Twidust (Stardust X Twilight) 72 members · 27 stories
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Darkwing Dust
Group Admin

Now for the Changeling timeline! Enjoy!


Is all she could do, all that could drove her. Screams and snarls echoed through the ruining town, a small place of refuge for the hidden and those fleeing. A safe haven, now being torn by the very monsters it once protected them from. Left and right, equines of all colours and sizes fled in terror and disorganized ways, running through hooves or wings. But those sickening creatures, with their power boosted by the emotions they consume, pursued and overwhelmed them.

The young purple unicorn clenched her eyes shut, the screams and snarls becoming too much for her to hear. She just wanted sanctuary, peace, some means of stopping these monsters before the entirety of Equestria was taken by them and their Queen. But in all her studies, equations and magical experiments, with what limited skills and resources she had, nothing substantial. And because of her failures, all of Equestria was doomed.

When her future stepsister, whom was to be her former foalsitter, revealed the true form of an evil Queen and had abducted the mare who the unicorn already saw as a sister, overwhelming the kingdom and taking her brother for herself, the young unicorn had stepped back, slowly, in horror and dread. The one time she came out of her isolated lifestyle for her brother's greatest day, and look what happened.

And it was all her own fault. If she had paid closer attention, had noticed the signs, had done something... The last words she heard her brother say before she fled the wedding hall, the castle, and all of Canterlot as countless bug-like creatures ensnared the kingdom, filled with the Queen's villainous laughter.

"Run Twily! Save yourself!"

Tears pricked at the corners and lower half of her eyes, vision temporarily blurry before she blinked, focusing on her path... And violet eyes widening in horror at the upcoming sight; a young filly, cornered by a Changeling, whose jaw was open and ready to consume the undeserving innocent's love.

Her memory of Canterlot still fresh, the sight of a young child with a tearful expression, begging for help. Twilight Sparkle's eyes narrowed then, an unsettling cold fury roaring in her chest at the foul creature daring to harm a foal. She didn't realize her own actions until the Changeling's snarl of hunger turned to surprised pain, flying right into a pile of barrels with a conclusive smash. Panting heavily, Twilight looked to the stunned filly, whose expression changed from horror to hope at ehr safety.

Finding herself smiling a little in return, Twilight heard the call of the filly's mother as they both snapped their heads to another unicorn, the child running forward into her warm embrace. With a gratified smile from the mother, the two ponies fled, leaving Twilight to no longer worry about them.

In her mind's eye, her brother beamed down in pride.

Twilight's moment of victory was disrupted by a vengeful snarl, her expression fo dread looking to the Changeling climbing out of the wreckage she caused, azure eyes glaring balefully. And from behind her, two Changelings landed to help assist their pained brother. Whirling around in panic, Twilight's eye spotted from beside a small alleyway, and promptly leaped for it, the three Changelings pouncing into one another where she once stood.

Had to hurry. She needed a safe place to hide, to rethink things and draw out a plan to escape from the town and help anyone who needs it. She knew Shining would've accomplished no less.


Her eyes pricked tears again, spotting a dark spot in the alleyway perfect for concealment. And Twilight knew the perfect camouflage spell to assist her there. She made herself invisible to the public eye when the Changelings pursued her, glaring down the alleyway and making loud sniffing noses, hunting for their prey. Twilight closed her eyes tightly, hoping to Celestia they wouldn't spot her in any conceivable or inconceivable way.

Her breath hitched as one Changeling loomed to the shadows closer, her fangs just reached the front of her leaning back neck. Twilight shivered slightly, hoping some miracle would occur any second now to save her-!

With fluttering wings a fourth Changeling appeared from the air and called out with something akin to panic. "We have to retreat! He's here!"


Gently opening her eyes, Twilight immediately released a breath at the Changelings retreating into the air, frowning in slight puzzlement at the tone the fourth creature had utilized. Who was 'he?' An enemy of theirs? The unicorn slowly stepped from the shadows, beginning to slowly hope. It couldn't be...


"We can always see you, pony."

Twilight's screams was promptly muffled.

Thankfully, the Changelings who captured her had no intention on feeding off her emotions. At least, not just yet. But that was potato fries since the Changeling led the attack in the village had Twilight thrown into a prison carriage and ordered for the captured equines to be taken to the nearest 'feeding grounds.'

Twilight never felt so petrified since that day in Canterlot, and not this cold since the rejection to Celestia's school for talented unicorns as a filly. Sat on a small bench along with the other prisoners, the wooden carriage held only two caged windows showing the darkened sky. Parents clutched their frightened children tightly, sobs and fear spread through the clamped transport rocking about from the Changelings pulling it. Glancing at the window, the unicorn vaguely noted the flying Changelings escorting the carriage with intense looks of focus.

