Twidust (Stardust X Twilight) 73 members · 27 stories
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Darkwing Dust
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And a massive chunk of spoilers for the impatient. Enjoy!

This is more stressful than preparing for a final exam. Here I was standing here like a fidgeting mess right before the mirror, the portal back home. My breathing was somewhat shallow, hands clenching and unclenching repeatedly. Not even Balance itself could calm me down for the events to come.

I'm certain she'll adore your gift tonight, Jack. Everything today was in preparation for this event. You'll be alright.

Wish I had that optimism. I can only hope for the best. By now Sunset would've contacted Twilight and asked her to come here, as my last request for the teen before we departed for the day. It was nighttime now, the moon and stars illuminating the night sky beautifully, perfectly for tonight's plan. My yellow hands grasped the inside pockets of my temporary suit, checking myself over again in the mirror before stepping back to allow the inevitably-coming Twilight some room.

It'll be fine. It'll be fine...

It will be fine.


Instincts quickly had me catch Twilight before her ungraceful fall to the ground by the arms and waist, prompting her disoriented gaze to regain and composure and notice me in pleasant surprise, blushing lightly at our position.

"So this is where you've been all day." The Princess greeted in all her unending beauty, the stars reflecting from her eyes like priceless diamonds. Helping her straighten, Twilight took a step back and appraised me in further surprise, noting the dark suit with blue outlines and tie and- "You have your hair gelled. This must be a special occasion..."

"Everything to make this night perfect." I grinned, feeling our bond brighten. "Hm. You look annoyed about something."

Twilight huffed quietly. "Long story short, apparently a griffon visiting Ponyville gained her cutie mark from the Crusaders, but it turned out it was fake. That was hours of research down the drain."

"Aw I'm sorry."

The Princess smirked faintly at my playful apology. "I'm sure you are." And motioned to my suit with a wondrous smile. "So, what's with the formal attire? Not that I'm complaining at all, you look incredibly handsome, Jack."

"Hardly a thing of beauty compared to you, love." She smiled bashfully at the compliment, accepting my offered outstretched hand. My nervousness was cooling down the further we talked. "I have something to show you. This is gonna be a night to remember, my dear Twilight."

The pony-turned-teen chuckled lightly. "I'll hold you to that, Jack." And I escorted her arm-to-arm towards the school, prompting her brief confusion. "Wait, isn't the school closed by now?"

"What Celestia won't know won't hurt her."


"Trust me Twilight, it'll be worth it." My girlfriend rolled her gorgeous eyes as we headed to the entrance, already open for us.

"Can I open them now?"

"Just a second love..." Careful not to make her trip over anything, entering from the doorway to the top of the building itself, then gently removing my hands from her eyes with an enthusiastic, "Alright, open them up."

What followed was a loud gasp, the Princess of Friendship stunned at first by the wight before her. Upon the rooftop of Canterlot High itself, circling around on cooling ducts and other things were lit wax candles, helping illuminate the scene somewhat. Petal roses scattered neatly by the gentle breeze. But the most breathtaking thing for Twilight was probably the stars looking much closer themselves, sparkling like her eyes.

But the most breathtaking thing for me was the awed Princess standing before me, back turned to me in evident wonder. Our powerful bond shone radiantly as Twilight slowly looked back to me with a brightened expression, attempting composure at what I've obviously done for her.

"You've been busy." A tinge of nervousness to her beautiful voice, her body trembling somewhat as the flames of the candles revealed her reddened cheeks. "No wonder you didn't say what you were up to earlier."

"Had to make sure everything would go perfectly." Gently grasping her hand, I raised her knuckles to my lips with a soft brush against them. "All for my beautiful Princess."

"Jack..." Twilight looked lost for words, her eyes and smile doing the work for her. Oh dear. My other hand quickly brushed away the oncoming tears of joy leaking from those alluring violet orbs. Gazing around again, she expressed content. "This is wonderful... You did all this for me?"

"No, I did it all for Discord." I smirked humouredly, prompting her choked giggle. This was a little overwhelming for her, clearly. "I just thought, how about a perfect night together, without any potential interruptions by anyone. Just the two of us."

"So you chose the very world that repulses you." Twilight teased with a touched grin.

