Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss 175 members · 32 stories
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(Forgive me for not being the best writer)

Crimson light shines through the windows of the hotel, in one corner Alastor’s making dad jokes, Angel’s dancing around the room, flirting with every male he comes across, Charlie and Vaggie are sitting on the couch, enjoying the sight of everyone having fun in the hotel. Crymini and Cherri Bomb are sitting at the bar, laughing as they down some beer. Husk is smiling for once as he serves the girls some more alcohol, while Sir Pentious and Baxter are in another corner, coming up with some new intricate machine to test, and Mimzy is laughing at Niffty’s antics as she tries to clean every little mess in the room.

“Why did old Voxey boy watch the bank teller for hours on end?” Asks Alastor, “Because he has tellervision!” And, while Vaggie and Angel cringe at his poor attempt at a joke, this earns a few chuckles from around the room.

“Well then,” Alastor continues, “How about I tell you the time I-” Suddenly, before he could finish his joke, there comes the chime of a bell, followed by an ear-piercing eldrich screech and flashes of brilliant white and golden light from outside the building. “Well… That was unexpected…” Alastor says.

A few moments pass as realization dawns on everyone, and then the door bursts open as Molly comes running in, “Guys!” She yells at the top of her lungs, “We got a problem! A very, very, big problem!” as the sounds of screaming echo in from outside.

Just like at the end of the first episode, Alastor, Charlie, Vaggie, Angel, Husk, and Niffty all poke their heads out of the doorframe and see, up in the sky, in the center of the big glowing pentagram, is a point of brilliant light like the noonday sun, and spreading from that point are dozens of cracks in the sky, allowing brilliant white light to shine through. “Oh shit…” Charlie says, as hundreds of distant black dots, like a flock of birds, start descending from the rift in the sky, heading in the general direction of the hotel.

The TV next to the bar emits a burst of static as whatever was playing earlier suddenly shuts off. Vaggie turns to the stunned and terrified hotel guests, “Everyone! Arm yourselves! Head to the basement!” She shouts, drawing her angelic spear.

We then cut to a scene were dozens of souls, including Tom, Travis, Rosie, and Katie are running toward a building, once Tom gets inside, he slams the door shut before Katie could get in. She slams her fist against the door, yelling “Tom! You jackass! Let me in! Now!” Then, she twists her head around a full 180 degrees at the sound of a sword being drawn, and stares into the eyes of an Exterminator, its halo glowing with white flames.

From outside the door, Katie screams as blood paints the windows, everyone is frozen in terror as a flash of light blows down the door and the Exterminator drops Katie’s corpse to the ground as it floats closer to the cowering souls. Then, as it raises its sword to slice off Tom’s head, the sound of a gunshot fills the room, and from behind them, Arackniss holds a smoking revolver, the Angel falling to the ground, a hole in its head. Arackniss leaps forward and grabs the angel’s sword, using it to impale the wounded angel as it struggles back to its feet.

Arackniss turns to Tom and the others, pulling out an SMG from inside himself, “You know how to use it?” He asks Tom, who doesn’t respond, but takes the gun anyway, “Here’s some extra mags, make sure to put them to good use…” He grimly says as he stares out the door to the two other angels outside, their faces filled with rage at seeing one of their kin slain by a mortal soul.

Meanwhile, we get images of the angels passing over the streets, descending like birds of prey, picking off the souls who were unable to get to shelter in time with jabs of their spears and slashes of their swords. The music in the background an eerie combination of gregorian chants, melodic screaming, and dark drum beats. A soul is running in the streets as a shadow looms over him, the screen goes black as we hear the slash of a sword, then we see an angel, larger, scarier, than the others, in an armoured black suit with gold trim, his face and long flowing hair a silhouette against the brilliant light shining from the rift above, his body wreathed in white flames, and a sadistic grin crossing his face.

