The Disney Chronicles 134 members · 5 stories
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When 'The Disney Chronicles' eventually surpasses the 'Golden Age' of Disney, I believe it is during this era that'll be very tricky to put together stories for the Mane Six and their friends (Or at least, whomever decides to travel with them). By this point in time, America was in the middle of World War II and the animation department suffered drastically trying to raise the money that was spent to support the war efforts and thus putting many major ideas for Disney movies on hold. As if that wasn't enough, Disney was already at the risk of facing bankruptcy because up till this point the films following their more successful features didn't quite reach the success rate that they hoped for during those times (Granted, they'd be popular in sales in many years to come). It's not to say it's impossible to set a story for any of the following features after 'Bambi' (Such as the subject of this particular chapter), but it'll be extraordinarily difficult because most of the movies I'll eventually talk about 'barely' have anything to connect the segments together and some of the movies don't have ANY connection at all (Unless there's a way to create one).

Which leads to the start of the Wartime features to work with: Saludos Amigos, one of the few Disney features to explore Latin America as a way to educate the public about the location, it's traditions, and various other topics. I recall saying how I felt 'Dumbo' was one of the shortest features that Disney ever put together, after much further research... I admit I was wrong. At barely over a half hour of running time, this is the shortest feature Disney has ever put together as features only 'four' segments that barely has a story that ties them together.

All we know is that each segment begins with the Disney artists supposedly roaming the country drawing cartoons about the locals' culture and scenery (Although a cartoonist was disappointed how a certain character was used as the Image of Chile for the outside world). Perhaps there's a way to incorporate the use of the Mane Six for some of these parts, as some might not even know much about Latin America or have ever been anywhere on the Map with some place similar to this. And during which time, we can see them taking part in several adventures that were to take place during the events of the movie.

This way, it can help the Mane Six and their friends be introduced to two notable characters that Disney ever created: Donald Duck and Goofy, the former would be featured in the film's two segments. I can see them learning about Lake Titicaca while dealing with the troubles of an obstinate llama, take a wild ride with Pedro the airplane and the trouble they have just to deliver mail, to learning how to be a Gaucho when they find themselves in the Argentinian Pampas, and even meet Jose Carioca during a trip to Brazil while learning the Samba (They would meet him again in the following feature 'The Three Caballeros', but I'll get to that later).

I'm not going to lie this won't be one of the most 'epic' features at this point of the series. Movies like this are created mainly for educational purposes, to learn about a country some of us may hardly know about (Or at least what 'they' knew during that time). Could it still be a fun movie to work with? Absolutely, the only challenge I see is putting together a decent enough story that manages to tie all this together but I can count on the main writers to get it done nicely. Now I hear this rumor that this is where 'Capper' gets introduced as a guest character for this part of the Disney Chronicles and I can see some potential with his use (Especially since his major song in the movie has this Latin American vibe to it). I just hope that he won't be used just for the sake of the fanbase or because they 'like' him or just as an excuse to use him for the series as I'm a man who believes that a guest character should have a 'purpose' being in the story and any other reason well... It's not very well thought out, wouldn't it? Not to say I'm against this idea, I just hope he's used 'wisely'.

But what do the rest of you think of how this movie might turn out? Until we get to this segment, this is the Dramamaster829... Signing out!

Talk to Dinodisneylover1 about it.

Group Admin

If this post is anything like the last few bits I posted on the forums, I'll be hearing from him before I know it. Gives me something to do in the meantime.

Tim Ribbert
Group Admin

Well who would you pick to be for the guest character in the story

Group Admin

If I'm going to be honest, I'm fine if Capper is the guest star for this story. I can't really picture any other character to do this, on account that there's rarely an MLP character that would fit the structure of this particular episode and quite frankly I would be content if it was just Capper (Of course I hope Mr. Cricket is also involved, since he 'chose' to leave his world to explore new surroundings).

I don't usually make requests, but I do have one condition I'd like to share: If Capper is part of the cast for 'Saludos Amigos'... It's only fair that he takes part in 'The Three Caballeros'. On a technical note, it is 'technically' a follow-up to 'Saludos Amigos', that it continues the education of learning Latin America and it does follow a 'plot' involving a friend's birthday and it just makes sense.

