Twidust (Stardust X Twilight) 72 members · 27 stories
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Darkwing Dust
Group Admin

Below is a fun little continuation between two blog posts I made a long while back, the idea of AJBS's pony Twilight teaming up with two alternate versions of Stardust in LoE, one in his EQG form and the other in his RL body.

Takes place between and


Crashes, sounds of a cave collapsing in on itself, and the sound of snarls.

Gia Everfree: "All this bickering is doing no wonders for my children!"

EQG Stardust: "Twilight get back... Our warden, I presume."

Jack Wright: "Gloriosa Daisy... Or what's left of her. I've been waiting for you love; I'd like to comment how lousy and ineffective the camp is. I demand a refund."

Gia Everfree: "It's not you two clowns I'm after... It's this girl you shield against me."

EQG Stardust: "'Clowns?' I don't know about my older shorter iteration here, but you and your egocentric brother have displayed more laughable tendencies than we have, and not in the funny way."

AJBS Twilight: "Don't aggravate her! Gloriosa, you need to stop! This isn't you!"

Gia Everfree: "Is it not? I have never felt more alive! And I can sense the magic you contain, dear Twilight, moreso than that girl with the glasses my hopeless brother pines for! Nothing will prevent me from protecting my camp!"

AJBS Twilight: "Daisy, please!"

Jack Wright: "Don't bother love. She's a stranger to common sense; has been for a very long time now. You're not going anywhere near her or anyone else, Daisy!"

EQG Stardust: "Take one step towards Twilight, and I'll make every weed exterminator child's play compared to what I'll do to you!"

Gia Everfree: "Hahahaha! You hold no power over me boys! Now Twilight Sparkle; give me the magic that is rightfully mine!"

AJBS Twilight: "Nev- Ah! AHHH!"

EQG Stardust: "Twilight!"

Jack Wright: "She's trapped by green tentacles! I've seen enough-!"

EQG Stardust: "This is no time for perverted jesters! Hold on Twilight, I'm going to pry them off you!"

AJBS Twilight: "Hur... Hurry... Ag!"

EQG Stardust: "Leave this mare alone! She did nothing to deserve this!"

Gia Everfree: "But she has, Twilight Warrior. Her interference in how we run our camp has become a nuisance for the final time. I will drain every last drop of magic from her, following with those girls unsuspecting of my wrath outside! Mmm... I can feel it, the raw power emanating from this girl! There is something... Different about her; I can sense... Another, a faint presence marked within her heart!"

Jack Wright: "What are you, Twilight Sparkle?"

EQG Stardust: "Never mind that! Help me tear these things off her!"

Jack Wright: "Why? Without Sunset and the others we're completely useless!"

EQG Stardust: "Stop stalling for time and help me!"

Jack Wright: "Ugh... It's always with the self-righteousness with you isn't it?! Here we go!"

AJBS Twilight: "Ah... Please, get them off me, both of you! They're... Crushing me...!"

Gia Everfree: "Three in place of one! How exhilarating!"

Jack Wright: "Aa... Oh Chris- Agh! Now-Now they've got me...!"

EQG Stardust: "Ug... Me... Me too! Hold on Twilight... I'll... I'll protect you...!"

Jack Wright: "Uk... Was this part of your plan?! Hope to see which one of it'd choke to death first- GA!"

AJBS Twilight: "Almost... Almost... Yes! My arms are free! Now where... Aha!"

Gia Everfree: "Wait... What are you intending to do?! Give that to me!"

AJBS Twilight: "Sorry, but I've been rather influenced by - Urk! - my boyfriend's... Ignorance to authority! You two, quick grab my hands!"

EQG Stardust: "Yes, yes I've got you!"

Jack Wright: "Ah, yes, the geode! Now Twilight!"

AJBS Twilight: "Here goes nothing!"

Gia Everfree: "NOOO!"

A bright flash.



"What the-?"

"Is that Twilight... And that Jack guy?"

"They just appeared out of thin air!"

"Are you two alright?!"

AJBS Twilight: "Ug... Yes, the camp! Just as I hoped! I knew mixing my own magic with this geode and picturing the location-"

Jack Wright: "Enabling you - Ugh - to picture the destination and bring us here... From Gia's reach."

AJBS Twilight: "Not for long though... We need to evacuate everypony!"

Sunset: "Here, easy does it... What happened to you two?"

Rarity: "Darling... Look at those bruise marks! On your arms and neck! What in Heaven's name is going on!"

Timber: "We need to take them inside-"

Jack Wright: "No time for that! Get off me! Your delusional sister's on the warpath Timber, no thanks to you!"