We cut back to the hotel, the panicking residents fleeing to the basement. Charlie stares at the door, sighing, then the voice of Vaggie comes from behind her, “Are you sure about this?” She asks, “Y-You could get killed…”

“I have to do something,” Charlie says, turning to stare at Vaggie, who is still holding her spear in one hand, and one of Cherri’s bombs in the other. “And if things go bad, I have you with me,” Leaning forward for a kiss, but is stopped when Vaggie plants a hand on her chest.

“No, don’t do that, you know what happens when people do that… They don’t come back… Just go.”

With that, Charlie steps outside the door and bat-like demonic wings spawn from her back. She floats up into the sky to confront the angels, who turn to stare at the interloper. “Stop this!” Charlie shouts. “There’s no need for this violence!”

A regal laugh, filled with menace, echoes across hell, and the burning angel flies up to face Charlie, “You, Nephilim, are in no position to argue, you see the depravity of these sinful souls, give us a reason why we should cease this cleanse?”

“We don’t have to slaughter these souls!” She shouts back, “They can be redeemed!”

“Redemption!” The archangel shouts, “I have lived for millennia, I have slain millions of souls, not once have I seen one worthy of my lord’s mercy, they have already been judged in life, they cannot be redeemed now! There is no second chance…” He grins. His words echoed by every angel in hell.

“No!” Charlie shouts back, “I can-”

“You dare talk back to me! I am Gabriel! You are nought but a fallen half-breed!” With that, the archangel points his sword at Charlie.

We cut back to the hotel, everyone cowering in the basement when Vaggie bursts through the door, “What are you doing!” She yells down at the hiding souls.

“Surviving!” Baxter replied.

“I’m not letting myself get cut apart by those things!” Sir Pentious says.

“Yeah,” Angel Dust speaks up, “I already died once, I don’t want to know what double-death is like…”

Vaggie stares back, angry, “Seriously… Seriously! Charlie’s out there, alone!”

“Why would we risk our existences for that crazy bitch!” Molly shouts.

Vaggie, enraged, her hair flowing in an invisible wind and bow spiked upward like horns, shouts back, “Tell me!” She yells, louder than before, “Tell me why you’re all here!”

“Are you retarded?” Cherri speaks up, “We’re here to hide from those fucking angels!”

“No, not why are you here, in this basement, why are you here… In hell…”

“What the fuck are you on about? We’re here because we were assholes in life, why else would we bere here, in Hell!” Crymini replies.

Vaggie marches forward and stares right into Crymini’s eyes, “Exactly! We were all assholes in life! But, Charlie isn’t, Charlie is one of the best damn souls in this hellhole, and are you just going to let her die out there?”

“Why? Why should we help her?” Husk asks.

“Why?” Vaggie shouts, “Angel!” She turns, to stare at the startled spider, “Who was it that gave you a free room when you ran away from Valentino! Who was it that stood up for you when Henroin came to take you back! Who was it that gave you, all of you, a chance to get out of this pit of pain and suffering!”

“I-” Angel begins.

“Charlie! That’s who, and if she dies, then there’s no one left who can save you… Will you let her die and condemn yourselves to this pit until the next extermination, or will you fight for a chance, however slim, that you can be saved!”

Angel sighs, “Well…” He pauses, “I don’t want to die again, I don’t want to stop existing…”

“You’re going to die anyway,” Vaggie yells, “Year after year the exterminators come, one by one, no matter how well you hide, eventually, all of you would be picked off one by one if these exterminations keep coming, it could be next year, it could be a hundred years from now, a thousand, but you’re all going to die anyway… Unless we do something about it!”

Angel sighs again, “Fine!” He blurts out, “You’re right… But what can we possibly do against those monsters!”

“Oh, but you have me don’t you?” Alastor walks up to the front of the crowd, “I may not be able to kill them for good, but I can certainly show those freaks a thing or two…”

“We just need some of their weapons, those spears and swords work just as well against them as they do us…” Vaggie speaks up, thumping the end of her spear against the floor.

“Well… I’m in,” Cherri says, drawing everyone’s attention, “What... It’s been ages since I last had a good brawl, and this is bound to be one hell of a fight…”

“If you’re going, sugar tits, then I’m with you,” Angel continues.

“You’re not going out there to throw your life away without me little Angie…” Molly continues.

