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FiMfiction is a fun site, but negative Nancys are everywhere! Your writing will always improve, so never fear failure!

Unless of course it doesn't improve, but somehow gets worse with every word that stains the paper. Forcing you to stare endlessly into the paper, waiting for inspiration, and slowly slipping into madness.

Oh but yea, watch out for those Negative Nancys.

If your writing gets worse, that's actually a good thing. It means you have another idea rattling in your head that's blocking the rest. Just try writing something random and, if it ain't that, meditate and see if it is a personal problem
Solving the gunk in your head will enlighten and enhance your mood for a long time. Take all this with some salt, though, as I'm an engineer and that's just how my brain works.

Quillian Inkheart
Group Admin

Ugh... Writer's block is the worst... :rainbowderp: *stares at my lack of updates* Damn you, brain. Work harder!

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