Darkest Darkness Universe 14 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin

Confused about something in the lore? Want to know how something would play out? Did I make a mistake and you want to rub it in my stupid face? Or maybe you just want me to spill my secrets and tell you the juicy bits of lore before they're finished being written? Maybe, if you're good... Here's the place to do it.

I noticed something about your maps.

The Darkest Darkness Universe is a fan-made universe attempting to flesh out the existing world of My Little Pony in a realistic way while staying true to the shows' canon and not straying too drastically, such as with Fallout: Equestria, or the Lunarverse.

Until a certain point of the show or it involves any new canon information? Because they already have an official map, now it depends if you want to include the movie or not, the first is the latest version without the movie and the second is with the movie:

Your maps are similar to the first version of the map:

Just a nitpick with you notes on genetics and I might be wrong but as far as know the dominant gene is the original one and the recessive ones are mutations of that gene, so co-dominance are two genes that mutated from the gene and each subsequent mutation is dominated by its predecessor. And that's not even taking into consideration the fact that other genes might affect that particular mutation's expression in the body.

This is more of an observation than anything, it's about your notes on magic in general. Side note, you should compare it to my notes where I compiled many different magic systems that overlap with some of your concepts, here: Magic!!.

As for its effect on the body, If a reference is needed I kinda recommend Jason Aaron's on Doctor Strange that started in 2015, but to summarize they explain it using Newton's third law "When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction on the first body", so basically just as a material will the deform because of the force applied to it so does the body of the caster in order to handle the energies it is channeling, however, the price can be either hidden or delayed. However, it important to note which type of energy the caster is channeling and where it comes from. So what is the source of magic in the Darkest Darkness Universe? In my notes, I make note of three different sources and their effects are drastically different even if they fuel the same spell.

As for the cute marks, I always equated them to a fingerprint but shaped by their culture and magic, thus creating a unique expression of their "soul" or "destiny" in the physical realm that manifests on their bodies. And nothing stops that from happening with other species but it would be far less obvious or even physical with then, what is not to say that the stripes of a zebra combined with the mark on their flank isn't such expression or the color of the flames and scales of a dragon along with the shape of its horns and so on. At least that how I saw it since in many real-world cultures "signs" of one's destiny can be found in a multitude of ways that that particular culture learned to perceive throughout their history.

Group Admin

You are correct. I didn't make it explicitly known but, this projected started way back when the first official map came out, the last one in the post. There comes a point, unfortunately, in any universe expansion, where there's so much divergence that it either causes many retcon issues trying to fix the inconsistencies of many authors and the overall creator in their own additions to the universe. Take the Halo books versus the games, for instance. The games are typically considered the canon for the series and the books rarely but still do stray from the games. In some instances, such as the Fall of Reach, fans adopt another source of information. It's kind of complicated for me to explain, sorry.

Again, you are correct. I learn more about things after I start something that builds on what I believe that information to be. Everything is subject to change as I learn more information and as we fix inconsistencies.

I am way too high right now to understand this but I promise I'll get back to you on this xD I have a feeling you and I are going to become fast friends because I love an active person who picks apart my work. Thanks, my dude.

Group Admin

Oki doki! Now that I'm completely sober and have reviewed your own writings a bit, I can say this: We have some similar builds based on the types of magic and the requirements that differentiate them from other forms of magic (Magic Compendium), but you've expanded further than I've been able to, at the moment. I've hinted at Gemology and even have a dedicated in-universe book in the works that is on hold as I learn more about real world minerals and the like, and I've wanted to touch on alchemy ever since I introduced the Zebras.

I haven't seen and have no desire to see Dr. Strange but, given that all three of us share the magic manipulation theory (I've skirted around the exact cause as I feel it's a massive, world-shattering view), mine being the magical web-way theory, I may have to just to hammer out details. But note that, even if I haven't explicitly stated something about the universe, chances are I have it buried in an unfinished document, somewhere.

Yours is an interesting thought on cutie marks but, mine exist as a result of direct interference with the three races' DNA by the Alicorns. I plan to try and expand on it more within Cutie Marks: An Advanced Magical Study (I believe that was the working title) but, basically, the idea was that the Alicorns left imprints on the genetic sequences as a form of trademark, to say to others "these are ours and under our control because we did this, and you can clearly see it". Make no mistake: the majority of Alicorns within my history are not as benevolent as Celestia and Luna. In fact, the "greater good" nature of Majestia's work was seen as a necessary by the crown for the future of their species but, ultimately, seen as disgusting by the populace. Theirs is a society of pride and self-centeredness, with very few sects within realizing that there's more to life than that, and breaking away. That's part of how the Ecclesians managed to gain so much power, at first; they were so new and exotic that many Alicorns wanted to join to see what it could do for them, rather than what its teachings could do for their society. It converted quite a lot of Alicorns and, ultimately, that's part of what lead to its downfall once the Ministry of Magic came into being; that clash of ideals and shift from the old values.

I hope I answered your questions in a satisfactory manner but, even if I haven't, feel free to ask more! I love questions.

Yeah, thanks for indulging my curiosity.
More of an observation than anything, in my opinion, if you tie magic to closely to science and in this case genetics it may lose some of its mysteries, thus why I think it should be an equally spiritual part of the world. But since you are making a "world of My Little Pony in a realistic way while staying true to the shows' canon and not straying too drastically" I suppose you want to deconstruct the mysterious part of the world as well, good luck.
Also, you should divulge this group a little more, I recommend you start at the The Shameless Self-Promotion Bureau.

I would like to ask, what other none-pony races exist in this universe? Beside Gryphonsand Changelings?

Group Admin

The full list of intelligent species who will have their own timelines are as follows:

Equestrians (Unicorn, Earth Pony, Pegasus)
Centaurs/Gargoyles (their histories are so intertwined it'd be easier to list them side-by-side in the same timeline)
Crystal Ponies
Sea Ponies

There may be more, in the future, if I like an established race in the show and can find a way to unobtrusively incorporate them into this canon. There is also one race who will not be getting a timeline.

Thanks for the answer.

Group Admin

No problem my dude

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