“Well, as crazy as it is… I’m in, this is going to be fun…” Crymini says, pulling a nailed bat from her jacket.

“You’re all suicidally insane, what good is a bat or bomb going to do against a creature that can fly,” Sir Pentious replies, “I’ll show those haughty bastards a proper weapon of a more civilized age,” Drawing an energy rifle from his suit.

Meanwhile, in the streets, Rosie slashes down an angel with an angelic sword, as Tom fires bursts from his SMG, wounding the angels long enough for Travis, angelic spear in hand, to put an end to them. All while Arackniss, revolver, SMG, and angelic spear in his eight arms, dances around the street, putting down angel after angel.

Suddenly, a voice echos across the sky, and everyone, angel and sinner alike, stare up to see Charlie, flying back and forth, dodging Gabriel’s slashes, his sword unleashing gouts of flame. As the battle in the sky begins, Charlie starts singing about how she tried to save their souls, but the angels aren’t listening to reason, and Gabriel’s voice joins hers, singing about how the souls of the depraved and sinful were already given a chance, how nothing Charlie does matters, and how he’ll slay the demons of hell. Transforming their fight into a duet to the death.

During an instrumental segment in the song, we cut back to see Rosie impaled by an angel’s spear, falling dead, right before Tom and Travis move forward to fight the angel that had just slain Rosie. All other sounds drowned out by the song above. And we also cut to see Vaggie leading the residents of the hotel out of the basement, all armed with their chosen weapons, they enter the lobby, and an angel bursts through the front door, dual swords in hand. Vaggie charges forward with her spear, catching the exterminator by surprise and running it through, she then bends down, grabbing the dead angel’s swords and passing them to Angel and Crymini. All while the song still plays in the background.

Finally, we return to Charlie fighting Gabriel. Razzle and Dazzle in their full demonic forms flying around the battle, fending off the other angels who attempt attack Charlie from behind. Still singing, Gabriel unleashed a burst of white fire from his hand at Charlie, who raises a shield of magical hellfire, but some of the holy fire gets through, lashing at Charlie, who screams as her shield falls. She falls for a moment before catching herself from her dive, only to end up face-to-face to Gabriel, his sword ready to cleave Charlie in two, when a beam of light strikes Gabriel in the back, marking the song’s climax.

Charlie turns to see the residents of the hotel swarming out of the building, several now armed with weapons taken from the angels they have slain. And Baxter, manning the laser cannon salvaged from the wreckage of Sir Pentious’s airship. Angel Dust, dual SMGs in hands, spraying into the sky, knocking exterminators from the sky. And Cherri throwing bombs into the fray, sending the mauled, but rapidly regenerating, angels flying in all directions, only to be picked off by Vaggie and Crymini with their stolen angelic weapons.

Gabriel, still regenerating from the beam cannon, growls and flies downward to enter the ground battle, but Charlie chases after him, not letting him harm any of her friends. Razzle and Dazzle fly up to block Gabriel, unleashing torrents of hellfire, Gabriel to supprised to dodge or block the attack, he falls down to the ground, meanwhile, Charlie grabs the neck of one of the angels sent flying by Cherri’s bombs, wrenching its sword from its hands, and slashing it in half before, she flies back to face Gabriel, armed this time.

Charlie allows herself to go full demon, her horns growing from her head and eyes turning red and yellow. Gabriel pulls himself up from where he fell and returns to the fight, his burns rapidly healing. Charlie charges forward, ready to stab Gabriel with her newly attained sword. Gabriel moves quickly and blocks Charlie’s stab. Then, as Charlie gets ready to slash, Gabriel brings his sword up and slashes Charlie across the chest, not enough to kill, but enough to hurt, then delivers a hard kick when sends Charlie falling to the ground and barreling through the wall of the hotel.

Gabriel lands and marches up to the bloodied Charlie, covered in bloody cuts, including the smouldering cut across her chest from Gabriel’s flaming sword, her legs impaled by rebar from her crash through the hotel’s wall. Unable to move, she pulls up her sword which is quickly batted out of her hands by the archangel.

