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One of the fine fans of No Nose Knows is in need of some help. If you can, please help out JJGraves, who is suffering from some pretty severe injuries after a hit-and-run accident. All the details can be found at:

The lovely and talented Mr. Bean (@irrespective) has instructed me to post this here.

This is a link to a gofundme campaign benefitting myself. To make a long story short, I was in a car accident two months ago. It was a hit-and-run. A witness and I managed to get the blighter's plate and a police report, and the lawyer I hired to represent my claim against his insurance company managed to track down his company.

That's where everything went wrong.

First, I hurt my shoulder (it has healed nicely) and my neck, pretty badly as it turns out. Second, his company, Lyndon Southern, is about as sleazy and skeezy as it is possible to be. Worse than Flim and Flam on their worst day. They waited a month or so before officially declining responsibility, and my lawyer turned towards my own insurance company for the maximum limit of my UM coverage. They have yet to respond, and my lawyer assures me that my therapy bills will mean I get a minimal return after his fee.

In the mean time, I have been out of work going to therapy for the past couple of months. My shoulder recovered from 'nearly torn rotator cuff' to 'acceptable with lots of rest', but my neck had severely compressed and inflamed tissue. It was so bad it began to ossify and fuse my vertebrae together. They put me on a special treatment to deal with that, and the treatment worked, only to reveal that the inflammation had been hiding a badly-frayed tendon from the scans.

I was informed, earlier today, that I will need surgery to repair the damage.

I have been out of work because of this injury for two months. I am likely going to be out of work for at least that much longer. Please...have a look at that link. Share it. Spread it around. I need help. I'm sorry that I have been reduced to this, and sorry to put this burden on others.

Every little bit will help, and help immensely. Thank you.

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