The Disney Chronicles 134 members · 5 stories
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Excellent idea! Who better to judge Magnifico than Yen Sid himself?

Let’s hear how the trial goes.



After the adventure

*Magnifico was brought into a large room where all the wise characters and magical being Twilight and the others met on their adventures sat acting as the jury. In the large stand stood Yen Sid acting as the judge. The sorcerer looked down upon the now powerless ex-king with great authority*

Yen Sid: Magnifico, you stand before the court for the crimes you have committed. You stole the wishes of the people of Roses and used forbidden magic causing great despair in the kingdom and nearly let all the worlds and stories created by Walt Disney be destroyed. How can you justify yourself?

Not just Yen Sid. I'd imagine Magnifico would face against a whole tribunal of Disney Elders~

Judge: Yen Sid

Fairy Godmother
King Triton
The Enchantress
Mama Odie
Grand Pabbie

Magnifico: (clears his throat nervously before speaking) Look... I get how it all looks. I know that my actions look pretty terrible. Heh-heh... Even I'm surprised that I... Well, that I had it in me. But understand... that I only had... my kingdom's best interests at heart. I-I-I had the BEST interests of everyone in this Book at heart.

Merlin: And who pray tell gave you the authority to assume what our best interests were?!

Magnifico: Well... no one, but I mean, come on! (*turns to the jury as he nervously laughs a bit*) I mean, you all saw what's been going on with our magic for years, right? I mean, the fading, the slow decay of our magic, our memories? You all know that this had to end sooner or later, right? I mean, why bother keep the magic going if real people are just going to keep using Disney's wish just for their own selfish, cowardly purposes?

(*As Magnifico spoke, his attempts to defuse the court seemed to fade as his own true fears started to emerge from his rant*)

Magnifico: I mean... none of you even see what I saw! I've seen what those elite people really think about our worlds, our lives, our magic, our legacy: a means to an end that suits them and no one else. Not the ones who bring light, color, and life to our worlds. Not the ones who enjoy our presence. The ones who benefit from all of us when it comes to the pursuit of substance! And then! Those same people get to decide how to get rid of any of us, when we no longer "fit the image" of what Walt Disney stood for! Don't suppose I need to remind everyone here what became of a world involving a certain trickster rabbit, just because it was deemed "insensitive to modern attitudes"? Sure, that world was with us for a good long time. But then what?... Poof. Gone forever. No mention of it. Or rather, no attempt to make mention of it.

(*The judge and jury look down solemnly, knowing which world he was talking about, and Twilight and her friends could only feel saddened since it had felt like years since they had seen that world and its inhabitants from that now-bygone world*)

Magnifico: So I ask you all: what life is there when all we are, are just glimmers on the wall meant to be brought out and used so much until we start to dim, and then end up replaced by the next shiny face?! That's not the life my family would have wanted to have! That's NOT the life I wanted to live! For all of us to live! I mean, what good is a wish if it's never going to be recognized! Mine didn't come true! I didn't want any to ever feel like they had something to lose... for having a wish that wouldn't come true! That's why I did what I did! To protect everyone from themselves!

(*he breathes heavily while the court seemed to fall silent*)

Group Admin


Also, according to some new trivia, a tie-in book called "Wish: A Recipe for Adventure" gives a little more detail on Magnifico's motives. In the climax, he asks Star where it was when he was young and needed them, and why it took Asha for them to meet. Later, he says that without Asha challenging him he'd still think he needed everyone's trust and the closest thing he could get to happiness was being near their wishes. But thanks to her, he learned he could take what he wanted.

This sort of gives the idea that this idea about controlling others' wishes that would benefit him stems back to this sort of unresolved closure from the loss of his parents? Why hadn't the wishing star granted his wish when he lost his family? Why didn't it step in to make things right when he wished for it many times? Perhaps that could contribute to why he has such a low opinion on wishes: if his were never granted while others were, then why should he bother keeping his wishes alive?