Gabriel raises his sword as he says, “And the Lord said to Gabriel, Proceed against the bastards and the reprobates, and against the children of fornication and destroy the children of fornication and the children of the Watchers from amongst men and cause them to go forth... Send them one against the other that they may destroy each other in battle, for length of days shall they not have.”

As Gabriel is about to land the killing blow against Charlie, Charlie closes her eyes, bracing herself for destruction. Gabriel screams, and Charlie opens her eyes, shocked, to see the archangel impaled at the end of Vaggie’s spear. Gabriel, still alive, falls to the ground, gasping for breath, “Bitch mortalis ego enim mihi vindictam expetivit vos labore sudatum est peccatum!” Gabriel sputters, coughing up blood with each word. But is silenced a second later by another spear thrust, and another, and another, as Vaggie, enraged, beats the lest vestiges of life from the archangel.

Vaggie then turns to Charlie and pulls her free from the block of concrete she was stuck to. Charlie laughs and she pulls Vaggie into a hug, kissing, before retrieving Gabriel’s sword. Once Charlie places her hand on the blade, the white fire it was once wreathed in turns red, and she summons her demonic wings again and flies back out into the battle.

Meanwhile, Alastor is summoning tentacle-portals to grab Angels from the sky, and drag them deeper into hell, throwing fireballs, and summoning shadow-monsters to slice the exterminators to bits. Cherri, angelic spear in one hand, and bombs in the other, runs forward, meanwhile, Crymini is thrown to the ground by a sword-wielding angel, however, before the angel can kill the dog-demon, Crymini pulls out a combat knife and jabs the angel in the leg, the angel screams before it gets impaled by Molly, carrying an angelic spear.

They all look up and see Charlie, carrying Vaggie in one arm, and Gabriel’s sword in the other, flying over the battlefield. The angels realize their leader was slain, and one turns to shout in an alien voice, “We are routed! Retreat-” When and angelic spear, thrown by Angel Dust, strikes the shouting angel in the neck.

The rest of the angels turn to flee, but are blasted out of the sky by Sir Pentious’s guns, Alastor’s magic, Angel Dust and his sibling’s firearms, and Baxter’s energy weapons. Only a dozen return to heaven through the rift in the sky, which quickly closes…

We cut to the angels who were struck down as they fled, one fallen into a dumpster, another impaled on a spiked fence, another lying in a crater in the street… They move to get back up and retrieve their dropped weapons when the sound of a car zooms past, and the angel in the street is turned into a bloody pulp by Travis’s car, who then steps out with Tom, angelic weapons in hand.

Finally, we cut back to the residents of the hotel one week later, cheering as they celebrate their first victory over the exterminators, once the hotel’s been rebuilt, hosting its grand reopening. Alastor is making dad jokes about angels, Sir Pentious and Baxter are experimenting with the recovered angelic weapons, trying to figure out what makes them so special, Angel Dust and his siblings are sitting at the bar, talking to Husk, who was one of the few to stay hidden inside the hotel during the battle, and mocking him for his cowardice. Crymini and Cherri are reenacting the battle. Charlie’s sitting on the couch with Vaggie, still recovering from her wounds during the fight with Gabriel, whose sword is now mounted above the bar.

One of them turns on the TV to the news, and sees that after Katie’s death, Tom and Travis are now the new news hosts. They talk about the most recent extermination was stopped by Charlie and residents of the hotel, and how the princess of hell had managed to slay an archangel, showing Gabriel’s body being dumped into a pool of lava, and how the teamwork and camaraderie of the Hazbin Hotel residents is inspiring other demons across hell.

Finally, when the party’s over and everyone is ready to return to their rooms, Alastor bursts out of the kitchen with a mountain of jambalaya.

I like how the only one who dies in this senerio is Katie. Like, nope, she gone
And of course, all the Jambalaya.
What I want now is a theory on how Pentious became a friend of the hotel. XD if that's ok?

And Rosie, she also dies.

No not Rosie!!! D: I love lil Mary Poppins.exe

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