Please Read My Story 367 members · 3,862 stories
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TStars in the Sky
Starry Sparks is a wandering alicorn. Adventure follows in her hoof steps, and now she has to stop an ancient villain from taking over the Equestria. Easy, right? Yeah...let's go with that.
Book_Wyrm · 20k words  ·  17  3 · 767 views
Quillian Inkheart
Group Admin

Better. :twilightsmile:
The real question is, do you think you should write something specifically for your promotion, or does the short synopsis do it? That, ultimately, is up to you. I personally like the extra fluff in writing a new promotional synopsis. :rainbowlaugh:

Oh, and don't re-post in the SSPB yet. I'd like to get a second Mod to approve you breaking the 7 day rule. :derpytongue2: You can freely edit your current promotion till then.

Sorry about that. Didn't know the rule:derpyderp2:

Quillian Inkheart
Group Admin

Oh, you didn't do anything wrong. That's not a rule in this Group, but in the Shameless Self Promotion Group. I was just giving you a head's up. No harm, no foul, friend. I'm going to get you permission to delete the old thread and post a new one. I doubt it'll be an issue, but as I said, feel free to edit the other thread as you please. :twilightsmile:

Quillian Inkheart
Group Admin

Not a problem, friend. Have fun writing and promoting. :twilightsmile:

You're the first people to welcome me into the website. You are great.

Quillian Inkheart
Group Admin

We hope to set the standard. :twilightsmile: I've personally found this site to be mostly filled with kind, understanding people. I look forward to seeing your progress in the writing community. Oh, and here, let me give you your second Follow too.

Group Admin

I hoped that you will come to me or Quillian inkheart if you have any problems and we both can't wait until you get noticed. Good luck with writing and most importantly have fun.

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