Please Read My Story 367 members · 3,856 stories
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I have decided the best way to promote myself as an author and as a generally creative person is to Update all of my stories on a regular basis and to go back to my original stories and finish them one by one. I have already completed on of those older stories, Realizations: Cycle 2 and I am going forward with all the others. I am also giving love to those stories that have been languishing on other sites. I am posting the full update schedule for those interested. Thanks to the Admin that explained about embeding as some of these stories are a bit NSFW and I could not otherwise direct others to them in any way. I am also going to be sharing the link to all of my home pages on those other sites, so if anything catches your fancy please tell me what you thing. I like comments, they make me happy, and I try to reply to each one.

On Monday I will be updating my original story, called the Princess and His Knight. It is a gender role reversal tale and I am quite enjoying writing it. Turns out I can't imbed from FictionPress. I will include the link to my FictionPress page here. The first chapter is the only one with any NSFW material so far, but more will probably be included. I will also be updating the Collab I am doing with Equestrian Twist called Friendship is Magic: Gotham on this day. The update on FiM: Gotham will be on the Monday after we are all done with the edits.

On Wedensday I will be updating

[Adult story embed hidden]

and on that one, I am editing a chapter at the same time I post a chapter. Last week I got the edit of the one chapter done than was unable to post a new one. I am going to go for both this week. Be warned: NSFW.

Also on Wedensday I am going to be updateing a story of mine that I have managed to convince the love of my life Notjohnharker to edit. We just finished Realizations: Cycle 2 and are now moving on to Monster's Debt Paid.

On Friday, I will be Updating my Gravity falls Fanfic, Everyone Needs A Monster Sometimes.

On Sat or Sun, I will be putting up a blog with updates and ramblings and any other nonsense that I feel I need to get out of my brain. There may be a point to it, but probably not.

And Now here they are, as promised, those other sites:




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