Twidust (Stardust X Twilight) 72 members · 27 stories
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Darkwing Dust
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Here, another special Twidust scene from S6. Enjoy!

Another vigorous morning of training. And, according to my teacher, that yielded good results.

It most certainly did. The ancient voice affirmed with fond pride, myself striding down the hallway to my wonderful girlfriend's study room. Progression has heightened significantly, much for the better. The more you strengthen your magic and the bonds around you, the greater an advantage we shall have once we confront our enemy once more.

Smirking in small triumph, I stretched my limbs and circled my neck around to dull the slight aches. I must've trained for three hours or so. Twilight, the amazing mare, recommended I proceed with training after dragging me out of bed. Again. All reasoning that the better I got at utilizing my Balance magic, the better chance we have to finding Zagreus and stopping his madness sooner before our friends were in further jeopardy. Well, my training was done for the morning, at Starswirl's approval, so it was time to let my fantastic Princess be updated about the progress. I know she wouldn't want anything else.

And, once again, a certain dark king wasn't speaking. I'd almost have been worried if Starswirl hadn't reassured me that all was fine.

Sombra will converse with us when he is ready. At times we all need a moment of recluse for contemplation.

It's Sombra contemplating which unnerves me. Anyhow, there was the door to Twilight's favourite studying room. Without knocking, I entered with a barely-concealed grin, finding myself smiling brightly a lot more to Twilight recently since that night on the school roof. Things have changed since that night.

And all for the better.

The room had its own shelves of books, like a private library reserved for Twilight, a long desk in the center with a comfy couch for the mare to read in content, and a hard wooden chair to keep focused in the midsts of her contemplation. Always specific with these things, about everything. Steve from Blue's Clues used a comfy red couch for both those things.

He sat down in his thinking chair to think.



The breathtakingly beautiful alicorn, currently, wasn't sitting in either chair, pacing around a spot on the other side of the room with a book floating before her eyes, deeply entranced by the open pages and oblivious to my presence, even through our bond. Typically, disturbing Twilight with her peace was the last thing I preferred.

But I so loved to tease the mare I revered so.

The Princess blinked in endearing innocence at the book suddenly being pulled over her head, breaking out of her concentration with a curious gasp and turning to face the perpetrator. Meeting my playful gaze, Twilight smirked in exasperation. "Jack, I was reading that."

My raised hoof kept the brown leather with pages from Twilight's physical reach. "You were reading that, correct love."

Attempting to grab the book, my girlfriend smiled in wry amusement. "Jack, I'm searching through that book for Starlight's next magic lesson. Give it back." Twilight made cute effort sounds by reaching out repeatedly, rising on her hind limbs like me as I pulled the book further from Twilight's close grasp. "I'm not amused Jack."

"Why are you smiling then?"

"Because it's simply cute that you think it's beyond my reach."

She fell right into my trap. With our bodies at that proximity, I gently threw the book to the desk and quickly wrapped a limb around Twilight's pony waste, pulling the mare standing on two legs closer that our upper half bodies were connected, to my inward fireworks of joy at the intimacy. Twilight, realizing the trap, placed both hoofs on my shoulder to support herself as I leaned and whispered coyly, "You make this too easy for me Twilight."

Her face turned an interesting shade of pink, the flustered mare attempting to hide her embarrassment and giddiness at such physical interaction. "You insufferable stallion..."

"From you that's a compliment." And Twilight eagerly returned the passionate kiss to follow in loving tenderness, our lips brushing and toying with one another in perfect harmony. Ohh this sensation will never get old. It's been happening recently as of late, the two of us often embracing this way whenever we were in the same room nowadays. Spike and Starlight's reactions to our endless seams of un-nervous intimate embraces were often hysterical to watch. And this time, it was a kiss that lasted for more than a few seconds, my other hoof grasping the back of her soft mane, my limb around her waist instinctively holding her tight against me. Twilight's own body reacted in earnest, her front limbs wrapped around my neck to keep the heartwarming intimacy lasting a good while.