Huh. These are some very interesting questions.

Those are some very good questions. Maybe since they couldn't be explored in the actual movie, those could be worth looking into in the Disney Chronicle's rendition.


Group Admin

Piglet: “Oh d-d-d-dear!”

Tigger: “Uh…I wasn’t really following to any of what he said. Can somebody repeat all that again, but slower?”

Winnie the Pooh: “It’s hard to hear everything over the sound of my tummy rumbling.”

Goofy: “Gwarsh! Looks to me somebody needs a hug!”

Donald Duck: “Ah phooey.”


*For a minute, the room was silent. Then Yen Sid spoke again*

Group Admin

But seriously. Hearing what Magnifico said, really hits us close to home…

Yen Sid: Magnifico... while there is truth in your words, the fact remains that you still chose to behave as you did. You chose to not have faith in your subjects, in any of us... and especially in Twilight and her friends when they first obtained possession of the Book. You chose to surrender to the fading of our worlds. You chose to abandon hope. You chose to give yourself fully to forbidden magic. And more importantly... you chose to handle all these problems alone. While no one should ever have to feel alone, none should continue to choose that path. (*he turns his head towards the direction of Twilight and her Equestrian friends*) Especially when there are others who offer a much better path.

(*As Yen Sid stated the case of Magnifico's guilt, the powerless king simply looked down in disgrace... before noticing what looked like a small scrap of paper magically forming in one of his bound hands. A scrap with the following words: 'Speak aloud the Name of the Lord of Death. Devote thyself to him, and thou shalt never see The End'.*)

Yen Sid: In the end, when it comes down to it, Magnifico... you chose to believe that there was no other way to use the magic that we, your teachers, have willingly taught you. Before this Council of Disney Lore decides your sentence, have you anything to say on your behalf?

(*The former king's eyes widened as he realized that Yen Sid was right... There was a better way to escape fading... and he was determined to take the opportunity now rather than never, clenching the paper tightly in his fingers to keep it hidden.*)

Magnifico: Well... you know, I actually do have something to say. Yen Sid... for once, you're right... Heh-heh... I was so blind to my own fear, my desperations, my ambitions for myself... that I thought that letting everything end was the noblest action.

(*Everyone looked at the former king with surprise and suspicion, as he slowly left his podium to approach his judge and jury, with his hands still bound in irons.*)

Magnifico: Oh, and what you said about handling all those little problems myself? You were right about that too. I mean... I'm clearly not strong enough to save this Book. I mean, not one of us is... But thankfully... I don't have to be strong enough. All I really need to do... is help make stronger the one who can. And so... former colleagues... *he chuckles rather softly a bit before continuing* it's been nice knowing you all. Because all I can say is two little words.

(*All leaned in a bit, wondering what sort of trick Magnifico could have up his sleeve.*)

Magnifico: And those two words are... *he gives the classic evil grin* Lord Arawn...

(*At the sudden mention of that name, the scrap of paper hidden in Magnifico's hands burst into dark red sparks that slowly grew and began to encircle around the former king, almost consuming him like a fog as he laughed dramatically, much to the shock of all who were present, but not more so than Twilight and her friends.*)

Magnifico: So long, suckers! Ha-ha-ha-haaa! (*he turns his head towards Twilight and the others*) Oh, and Princess!... Next time we meet up... bring your A-game... (*his look turns dark with a glaring look in his eyes*) because you haven't seen what I can really do...

(*The sparks covered the last of the man's glaring green eyes before suddenly dissipating, revealing his disappearance and causing everyone all in presence to become worried and get themselves worked up.*)


Spike: Twilight?... What did he mean?

Twilight: ...I think... I think we need to prepare.

Spike: Prepare?... For what?

Twilight: ... War...


Thus begins the epic finale with elements from Avengers 3 and 4 as well as Kingdom Hearts.




Things are really heating up for our heroes. Everyone better bring their A-Game.