"Whatever makes my Princess happy, I'll endure the suffering." Warm laughter between us, before Twilight suddenly shivered by the breeze, inciting me to walk to the side where the shadow hid some clothing. "Cold? I have just the thing."

The teen regarded the clothing presented to her in bemused humour. "A hoodie?"

"I thought it'd suit you." Twilight accepted the gift and decided to humour me, placing on the dark blue hoodie helping her grow warmer under the night and gestured to herself expectantly. I blinked. Really, I wasn't expecting it to fit better than I assumed. "Veeeeeery attractive."

She blushed at the tone, tugging at the hem of her new hoodie and grinned bashfully. "No fair, you had all this time to prepare and left me no time to dress myself for this night."

"Why spoil it?" I smirked mischievously. "Besides, you're breathtaking regardless what you wear. You don't need to impress me with dresses."

"It'd certainly help though."

Grinning lightly, I walked over to the placed small radio nearby, switching it on with the correct cassette inside. Reaching the right song number, I turned the volume a good high before twirling around, approaching the wondrous Princess and offered a golden hand out with the manners a gentleman could respect, moreso to royalty. "A long while back, you taught me how to dance the pony way. Now, I'll teach you the human way." My expression softened, in both excitement and hope. "May I have this dance, my Princess?"

Twilight grinned beautifully, a tender purple hand gently grasping mine, allowing me to pull her closer, her hand on my shoulder and mine on her waist. Purple eyes sparkled in affection and playfulness. "It would be my pleasure, my Warrior."

Please, for the love of any God out there, make this night just perfect for me. For us...

I lost all control of my own legs and movements, as if some invisible force was guiding us, keeping us from accidentally trudging on each other's toes as we danced to our heart's content. Slow, in synchronization, tender and balanced. My eyes were fixed on those orbs sparkling like the stars above, unable to look away nor wanting to. My wide grin was different to her blissful smile, but I was just as happy. In fact... I was ecstatic.

Hell, I don't think any word related to 'happy' could do this moment justice... And the radio releasing the music for this wondrous moment was just appropriate.

"Tale as old as time.
True as it can be.
Barely even friends,
Then somebody bends,

"You knew Gabby wasn't going to have a cutie mark, didn't you?"

I smiled sheepishly, facial expressions the only part of me I had any current control of. "Couldn't spoil anything, sorry Twilight."

Twilight smirked playfully. "But you left me to feel disappointed by myself. I swear, sometimes you're insufferable."

"But my love, annoying you gives me life!"

A raised humoured brow. "'My love?' That's a new one."

"Do you like it?"

Twilight cocked her head affectionately. "I think I can grow accustomed to hearing it." Followed with my gratified smirk, and her twirl, outstretching from arm's length of each other before pulling the gleeful Princess back into my limbs, her head now resting under my head.

"Just a little change.
Small, to say the least.
Both a little scared,
Neither one prepared.
Beauty and the beast."

An amused snort beneath me. "Is that how you see yourself; a beast?"

"King among them love."

"Well..." Twilight inhaled with content, her cheek resting against my beating heart. "Certainly the handsomest beast I've encountered."

"Ever just the same.
Ever a surprise.
Ever as before,
Ever just as sure,
As the sun will rise."

The lovely Princess sighed in content, nestling into my chest as we slow danced peacefully. "Your dancing skills have improved."

I laughed rather nervously. "I don't think I'm in control right now."

"Hmm." She hummed, a pleasant soothing sound to my ears. "Then I'll be certain to thank Sombra for keeping you on your toes tonight."

"I- Hey...!"

"Just a little change.
Small, to say the least.
Both a little scared,
Neither one prepared.
Beauty and the beast."

"I was a little worried, you know..." Twilight whispered a moment later, pulling back slightly to meet my gaze softly. "A part of me thought you were on another hunt for Zagreus, and intended to find him without us." Without me...

My tone was tender reassurance. "I learned my lesson long ago, love."

A tiny smile. "When do you ever learn anything, Jack...?"

"Well..." I started in quiet playfulness, twirling the Princess around again. "I've learnt the importance of friendship again." And back to my arms. "I've learnt how to love again." Our noses brushed one another, my voice lowering in sweet bliss. "And I've learnt what it means to hope again... All thanks to a stubborn, Goddess Princess and her amazing friends."