Twilight desperately wished she could help. If only she was good with socializing as she was with studying! There were rumours about the Changeling feeding grounds, basically a holy place for those monsters to drink off love from ponies one sip at a time; slowly, methodically, tasting every ounce of love while the ponies they take it from suffer.

Twilight never, ever wanted to lose her love for her brother, Cadence or her parents. Her memories of them were what kept her going, to one day fight back against these creatures an save them from the captivity of that monstrous Queen, whose laughter still haunts the unicorn at night. Twilight gazed back to the floor, sighing quietly. She just washed there was some way she could protect these ponies-

She almost stumbled as the carriage came to a swift halt. Were they there already? Twilight frowned, that can't be right, it was only about thirty-three minutes since they left the town. It would've taken them another four hours to even reach the nearest feeding grounds. Faintly curious, Twilight peeked to the caged window as the fluttering wing sounds faded, as though those vile creatures were investigating something.

And flinched back as a black blur sped by the window, sudden yells and snarls coming from outside. That roused the trapped equines with her to panic and wildly look around, and Twilight just wondered what in the name of Starswirl the Bearded was going on!

"Take the carriage! We'll hold him off!"

"Sir! He's getting too close!"

Twilight's brow furrowed, moreso perplexed. Those tone of voices. This wasn't typical Changeling behaviour. Something was happening out there. But what...?

There were rumours across the safe places of Equestria of a pony, without wings or a horn, actively fighting back the Changelings and conducting a one-stallion army against Chrysalis' rule, cloaked in blue with intense golden eyes and untold immeasurable strength and other powers. But Twilight was always skeptical of such claims; no Earth Pony could physically wield magic, nor take on the army of Changelings by their self. It was simply impossible as it was impractical.

More yells and gasps of pain.

"By the power invested in me by the Queen, you are under arrest for opposing her rule!"

A voice unlike Changeling kind responded with a tinge of humour, prompting all the startled equines to try glancing out the caged windows, leaving no room for Twilight to peek through.

"By the power invested in my hoof, your arse is grass and I'm the mother[BEEP]ing lawnmower."

The carriage was hence almost knocked over, the trapped ponies reeling back in shock and attempts of composure. Twilight included, almost getting crushed in the process. Ponies looking out the window exclaimed in awed or shocked statements.

"Is it really him?"

"It is him! He saved my friend back in Las Pegasus!"

"The stories were true!"

"The Twilight Warrior's come to save us!"

Twilight would've rolled her eyes if she had the energy to, still skeptic over what they were apparently witnessing. But that soon turned to stunned disbelief as the wooden and steel door into the carriage creaked and splintered by something gripping its edges. Twilight shielded her eyes at the sunlight pouring through immediately afterwards, slowly lowering her limb after adjusting.

To see a yellow Earth Pony in a dark blue cape beam childishly at the prisoners... Former prisoners in this case. "Please exit the carriage in an orderly line, thank you."

One by one the happily obliging equines did as instructed, pouring out from their temporary imprisonment and welcoming the open atmosphere with cries of relief and freedom, their saviour stepping to the side to give them all room as he discarded the ruined carriage door to one side with ONE hoof, smiling self-satisfyingly at the crowd. Twilight squinted hard, still not quite believing that this pony was the supposed hero opposing the reviled Queen openly.

Then, the stallion's eyes gazed over to her, then briefly to another before it snapped back at her. Twilight blinked, the Earth Pony's eyes widening in her direct path in shock, wonder and... Recognition?

He... Knew her?

Seeming to quickly snap out of his stupor, the golden Earth Pony waited for everyone to settle down before his voice raised in authority. "Alright, anyone here in charge of the town just attacked?"

"That would be me." A burly Earth Pony with a beige fur and graying mane strode over, grinning in anticipating and wonder. "You must be him. The Scourge of the Changelings. On behalf of my town, you have our eternal gratitude."

The other pony smirked coyly, before getting serious again. "You have any second retreats or places to hide after the town's been invaded?" At the other's nod, the 'Twilight Warrior' nodded back and pointed. "I'd recommend you escort these townsfolk there. There are survivors back in your town I've just liberated before coming here. Go to your safe spot and contact any closer settlements."

"Of course, of course! Whatever you say Mr... Erm..."

A wry grin. "Call me Jack. Now, get going. I've already cleared the path of any Changelings."

As the mayor turned to organize the freed populace, Twilight frowned and quickly followed the Earth Pony who was focusing on the defeated Changeling nearby, the obvious captain judging by red armour and dark purple eyes.

It weakly lifted its head at their approach, hateful glare focused on the indifferent stallion. "You... Will not succeed..." It croaked out. "Our Queen... Will stop you..."

