Students of Friendship 369 members · 1,527 stories
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Hey everyone,

This is my first time posting in a thread. Anyway, I was watching episodes for season 8 and thought, what if these 6 new students are going to be the elements of harmony. You can see possible elements among them. Besides with the end of the last season with these six pillars, then six elements of harmony, and now these six students.... and also

Don't read this is you didn't see the slipped episodes
Chrysalis making a fake main six to steal the elements. Causing some sort of magical flux of the tree.

I wouldn't be surprised if these students ended up having to take up the mantel of the elements of harmony.

If you guys agree with this, then what element do you think goes to what student?

I tried to come up with something like this, but the farthest I could get was Sandbar being Honesty.

I gave up soon after.

But now that I think about it, he'd probably be Loyalty or Friendship or something.


I didn't see the leaked episodes. I don't think they will become the Elements of Harmony. But I can see that they have big things ahead of them.
Their positions in the school, as the first foreign students, carry a lot of responsibility. Their success will determine if other nations send more students or not and if Twilight's plan will really work out. If they fail at the school, this would have the consequence that other nations and kingdoms will stay sceptical about the school and Twilight's plan will fail. They will have to deal with a lot of pressure.

already Chancellor Neighsay declared the school closed due to not meeting the EEA standards, as well as being short-minded when the schools' main student body are non-ponies (Changeling, Yak, Seapony/Hippogryph, Griffon, Dragon, and couple traditional ponies like Sandbar.

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