to prove he can be as manly as his grandpa-pa and the three local hunters comes off as reckless, Spike is not exactly the epitome of perfection himself. He too has made mistakes, he 'does' go to great lengths even though it's unnecessary (Such as when he pledged to be an 'Assistant' to Applejack just because she saved him from Timberwolves), and he even tried in vain to sing the 'Cloudsdale' Anthem just because he botched the torch-lighting ceremony and despite the fact he didn't know the lyrics (It's like watching a guy fail so miserably at karaoke, either they get all the lyrics wrong, they don't project loud enough, or they don't sing at all... I call it a waste of time).

Tim Ribbert
Group Admin

Can agree on dash and merida on being headstrong and wanting their following their own destinies

Group Admin

Absolutely, especially Rainbow Dash. With Dash, she always wants to feel 'in charge' regardless of the circumstance and will do anything it takes to be the center of attention. True her loyalty with her friends won't falter, she'll be there for the girls no matter what, but every so often that force of will is tested especially if there's something that could benefit her. Plus like Merida, Rainbow Dash doesn't always make the 'best' decisions which has often cost her a shot at being the 'Popular Member' of the Mane Six (Most of the honor going to Fluttershy). But... No matter how many mistakes R.D. makes, which is 'a lot', she does try hard to atone for her misdeeds especially when she's motivated to try.

In a way, I think Rainbow Dash can learn as much from Merida as the latter could do the same for Rainbow Dash. Perhaps even learning to appreciate a mom who takes all her time to be there for her daughter and trying to help her prepare for the future, even if Merida feels that she's trying to mold her into her own image.

Group Admin

Sounds great.

Tim Ribbert
Group Admin

What do you like on each one?

Group Admin

I love all of them and they kinda fit.

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I sincerely look forward to how the overall stories turn out in an effort to dive into some chemistry potential with some of these pairs.

Tim Ribbert
Group Admin


Definitely looking forward to it

Group Admin

It's not going to be a hop, skip, and a jump to get there what the way the series is going right now. But the day those stories are set to air, they'll be rather entertaining to read for sure.

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