"I believe in a thing called love. Just listen to the rhythm of my heart." Both Twilight and the Changeling regarded the bizarre response before 'Jack' promptly grabbed the bested creature by the neck and lifted it upwards, placing another hoof to its chest and closing its eyes. The studious unicorn gasped and covered her muzzle was the golden glow suddenly pouring from the outline the stallions' body, his eyes closed tight in concentration. Twenty seconds later, Stardust dropped the Changeling to the ground, but not too roughly, and opened his eyes, turning to an even more surprised Twilight.

Because those hazel eyes were suddenly a golden intense hue, and Twilight felt herself shuddered from the raw... Power and impossibility radiating from this pony. Just who was he... What was he?

"Go with them." He nodded to the townsfolk, oblivious to these events that just transpired, golden eyes then returning to those blue-green colour. "You'll be safer." And turned to evidently depart elsewhere.

Oh no he didn't! "Wait!" She called out, surprising herself with how hoarse and tired she sounded. How long since she actually spoke to anyone? "Why do you fight...?" She felt compelled to know, to see what this unique creature has which motives him to battle an entire Changeling species on his lonesome.

Jack slowly turned back to Twilight, his expression light, but hazel eyes reflecting a deeper meaning. "There are some corners of the universe which have bred the most terrible things. Things which act against everything that we believe in." He heaved a deep sigh. "They must be fought."

That... Sounded recited. Twilight deadpanned, but pondered from the intensity in his eyes on speaking those lines. "Then... Where will you go?" The unicorn hadn't a clue what was compelling her to ask these questions. Just part of her inquisitive nature, as Shining had liked to often tease. Just the memory sensed a brought sadness.

Something shone in the other pony's eyes, as if sensing what Twilight was thinking. With a faintly humoured smile, Stardust inclined his head behind down the long road. "The nearest feeding grounds. Our friend happily supplied me the direct route there."

"What?!" Twilight couldn't stop herself, eyes widened comically at the absurdity this surreal stallion was sprouting. "You're thinking of heading right into Changeling territory?!"

"Correction love, I'm intending it."

Forty seconds of conversation with this pony, and already Twilight was feeling a headache growing at the playful remark. She snapped in disbelief. "Are you utterly insane? Wait, don't answer that, you must be to be fighting Chrysalis all by yourself from the start! You'll be just adding yourself to the menu! What will you be trying to prove?!"

Suddenly, Twilight felt she made a critical error, almost stepping back from the narrowed gaze. "Nothing." His words were cold, but filled with resolved. "But innocent ponies there are suffering everyday. I'm not letting it stay that way."

"But... By yourself..."

He shrugged callously, an empty smile on his muzzle. "No repercussions will happen should I fail. I'd happily die if it ensured the safety of countless innocents."

The casual way he said that, as though the very thought of perishing meant nothing of value. In fact, it almost felt like he was embracing the concept. Twilight shivered inwardly, mentally adding that to rest of the puzzle pieces that made up this impossible stallion. "How... How will you free them?"

"...Would you believe me if I told you most of my plans are made up on the spot?"

Oddly enough, she would. Twilight cracked a small smile at that. "With that much improvisation, it's a wonder how you're still up and fighting." Then, her vision greeted her with an image of her brother, smiling warmly with confidence and a fierce desire to protect his loved ones. Suddenly, that image vanished, back to the yellow Earth Pony who stood in the same place, with those exact reflections in his eyes...

That must've been what motivated Twilight enough to step forward and boldly demand, "Take me with you." The stallion startled back in surprise, looking as though he was about to protest. But Twilight wasn't finished. "I was there when Queen Chrysalis and her Changeling army took over Canterlot. When she overwhelmed and corrupted my brother... And I... I..." Tears slowly spilled from the painful recollection, but Twilight put on a brave face and glared defiantly. "I never want to see that again! I want to help, and I want to fight! Let me stand with you... Jack."

For once, the stallion looked utterly conflicted, withdrawn as though he was having some internal debate, casually glancing at the sky with narrowed eyes. Twilight waited, opening her muzzle to reinforce her case before the pony muttered, "Well, since it's you..." And looked back to Twilight with a warm smile. "Normally I would never endanger anyone... But I get the feeling you'll be a major help." Twilight found herself approaching closer, accepting his offered hoof with finality. "Partners."

"Er... Partners." Twilight nodded seriously, the the stallion grinned... Which made Twilight feel heated up inside for some reason, quickly withdrawing her hoof and stepping back.

"Alright then Twilight, let's hunt us down some Changelings!"

The unicorn smiled again, for the second time, this impossible Earth Pony somehow causing her to not only speak with someone again but make her feel... Warm inside... Safe? Even so, Twilight hurried to catch up as the Earth Pony made a brisk departure, ready to help him take down the Changelings and their reviled Queen however she could.

It only took a few seconds after their stroll to realize he said her name without the mare even telling him what it was.

Nice is it going to be part of the main story line?

Darkwing Dust
Group Admin

Not really. It's just a what-if for fun.

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