Group Admin

And besides, even if I 'did' think of a guest character to incorporate into the 'Disney Chronicles' generally (And not just for one specific film), I do things differently than most people. I wouldn't use an already existing character from either the show or someone from Disney; it be a character entirely of my own accord. But considering that didn't work out so well when I used to work as a co-writer for another MLP fan-style series, I just keep it to myself.

Tim Ribbert
Group Admin

are you gonna do a forum on The Three Caballeros

Tim Ribbert
Group Admin

nice choice

Group Admin

Soon I will, I just haven't decided when I'm going to do so. My plan was to do a forum mainly on the Disney Theatrical Animated Features because 'initially' that's what I just thought the series was about. But as I look through the list over and over again, I see live action films and stop-motion productions and even 'Pixar' stuff and leaves me thinking, 'What IS the plan?'. How can one guy such as myself be able to cover it 'all' yet not knowing if any of this information is truly legit or for that matter if the series 'will' go on and not end during mid-production? Because when 'Lion King Hearts Fantasy Films' did that during the middle of their 'Little Mermaid' crossover and as a proud supporter of this group... I will admit that first time I was both disappointed and pretty pissed because I was looking forward to how it would turn out. If they were going to end their run with this movie, I believe it is smarter to just finish the whole movie in general and not just leave everything on a cliffhanger (I certainly wouldn't do that).

But for now, if and when I decide to do so, I'll definitely have something to say about 'The Three Caballeros' and all the other films after that. I will say the 'wartime' movies will be tricky for me to write about since I barely know most of them myself.

Group Admin

The key with incorporating an 'OC' is because you don't have all this 'pressure' to retain the characteristics that were established for a character or how you'd think they'd react to a particular circumstance. Because when you put together an OC, you're not just making another man or woman, you're not just dressing them up in a way you want, you don't just give them an accent or a weapon (If needed) or a place of origin or even a backstory (Some can remain completely ambiguous if need be)... You're creating a character who represents a part of 'you'. As the storyteller, anything you want with an OC can either be based on your life choices (Or life in general) or perhaps this character represents your inner most desires, someone you want to be but you'd never think to pull off in real life. You can be braver, stronger, faster, smarter, whatever... It's just a matter of being 'creative'. And that's why I feel there's more benefits in having an OC as opposed to having an already existing character because you do ONE THING wrong or attempt to do something that feels out of character for someone you already know (As MLP has done 'several' times)... You will NEVER, EVER hear the end of it... EVER...

So have fun with it! :)

Tim Ribbert
Group Admin

Yeah i hated when people cancel stories for no reason whatsoever also another thing there are 2 types of crossovers one where two franchises are in the the same place with an original story or they the main 7 are in the same story but slightly touch up a bit me and dino use the latter i don't like it when characters are in stories same things happen and yet they don't do anything i do a similar group like the disney chronicles they are called the video game chronicles

Group Admin

It's one thing to feature separate franchises as the central focus of the story or maintaining the originality of the product they are made to star in, but unless you add something to it or perhaps even address some of the issues even the best movies have overlooked then what's the point? You might as well just be watching the same movies that you could be doing on your Bluray and the laziest thing I see people do is just having their characters reacting instead of really doing much. Many crossover artists have fallen into this trap, but the worst them all is the overabundance of guest stars because they have no confidence in the central group handling the matters themselves. And most of those 'guests' don't contribute much to the story and the only reason they are added on is mainly out of nepotism, playing favorites if you will.

Fan writers or not, you have to use your wits if you want to truly hone your craft. Or else you are better off just being a spectator.

Tim Ribbert
Group Admin

Indeed iv been doing a story on spider-man ps4 and I have Twilight an arc in where twilight sparkle is pretty much board with her life she wants to go on adventure be free until she learns with great power comes great responsibility and of course the main 7 and spike will be actually be doing stuff innit instead of talking standing there doing nothing

Group Admin

I did see that story... Apparently it's not getting a ton of good reviews so far. And there's only been one chapter.

Tim Ribbert
Group Admin

Writers block

Tim Ribbert
Group Admin

But I have been trying my best

Group Admin

I know you are, we are only human after all. And it's unavoidable for people to make mistakes, as I believe there is no such thing as 'perfection'. But at the same time, all we can do is hope that regardless of how many mistakes we make one can take the time to 'learn' from them and at least 'try' not to repeat them. Otherwise, we can never grow as artists and are better off either trying a new hobby or remain a spectator for the rest of our lives.

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