Timber: "I... What are you talking about?"

EQG Twilight: "What happened to you two? And what's this about Gloriosa?"

AJBS Twilight: "We'll explain in a minute, but we need to get everyone safe and out of harm's reach! Is the school bus still here?"

Rainbow: "Yeah, it got here just earlier-"

Jack Wright: "Then hurry up and evacuate everyone, on the double! Twilight and I need to come up with a plan to stopping this menace now that everything's changed-!"

AJBS Twilight: "Wait... Aren't we forgetting something?"

Jack Wright: "No... Are we?"

AJBS Twilight: "A rather tall, gold, abrasive, exceptionally handsome something?"

Jack Wright: "Ah... Him."

Timber: "Handsome? But I'm standing-"

Jack Wright: "Cork it you."

AJBS Twilight: "He must've let go of me just before we escaped! That means... He's still trapped in there with Gia!"

Gia Everfree: "Grr... Then it seems I shall have to suffice with you!"

EQG Stardust: "Lucky you... I never tend to disappoint... Well, my father would disagree there."

Gia Everfree: "Tch! I shall attend to your precious Twilight soon! I can sense a heap of magic resting within you, ready to be nurtured for my designs!"

EQG Stardust: "Ag... What is it with villains of this world... Becoming magic-craving demons...? You should already be happy with what you have!"

Gia Everfree: "I shall consume this magic, then everything else which threatens my camp!"

EQG Stardust: "Still... Still going with the camp excuse, eh...? Ah- Urg! Gia Everfree! A monster of selfishness! And greed! You... You became this thing out of petty desperation! I offered to help, help you and your brother keep this camp, but you both spat on it!"

Gia Everfree: "We never needed your help, Warrior! I am more than capable of keeping my home safe and protected by the likes of Filthy, you, your other self and that lookalike of Twilight's! Now stand still, and this won't be so painful. I am ever so HUNGRY!"

EQG Stardust: "A- Ahhhhhhh! There's... There's a difference between hunger... And greed. You... You are a mockery to the legacy of your camp! Your parents would be ashamed of you! Should be- Oof!"

Gia Everfree: "After I have ridden of you, and secured the protection of my camp and those within it, your equally bothersome shorter self is next."

EQG Stardust: "Oh... Trust me, you don't want to bother with him... Very organic, and a little bitter, I'd imagine... I'm more... Than enough...!"

AJBS Twilight: "That stubborn, self-sacrificing, courageous lovable man!"

Jack Wright: "Thank you."

AJBS Twilight: "Not you. I mean... Well you know what I mean!"

Jack Wright: "Of course. It makes sense he'd stay behind. He's younger, more irrational and open to placing himself in harm's way over others. His sacrifice is logical."

AJBS Twilight: "I don't think I've ever wanted to slap my Jack this much..."

Shakings in the ground.

EQG Twilight: "What- What's happening?!"

Sunset: "G-Guys! Principal Celestia's escorting the last students to the bus!"

Jack Wright: "Good work girls- Whoa! Jesus Christ..."

AJBS Twilight: "The vibrations are getting worse. Daisy must be absorbing the dormant Balance magic Stardust wields."

Rainbow: "Wait, wait wait! Stardust Balance has magic?! That big bully? You must've drank something from the water to think that crazy idea!"

Timber: "Wait, what's this about my sister? Where is she? If she and this Stardust are in danger we have to-!"

Jack Wright: "She is the danger! And now we have to fix both your and her mess! Now think Jack... With her distracted and us possessing one geode, we have to..."

AJBS Twilight: "Wait what was it Jack said, after the Fall Formal... The crown didn't need physical interaction to use it... I wonder..."

Rarity: "The vibrations are getting worse!"

Applejack: "If you two know what's happenin', then we need to do somethin'?"

Jack Wright: "We could extract the magic with force. But without Sunset and the girls close enough..."

AJBS Twilight: "Wait, I know what you're planning to do!"

Jack Wright: "I- You do?!"

AJBS Twilight: "Here, take the geode. Jack, you're a walking paradox to magic; your presence along negates any magical energy from laying harm on you. If you were to get close enough..."

Jack Wright: "I can reverse the effect done to Daisy if I got close enough, but the backlash would potentially..."

Sunset: "Potentially... What? What would it do?"

AJBS Twilight: "Could you do it? Risk ending her life?"

Everyone else: "What?!"

