Students of Friendship 369 members · 1,527 stories
Comments ( 12 )
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a school is still a school, after all they have to learn both about friendship and everyday thing. also in this school it won't be like the human school of the USA where it was made to help kid from farmer to factory worker (based on a true fact when farmer see the new factory and fund schools with there own money and hard work building it by hand to make sure there kids was ready)

I need an editor for it. its a story about them wanting to play their game but there always something gets in there way.

think of this pic

mix with all those

I like it. I think you should write it.

I don't think I'd be a good editor. I'll refer you to someone else.

I'm happy to hear those plans.^^ Every attempt to write a fic for them is pure gold.^^
I'm not sure if I would be a good editor, but if you give me a better outline of what you want to write for them exactly, I can take a look at it and give you advice for improving the story.

am always open to new idea but am going to make a fic series after this fic

am going call it the misfits


Okay.^^ If you need advice or proofreading, just send me a message. I'll do my best to be of service to bring a great fic for them to life. :twilightsmile:

the admin is helping me out but once I get 3 chp in I let you preview it.

i like the idea of them making problems for the school in one way or the other for the mane 6


I like this idea!^^ In a certain way, this is what I expect to happen to them eventually.

unlike the show its not G or PG its M


Hmm, this sounds like you're going with something very serious and dark then..... Can you give an example of what's to expect?

sorry what i mean by M is that like jokes.

come on there teens give me a reason they won't be clean like the show

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