Unfortunately, there was this necessity we needed named air. Pulling back, both of us panting from the wondrous experience, Twilight took that moment to smile warmly, unable to contain the bliss and childlike wonder in her tone. "You haven't kissed me like that since our reunion at Canterlot High..."

"You're right." I breathed deeply, in and out, and grinned lightly. "I should do it more often."

"No complaints from me..." God I love this mare. The tip of our noses touched endearingly, the angelic Princess inquiring as though it just occurred to her. "I'm guessing your training yielded promising results."

"As usual." Was my proud, soft response. "Old Starswirl's been teaching me today about extending my senses some more, and how to evade narrow attacks with enhanced speed. All in all, very progressive."

"We should do a field test later... Much later." Twilight added with a mischievous glint to her alluring eyes. Works for me! Her eyelids were half-open, expression that of loving for the man who somehow stole her heart. "Although you could talk about your own teacher - a legend among Equestrian kind, additionally - with a tinge more respect."

"But my love," I answered playfully, now performing a small waltz around the same spot with the Princess. "Isn't my blatant disrespect over everything why you love me so much?"

"Heh. If I'm being honest, it's one thing about you I wouldn't mind you improving on, just as much as your training under Starswirl." With that, her teasing smile then warmed considerably, the beautiful mare adding with clear appraisal, "I'm so proud of how far you've come Jack... I love you so much."

My chest was ready to burst in sheer ecstasy. "I love you more."

"And I love you most."

"...Knew watching Tangled together was a good move." The Princess giggled with a closed muzzle, myself grinning happily to the adorable response. It just struck me then how I couldn't sense Spike nor Starlight anywhere nearby. "The other castle residents not in?"

Twilight, halting this small circle dance together with me, answered lightly, "I asked Starlight for some specific material from the ancient castle in the Everfree Forest. Spike's assisting Rarity with accessorizing a long line of dresses to be delivered to Canterlot by an important client."

Meaning it was just us two right now... "When did Starlight leave?" Since Spike will make any excuse to spend time with his unicorn crush for as long as possible.

Twilight squinted her sparkling eyes in thought. "Five minutes ago. Did you need her for something?"

...Christmas came early. Pressing my muzzle further into hers playfully, I added with a hint of mischief. "That means... It's just us two, alone, with the castle all to ourselves..."

Catching the hint, Twilight's cheeks brightened, her face turning to gleeful red. "I-I suppose it does..." And returned my grin albeit more shyly, adding with her own coy tone, "For another fourty-three minutes and thirty-two seconds, if I estimate the time it'd take for Starlight to return."

My expression darkened positively. "Then let's use that time very, very wisely." And this time, the kiss was far more than just passionate. It was hungry, longing, our limbs pulling each other tightly with no intention of letting, my body instinctively pushing the delicious Princess back against the shelves. My hoofs explored the mare's back, her feathered wings, toying with her gorgeous purple mane. One of Twilight's own hoofs was clenched on the edge of my cape, not seeming to care at all if my body was a little sweaty from today's workout, probably fantasizing something like this happening at times and her brain was overloaded with joy by this happening right now and then.

Thank God Sombra wasn't here to ruin the moment-

"How odd, I don't recall the ratings becoming a PG13."

Jesus Christ! That playful voice was backed up with the mare and I suddenly finding ourselves pulling back in shock, bodies now drenched by freezing as [BEEP] ice water, clutching onto each other in stunned shock as the wonderful moment was rudely interrupted- Scratch that, 'rude' was an understatement!

What the [BEEP]?!

Our incredulous looks changed to one of outrage at the mischievous entity hovering above with a patronizing smirk, chin resting on interlocked fingers and calling out mockingly. "Oh, please, don't let me interrupt. This is better than watching on documentary."

I'm pretty sure all of Ponyville heard us. "DISCORD!"

Beck: *holding popcorn* DISCORD, YOU SON OF A [BEEP]!!!!

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