Pink cheeks again, but Twilight beamed lightly. "Once more, you exaggerate. I'm hardly flawless, Jack..."

"No." I agreed, smirking faintly. "But it's your flaws which makes you perfect. And I wouldn't have it any other way..."

"Ever just the same.
Ever a surprise.
Ever as before,
Ever just as sure,
As the sun will rise."

And now, for the ultimate step of making tonight's plan work. Twilight blinked in brief confusion as I suddenly regained control of myself and stepped back, inquiring with a hint of coyness. "By the way, I think I left my phone in that hoodie's left pocket. Could you check love?"

With a suspicious amused glance, the Princess obliged and reached into the open left side, blinking at feeling something else within. With wide curiosity, Twilight pulled out the folded piece of paper and examined it curiously, opening from my encouraging nod. As she read, I waited patiently for the physical reaction.

And our bond flared up in love and affection, assuring me that she did, indeed, love the poem written by yours truly. I was grinning lightly at the tears threatening to fall from the blissful Twilight's eyes.

"Tale as old as time.
Tune as old as song.
Bittersweet and strange,
Finding you can change!
Learning you were wrong!"

Purple tearful eyes glazed upwards from the paper to look at me in stunned awe. "Jack..."

With a content smile, I replied lovingly, "I think there's some tissue in the right pocket, love." Sniffing slightly, the Princess checked with her free hand, and I observed her surprised reaction to the touch of soft metal as opposed to thin paper, pulling out two pieces of something which, examining from her palm, incited a sharp, disbelieving inhale.

Not entirely a bad sign.

"Jack... Are these what I think they are...?"

"I wasn't certain they existed in Equestria, but I couldn't risk checking." Before she could ask any further, I swiftly lowered on one knee, softly clenching her fist holding the two rings with both my hands, and smiled rather sheepishly. My voice, by contrast, blazed in resolve. "You gave me hope, a reason to exist. Our friends contributed, but you most of all gave me that precious gift of all. I promise to love you until the end of time. I'm not Flash Sentry, nor Timber Spruce - Thank goodness there - I'm just your plain, autistic meddler who attracts trouble. But I will do everything to keep you happy for the rest of my life."

"Certain as the sun.
Rising in the east.
Tale as old as time,
Song as old as rhyme,
Beauty and the beast."

My eyes firm on her stunned sparkling orbs, which softened in bliss at every word, I slowly stood, my hands still on hers as I vowed what my heart was speaking. This was what I wanted, and there was no going back now.

"These are promise rings, a vow that one day we'll dedicate the rest of our life together, that we'll eventually make that full commitment we all know. I wouldn't dare ask that important question while you're still young, and have your whole life ahead of you. But I promise, until that day comes, you, Spike, and everyone I love - But you most of all - will be my first priority above all else-"

"My answer would be yes, now and forever, regardless." Twilight replied with newfound quiet enthusiasm to my ear, arms wrapped around my neck in tight affection, our bond pulsing with shared, equal, pure love. I returned the embrace warmly, the Princess adding in her own blissful resolve, "I love and cherish you just as much, my brave Warrior..."

"Tale as old as time.
Song as old as rhyme.
Beauty and the beast."

I... I couldn't be any more happier... And it seemed the stars above shone brightly, as if giving their approval of this impactful moment between Warrior and Princess. Human and pony. Balance and... Twilight...

Within a few seconds, after an embrace that lasted for eternity, we helped each other adorn our new rings, fitted with amethyst gems, fitting perfectly. Twilight inspected hers with content eyes, the colour matching them without fault. And together, as the last candle burned out, we spent the last of this wonderful, amazing night sat in each other's embrace, watching the glittering stars for, God, a very, very long time...

"Beauty and the beast."

Twilight sighed into my neck. "Happy anniversary Jack..."

"Happy-" ...Wait. WHAT? "Happy anniversary Twilight."

"...Why did you hesitate?"

"Sorry, just... Choked up on the moment."

"Oh..." Twilight sighed contently. "I'm happy too, my beloved..."

...That, was WAY too [BEEP]ing close. Talk about perfect timing!

HA!!!!! That was perfect!!!! Although, promise rings? Dang it Warrior, you had me going for a minute there. Still. Twidust OTP!!!

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