Group Admin

So much for turning over a new leaf. But this would be a great way to add some tension to the series. If Arawn is not introduced earlier before this project.

Group Contributor

Of course you realize, this means war!

Group Contributor

Of course you realize...this means war!

Group Admin


How about Peter Pan, Pirate's Bane and Tinker Bell, Giant Fairy?

"You want revenge on Peter Pan, Captain?" King Magnifico asked, before he granted Hook's wish. "It's yours!"

Soon, the evil pirate finds himself coated with sparkling dusts that lifted him off the ground, and he lets out a bellowing triumphant holler.

"IT'S HOOK!" Captain Hook declared. "He FLIES! And he LIKES IT!"

With that, Captain Hook and Peter Pan engaged in an epic battle, but in the air. Captain Hook slashed his sword at Peter, who evaded the attack, before he retaliated and landed a double-kick to Captain Hook, sending the pirate to bounce off a flag.

"You want to fly?" Peter Pan taunted. "Let's fly!"

With the Book of Disney losing its magic, all of the Disney Characters and friends were slowly losing their colors and fading away.

Rainbow Dash takes the magic brush and paints in the Book of Disney's dying pages.

"Rainbow Dash?" Merida asked. "What are ya doin'?"

"Gettin' reinforcements, but 20% cooler!" Rainbow replied.

With that, the magic brush worked its magic, just in time to rejuvenate Peter Pan, restoring his flight, while also donning him with new garments.

With a loud crow, Peter Pan broke free from his chains and stood before Rainbow Dash and Merida.

"Thanks for getting me out of there, Rainbow!" Peter Pan smiled. "Now I can free Tinker Bell and the others!"

"Uh...about that, Peter," Rainbow Dash pointed, to which Peter looked behind him, and his jaws fell to the floor upon seeing.

"Tinker Bell?" Peter Pan exclaimed.

"Now that's a big fairy!" Merida exclaimed.

Group Admin

King Magnifico grants Prince John's wish

"King Magnifico isn't just recruiting the villains to fight back," Twilight watched in horror. "He's giving powers to them, by granting their wishes!"

Asha and the heroes watched in horror as King Magnifico granted Prince John's wish. With that, Prince John robe turned emerald green, with a matching crown that's even bigger than the one he stole from King Richard. Not only that, but one of his hand was shining.

"Yes! YES!" Prince John roared as he went over and touched a pillar, which immediately turns to gold. "YEEEESSSSSS!!!! A-HA! I am the richest king in the WOOOORRRRLLLLLLDDDD!!!!"

"Uh...of your world, perhaps," Magnifico stated. "But remember, this is my realm. I reign supreme here, Prince John."

"That's King John to you," Prince John snarled.

"Whatever. Just remember, I granted your wish, so I can take it away. And you and I both know you don't want to go back to working in big brother's rock pile again, do you?"

Prince John immediately backed away, retracting his earlier statement, "No! Certainly, not. Uh...thank you, your...your majesty. I was simply excited to have my wish granted, at last."

"Understandable," King Magnifico rolled his eyes. "Now listen carefully. That outlaw, Robin Hood, is already in leagues with Asha and those ponies. I trust you can handle him, and leave Asha to me?"

"But of course," Prince John replied. "Now that I have the power to turn anything, or anyone, into gold, Robin Hood won't even dare to touch me, unless he risks that I touch him."

"Good. Now go already. Just do it."

"Hmph," Prince John scowled as he takes his leave, with his rhino guards and Sir Hiss following. "Ordering me around? The nerve..."

"Well, he is a powerful sorceress, your highness," Sir Hiss reminded.

"Shut up, Hiss," Prince John snarled. "Unless you want to become a glorified golden back scratcher..."

Prince John defeated...again

"Oh mommy..." Prince John moaned as he proceeds to suck his thumb, while forgetting one important detail.

"Wait! Your highness! DON'T!" Sir Hiss warned, but it was too late.

