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The Blue EM2
Group Admin

Footage is from Helldivers 2. Super Earth and Zephyr Heights have a surprising amount in common; a seemingly utopian state in fact masking a dystopian regime built on falsehoods.

On a side note; imagine the tactical utility of pegasi diving into combat off clouds!

Group Admin

Yeah, problem with that last thing, they couldn’t fly at the time.

Unless you mean at any point in pony history because then yeah I could.

I think they would have something similar except I would feel that it would be less violent and it will be mainly about exploring.

The Blue EM2
Group Admin

I was partly alluding to the G4 era there, but yes. I'm amazed nopony considered using that trick.

The Blue EM2
Group Admin

The pegasi are the most overtly militaristic of the Three Tribes, being the only tribe we see with a standing army in the Film and in subsequent media. This is a trait they have had throughout their history; the Pegasi start in the pre-Unification period as an effective military dictatorship as their leader is a soldier (minor bugbear; Commander is not a rank).

The Blue EM2
Group Admin

Indeed. We also don't have much of a clue as to how their current government functions as there's never been any mention of a Parliament. I personally model the Pegasi on Britain in my own work (partly as I'm unsettled by the idea of Queen Haven being an absolute monarch).

Also fair. I was going by show cannon violence to be honest.

The Blue EM2
Group Admin
The Blue EM2
Group Admin

All brilliant bits of satire.

Strangely if you look at the book Starship Troopers, the state is inclusive of the disabled, the president is a black woman, the army is multiracial and has women so safely integrated they even shower with the opposite sex and neither sex cares, the main character is Puerto Rican and there's a bunch of other stuff. Why did Nazis latch on that book. It's a liberal objection to capitalism. It's plea that any who profits off a war should contribute to it.

and you can say that you don't like the goverment
and they'll let you say that

p.s. So in Starship Troopers and HellDiver
there's no Sexysum, or Racesum
they used re-userbal power, and Soler-panals


I'm talking about the book not the movie.

what's the difference ?

The Blue EM2
Group Admin

Indeed. Verhoeven's film bares little resemblance to the source material.

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