Greetings Ladies!
As per the title, we have taken one of our member's opinion of having a Discord channel & it's ready to be used. Click the below link to join right away!
Note:- Do inform an admin that you have joined. Or else, no roles shall be assigned to you & there's a chance of you getting kicked out.
Crystal Out! xxxx
6717128Cool, I'm joining now
6717128Coolio, I joined under the name Ni-kun.
Greetings Ladies!
As per the title, we have taken one of our member's opinion of having a Discord channel & it's ready to be used. Click the below link to join right away!
Note:- Do inform an admin that you have joined. Or else, no roles shall be assigned to you & there's a chance of you getting kicked out.
Crystal Out! xxxx
Cool, I'm joining now
Coolio, I joined under the name Ni-kun.