Prince John had sucked the thumb on his golden hand, turning himself into a golden statue.

"Welp...I tried to warn you, but as always, you just wouldn't listen..." Sir Hiss shook his head.

"Oh dear goodness," Fluttershy exclaimed, before she turned to Twilight and friends. "We are going to turn him back to normal, aren't we?"

"Even someone as greedy and dastardly like him doesn't deserve a fate like this," Jiminy Cricket commented.


And why stop there? You need some warrior classes to take on Magnifico! May I suggest any of the following?

Aladdin, Heroic Outlaw
Arthur, Trained Swordsman (or Wizard's Apprentice)
Flynn Rider, His Own Biggest Fan
Hercules, Divine Hero
Jim Hawkins, Thrill Seeker
John Silver, Greedy Treasure Hunter
Milo Thatch, King of Atlantis
Mulan, Free Spirit
Rapunzel, Letting Down Her Hair
Raya, Leader of Heart
Robin Hood, Champion of Sherwood

Group Admin



"Belle?" Twilight said nervously, seeing how dire the situation was growing outside. "Mr. Maurice. Anything yet?"

"We're almost ready," Belle replied as she and her father were making last minute adjustments to their latest invention.

"We just need to fine-tune a few parts," Maurice added.

"Allow me, my good man!" Basil insisted.



Phantom, you keep amazing us.

Group Admin

Aw, thanks.

But I don't deserve such praise.

Group Admin

I read that the queen in Wish was originally also meant to be a villain, making her and Magnifico a Disney villain couple. What do you guys think? You think she's best as a good guy or a bad guy?

Group Admin

It would've been quite a twist if it turned out she's as much a villain as her husband. No one would've seen that coming. But... good guy or not, it wouldn't really matter to me honestly. I mean I like that she's a good Queen who recognizes that her husband is not thinking straight. But, at the same time, if all of that was just leading to a false sense of security that she's actually been planning on Magnifico corrupting himself with the magic just so she could take control. That way when he's down then perhaps it would turn out she already read parts of the book and had control of the magic all along. Like how Zoe from 'Digimon Frontier' had better control of her beast spirit more than the boys.

But... another element to consider is whether this movie gets a sequel. If it doesn't, then it would be safe to consider 'alternatives' to her run in the story.

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  1. Aladdin, Heroic Outlaw
  2. Arthur, Trained Swordsman (or Wizard's Apprentice)
  3. Flynn Rider, His Own Biggest Fan
  4. Hercules, Divine Hero
  5. Jim Hawkins, Thrill Seeker
  6. John Silver, Greedy Treasure Hunter
  7. Milo Thatch, King of Atlantis
  8. Mulan, Free Spirit
  9. Rapunzel, Letting Down Her Hair
  10. Raya, Leader of Heart
  11. Robin Hood, Champion of Sherwood

“It’s time to duel!” Spike and Rainbow Dash shouted, as they both restored and summoned more of their Disney friends to battle.

First up, Aladdin broke free from his chain, dressed in a new garment, a flowing cape, and equipped with a large shiny saber.

Next, young King Arthur reclaimed his sword, now newly reforged with Fairy Godmother’s powers, together with Merlin’s spell book. A heroic king of swordsmanship and sorcery.

“Treguna Mekoides and Trecorum Satis Dee!” King Arthur recited, slamming his sword into the ground, bringing a whole army of suits to life.

And soon, more familiar friends were restored, but new and improved.

“Oo-de-lally!” Robin Hood shouted, stretching his arms out after he felt restored, and received a hug from Skippy.

“It’s good to have you back, Mr. Robin Hood, sir!” Skippy smiled.

“Hercules!” Spike smiled as he and Hercule shared a quick fist bump. “You ready to kick some bad guys’ butts?”

“I’m ready when you are!” Hercules smiled as he gives Spike a playful noogie.

