Equestria ninja girls 100 members · 87 stories
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Wildcard24 has made it clear that the story in which the ninjas travel to Equestria and help Twilight battle the Legion of Doom will be his last, so I have 2 story requests for anyone else whose willing to take them up.
I really want these two stories to be added to the series, so someone please do this for me.
1) Have the Rainbooms and their Ninja allies travel to the world of Kung Fu Panda. Though not starting at the beginning with the first Kung Fu Panda movie, but rather with the recent series on Amazon Prime, Paws of Destiny.
2) Send the Ninja Turtles and the Rainbooms to the dimension of Super Dinosaur (also on Amazon prime)

Btw, the Kung Fu Panda story takes place before the Crimson Thief, and the Super Dinosaur one takes place after it.

I’ve heard of Kung Fu Panda and I’ve seen the movies. However, I’ve never seen Kung Fu Panda: Paws of Destiny or Super Dinosaur.

Personally, I can't see them wirking.

Well both are on Amazon Prime, so check them out

Why not?
It'd be just like when they went to Moo Mesa.
At least watch the series before you shoot it down.

Btw, anyone else who has requests for Equestria Ninja Girls stories is free to post them here.

Darth Wrex
And the one where they'd meet Super Dinosaur is the most important to me, so at least check that one out

I meant Kung Fu Panda. The other one I didn't even know existed.

You gonna give it a try?

Oh, well check out Super Dinosaur and let me know what you think.
The Kung Fu Panda idea is less important

I've tried writing stories before, I just don't have that talent.
I can imagine it, but I can't put my thoughts into words

Maybe do what I did and find a partner. Look up Equestria Ninja Girls: Shell Shock.

Well, that can be plan B
Plan A is to see if anyone will take up the challenge.
but to be fair, I will offer my assistance when it's underway

Comment posted by SlidDiamond3214 deleted Dec 7th, 2020

Here is my request for Equestria Ninja Girls: The Ninja Turtles, their friends, and the Rainbooms, including Fugitoid and Bebop and Rocksteady, traveled to another New York in another world where they meet Spider-Man and his friends and they took them to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Triskelion and met Nick Fury and made them honorary members of S.H.I.E.L.D. however, the Rainbooms are in their Power Pony costumes from the Equestria Girls short, Movie Magic and I Love Being A Rainboom story, then the heroes fought against Spider-Man's enemies and the Kraang with Kraang Subprime returning in his new robotic Doctor Octopus suit, with Armaggon and Bixolio.

It takes place after Graduation Day parts 1 and 2

I think of something like the 3 arcs of new ninjago, something like City at War or Mutant Town from the IDW runs, or maybe a crossover with the ghostbusters.

You seem pretty good at writing Equestria Ninja Crossovers.
Think you'd be up to the challenge?
I'll help with grammar, spelling, and proofreading.

I’m always up for the challenge. And of course, you can help me with the grammar, spelling, proofreading, and story structure. That will be great.

You mean you'll do it?
But you might have to watch Super Dinosaur on Amazon Prime first, just to get acquainted with the series

YOU...ARE...THE MAN!!!😁😄😄😄😄😄

I’ll make them next year. Right now, I want to finish my other stories.

Thanks dude.
You rock!

Does that mean we'll be back to work soon?

Yes. I’ll get back to work next month. Right now, I want to spend the holidays with my family.

You earned it, amigo. But you might want to post a blog stating about the delay. Also, I meant to put 'We'.

I just think it's the polite thing to do, but it's my opinion.

I wanna see Ninja turtles meets Spider-Man since both of the characters are from New York.

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