The Unified Creators Alliance 495 members · 1,826 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Group Admin

I have gone through my admin list and I have noticed that a few have been absent from the site for over six months, a year with some of them. What I have decided to do is move them to contributor status so that if they come back, I can restore their admin position more easily. This is going to be my policy now, if someone is absent from the site for six months, I will drop them to contributor status. If I need new admins, I will let you guys know.

Can I be a Admin? I solemnly swear to abuse the rank and power bestowed upon me at or below that of a red headed step child:trollestia:

Group Admin


Tell you what, I'll make you a contributor for now and once the need arises, I'll interview the people who are big question, do you plan on leaving the site any time soon?

Nope, I'm here for the long haul

Group Admin


Sweet, I'll see if anypony else comments on this and if not, we can begin to talk via PM because I prefer to know my admins and for them to know me rather than just giving someone an admin spot on the spot.

Let us descend into Hellscape of weirdness together:pinkiecrazy:

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