“And I’ll make sure you don’t bring down the building again, like last time,” Aladdin reminded Hercules of their previous encounter. (See Hercules and the Arabian Nights)

“Wow, would you look at us?!” Pinkie Pie smiled. “Would you just LOOK at us?! It’s like we’re in Disney World, but everyone’s all here! And I mean everyone! We gotta throw ourselves a Disney reunion crossover party!”

“How about we take down Magnifico and the villains first, then we can throw a party, Pinkie Pie?” Rapunzel suggested.

“Yeah! And make sure my nose looks right,” Eugene added. “Especially if you’re going to make an ice sculpture of me, after I save everyone.”

You save everyone?” Jim snarked.

“Yeah. Is that so difficult to believe?”

“Enough talk!” Mulan shouted, getting everyone’s attention. “Let’s get down to business! The longer we waste time, the more powerful Magnifico gets, and the more our friends and worlds will be destroyed.”

“So what’s the plan?” Raya asked.

Everyone all turned to Asha and her teenage friends, as they pondered on how they can fight back the villains, infiltrate Magnifico’s study, and rescue their friends and the wishes.

Group Admin

This is the thanks I get?! — Magnifico (summons Disney Villains)

I can't help it if mirrors love my face
It's genetics, yeah, I got these genes from outer space
Peep the name, I'm magnificent
I put the "I" in omnipotent
I'm passionate, I'm not petulant
Someone praise me for my benevolence
Um, just look, he-he

I'd give the clothes off Benito's back
If you really needed that
I'd be the first one to volunteer Henry
If your home were to crumble, or if you were in trouble
I let you live here for free, and I don't even charge you rent
I clean up all your messes, and I'm always there when you need to vent

I give, and give, and give, and give
You'd think they'd all be content
And all I really want is just a little respect

And this is the thanks I get?
This is the thanks I get?
And this is the thanks I get?
And this is the thanks I get?
"So brilliant, " oh, that's the least you could say
There's more, admit it
You're cute, and strong, and bold, and brave, thanks
See this kingdom, I built it up
And you still complain? I'm grateful much
Hm, are you sure that you're not the prob?
I'd love to see you try and do my job

Oh-oh, I granted 14 wishes last year
Come on, that's a high percent
And now you're questioning your king?
Disrespect, I just underwent
You know I always got your back
Yeah, really though it's no sweat
Since the day you were born, and the day that we met

And this is the thanks I get?
This is the thanks I get?
And this is the thanks I get?
And this is the thanks I get?

I didn't wanna do this
I swore, I'd never do this
But I'm hypnotized by how these pages flip
'Cause I refuse to have my power stripped

A potion, a spell, a summon, a curse?
Anything to make that light reverse
To this book, I don't wanna be tethered, but
Desperate times call for desperate measures

Brr, where was I? Oh, yeah
There's a traitor in this town, and still I remain unbent
Come out now, explain yourself
I'm sure, it's all just an accident
Well, whoever finds them first
Now, that's a wish well spent
Honestly, keeping you safe should be worth every cent

And this is the thanks I get?
This is the thanks I get?
And this is the thanks I get?
This is the thanks I get?
Oh, this is the thanks I get? (I get, I get, I get)

Good guy, definitely. Magnifico definitely stands better as his own villain, while Amaya serves as a closer witness to her own husband's descent to inner darkness. Plus, we shouldn't keep to the "evil queen" Disney trope. Bad guys can be kings too and there can be good queens too, so kudos on her for being a good queen.

I like that... Plus, it makes sense for Magnifico to recruit villains who are technically still alive. Though I imagine the villains in the Lorcana illustrations aren't *all* the villains he'd be recruiting.


This Wish adventure might be the biggest Disney crossover ever.

Considering it's also a 100th Anniversary film, it makes sense to do it better justice than the studio did.

Group Contributor

rubbish! You do great!

Group Contributor

Good. at least its good to know that at the top, SOMEONE knows corruption when they see it.

Group Admin


I like that... Plus, it makes sense for Magnifico to recruit villains who are technically still alive.

Oh yeah. Disney Villains who are still alive, according to their respective lores. Meaning we won’t be expecting reappearances of:

  1. Jafar
  2. Scar
  3. Ursula
  4. Maleficent
  5. Queen Grimhilde
  6. And others.

Though I imagine the villains in the Lorcana illustrations aren't *all* the villains he'd be recruiting.

Nope. There are so many more Disney Villains for Magnifico to bring into the fight against the heroes. Disney villains who are still alive and not “reformed.”

We got:

  1. Queen of Hearts
  2. Shere Khan
  3. Kaa
  4. Edgar
  5. Stromboli
  6. The Coachman (if he survived the fall off the cliff)
  7. The Headless Horseman (Once Upon a Studio confirmed he’s a separate character)
  8. Chernabog
  9. Hades
  10. The Firebird
  11. The dude who shot Bambi’s mom

Yeah. There are a lot more Disney villains for Magnifico to recruit than the ones in the cards.


This Wish adventure might be the biggest Disney crossover ever.


Considering it's also a 100th Anniversary film, it makes sense to do it better justice than the studio did.


And then there's Hans, Dawn Bellwether, Alameda Slim and the Willies, Rico, Governor Ratcliffe, to name some of the major villains of animated features.


Oh yeah. Disney Villains who are still alive, according to their respective lores. Meaning we won’t be expecting reappearances of:

Indeed... although... I imagine another villain could have had his own plans in resurrecting deceased Disney Villains for their own plans throughout much of the course of the Chronicles, and was only waiting until someone was ambitious enough (or foolish enough) to gather the remaining Villains for his own agents to recruit.

Group Contributor

WISH For the final battle of heroes-

Group Admin

Chicken chorus | The Seven Teens Meet the Seven Dwarfs

Imagine this scene, but with the Seven Dwarfs and others

“Are you okay, Asha?” Dahlia asked.

“Something’s up with you,” Gabo said suspiciously.

“What are you hiding?” Hal asked.

“OH! Nothing!” Asha exclaimed, trying to keep the door closed. “And…nobody.”

“What is going on in there?” Dahlia asked.

“Why are you all sweaty?” Dario scratched his chin.

“You can tell us anything,” Hal reassured.

“MOVE! Or we break the door down!” Gabo shouted.

“Goodness! No!” Fluttershy exclaimed.

“That’s breaking and entering,” Owl lectured. “As my old uncle Albert would—OOMPH!”

“Shhhh! Quiet!” Rabbit shushed the owl, before he completely blew their cover.

“Who said that?” Gabo asked, turning around to look, to which Asha panicked.

“NO! No!” Asha shouted, before she caved in. “Fine…FINE! Last night, after everything happened, I made a wish…on a star.”

There was a moment of awkward silence, until Gabo broke it with, “What are you? Five?”

“And the Star…answered,” Asha then opened the door to reveal an astonishing sight to behold.

Valentino conducting the chickens in a musical chorus.

Lady Kluck and Chicken Little were leading the dance, with Alan-a-Dale providing music backups on his lute, while Valentino conducted the singing chorus with a stick for a baton.

“That’s it ladies,” Valentino said. “Your wings can’t fly. But your voices CAAAANNNN!!!!”

“Everybody dance now!” Chicken Little then showed off some dance, spinning on top of his head, with some chickens following along.

Lady Kluck was also showing off a few can-can dance which some chickens copied. Then, both she and Alan-a-Dale held hands and danced together.

Asha and her friends were all gulpsmacked at what they were seeing. Both goat and chickens were so swept up in their festivity, they didn’t even notice their captivated audience. Nor did the teenagers notice a few more visitors entering the room.

“Okay ladies,” Valentino began. “Big finish!”

With that, the chickens all sang and danced, leading up to the big finale, with Star bursting a blast of light for emphasis.

At first, Asha and her friends were awestruck, until a clap was heard, to which they all turned to see Dopey applauding the hens for their performance. At least, until Doc stopped him.

“Dopey! Stop!” Doc berated.

“I must dreaming,” Simon yawned. “Those garden gnomes are talking.”

“It’s no dream, Simon!” Happy smiled. “We’re very real!”

“And a-and a-a-a-ACHOO!” Sneezy sneezed. “Alive…”

“Temporarily,” Grumpy grumbled. “If we don’t get the Book of Disney fixed soon, this will be our last day!”

Group Admin

Just because he’s not in the credit, or have a Lorcana card, yet, doesn’t mean Taran can’t make an appearance.

Taran and Arthur working together

Taran and Arthur found themselves back-to-back as they’re all surrounded by skeleton knights.

Both Disney heroes slashed their magical swords at the forces of evil, but they just kept on coming.

Group Admin

With all these Disney Lorcana cards, I wonder if we can somehow make a game out of them, here at the Disney Chronicles?

Like somehow, we could stack them together, then shuffle them at random, and whatever Disney character we pull out, we have to come up a scenario for them to be in Wish?

Group Admin

I mean the idea does seem to have a bit of merit. But it would take some reconfiguring to even make it work without making it sound so complicated.

Group Admin

Twilight and Belle are like the ideal Disney besties.

But the more I think about it, maybe when we were young, and we watch Disney movies, we sorta find ourselves drawn to certain Disney characters. Not because of their appearances and design, but because they're like reflections of ourselves, and we're instantly drawn to them. In a way, they're like our dearest lifelong friends, even if they're only in pictures (Meet-and-greet photos included as well).

And with all the rumors and gossips going around, saying stuff like "Disney is dying," then this is one of those moments where we would find ourselves patching things, making amends, or making some kind of "closure" with our Disney friends, if this were to be the last time we see of them.

Twilight and Belle singing "At All Costs" reprisal

Twilight Sparkle: (Singing)
If happiness was a tangible thing
It would be you
If you'd have told me the feeling you'd bring
I'd think it untrue
And people search for a wonder like you
All of their lives
You still amaze me after all this time

Twilight cried tears of mixed feelings – joy, sadness, longing nostalgia – as she walked up to Belle, like a friend reaching out to a dear lifelong friend they haven't seen in a long time. Returning the feeling, Belle also walked up to Twilight, with her arms stretching out, to pull the little pony in for a hug.

You pull me in like some kind of wind
Mesmerized by the hold I'm in
Leave you here, I don't wanna
I wanna

Belle and Twilight looked up to see Prince Adam standing by the doorway, watching the tender moment between Twilight and Belle. Both girls smiled as they gestured for the man to join in the group hug.

Twilight, Belle, and Adam:
Promise as one does
I, I will protect you at all costs
Keep you safe here in my arms
I, I will protect you at all costs
At all costs

Group Contributor

I agree. Twilight and Belle are indeed the ideal Disney besties.

Twi and Belle are truly the best of friends.

Group Admin

Because Taran had lost his sword to the “Witches of Morva,” he is in need of a new blade, and a set of armor.

And he is in need of magical help from the good fairies — Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather — and Fairy Godmother, Mystical Armorer

Group Admin

Leave it to those girls to whip up something special for their friends. And they don't even ask for anything in return.

Group Admin

And a demonstration to how powerful they(Fairy Godmother, the three good fairies, plus the Blue Fairy, etc.) are compared to the “Witches of Morva,” who needed to bargain to take Taran’s sword in exchange for the Black Cauldron, or restore Gurgi to prove their “prowess.”

Group Admin


Their friendship and chemistry will be so infectious for all of us, Disney and pony fans alike.

In fact, I think I’ll go and re-read some of the scenes we’ve pitched over the years, feauturing Twilight and Belle.

Group Contributor

Great! Here's the one I did when Princess Celestia talks to Twilight when she misses Belle.

Princess Celestia talking to Twilight

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