Jack Wright: "This geode is magically connected with the others Daisy wields. If I can negate the magic either by close contact or using this stone, it would probably cancel out all energy she's conserving-"

AJBS Twilight: "No, I mean... Could you do it?" Places hands on Jack's shoulders and maintains clear eye contact. "Could you bring yourself to end an innocent life? Any life at all?"

Jack Wright: "I... I have to consider what it means for the lives of everyone else..."

AJBS Twilight: "But what would it mean for you...?"

Jack Wright: "...We don't have time for moral dilemmas." Shakes off her hands and steps another way. "As we speak, I can feel my other self being drained of his power. His life force. On full completion Daisy may as well be invincible even for the Dues Ex Elements of Harmony to handle. You should all leave, while you can."

Timber: "I won't abandon my sister."

Rainbow: "And we're not leaving you or Stardust behind, even if that guy's a massive jerk."

Jack Wright: "No offense taken..."

AJBS Twilight: "...You won't have to take that option after all." And takes back the geode. "Sunset, Twilight, girls. Come with me, I have a plan! Jack, give us a minute!"

They depart.

Jack Wright: "A minute... A minute is all we may have!"

Few scenes later.

Jack Wright: "Everyone's on the bus. Now we just have to- ARG!"

Timber: "Huh? What's wrong?"

Flash: "Quick, let's help him stand!"

Jack Wright: "Ah... My other self... He's nearing the point of death!"

EQG Stardust (In the background): "Change... I... I feel it...!"

Gia Everfree: "There is nothing for you now! AHAHAHAHAHA!"

EQG Stardust: "No...!"

Jack Wright: "Hold tight old chap! Keep fighting! Twilight... Whatever you're doing, do it fast...!"

The climax.

Rarity: "Wait... I see something! No, someone, in the midst of those green tentacles!"

Pinkie: "Is that... Stardust?!"

EQG Twilight: "I... I don't know if I can do this!"

Sunset: "You can Twilight! We all believe in you!"

AJBS Twilight: "Believe in yourself Twilight! With your friends beside you, there's no onstacle you can't overcome!"

EQG Twilight: "I... I can't! You don't know what it's like. I don't want to become a slave to dark magic! Not again!"

AJBS Twilight: "I understand more than you think! These was this pony, a pony so filled with inquisitiveness and life. She wanted to understand everything and forge her own destiny, not realizing in her youthful innocence she was a slave to circumstance, that she never had a choice in anything, ever since she was born!"

Fluttershy: "That sounds horrible...!"

AJBS Twilight: "But then, she made friends. And most of all, she fell in love! Think about the meaning behind that! Love! That exceeds all forms of subjugation; the ability to make choices! All because of this reckless stubborn stallion, she realized that you should never stop questioning, never stop doubting; always make the decisions yourself! She fell for someone who never should've been in her life to begin with! And that's what it all means; we have the power to choose, and we never have to make those choices alone!"

EQG Twilight: "I... I don't know...!"

AJBS Twilight: "In the end, it doesn't matter where we come from or what mistakes we made in the past. What matters is how we forge our destinies here and now! Midnight Sparkle was a nightmare of the past, but you have the courage now to win the day, with your friends forever here to give you that strength!"

EQG Twilight: "Is that what that mare in your story did too? Make her own decisions regardless of where they took her?"

AJBS Twilight: "You know it is! And she was never alone taking them! No matter where she went, her friends followed her... Just as they'll follow you."

Just as Gia is defeated. Before the Harmony magic blasts the villain.

AJBS Twilight: "We all have our own paths to choose. I chose mine long ago, and I will never look back... Now, release my special somepony!"


Gia gets enveloped in light, the vines disappear, girls transform and a teenage boy falls to the ground, looking up weakly to them with a wry grin.

EQG Stardust: "Twilight... I knew I could count on you..."

Timber: "Hey, you hear that?"

Flash: "Sounded like a scream... What's that bright light in the distance?"

"She's done it." Both turn to Jack sitting on a log, looking up with a tiny smile and focused hazel eyes behind small glasses. "Twilight... I'll always have faith in you."

Twilight and girls help Stardust reach Sunset and EQG Twilight's shared tent, proceeding inside and gently placing him in bed.

AJBS Twilight: "I'd recommend cold watered towels applied to those bruised spots and a whole night of rest. You'll be right as rain."

EQG Stardust: "Heh... Who's suppose to be taking care of who here?"

AJBS Twilight: "You tell me... I know about your whole self-sacrificing action just before." The girls watch them in curious fascination.

EQG Stardust: "Ha... I did what I had to love... 'Had we but world enough and time, this coyness, lady, were no crime...'"

AJBS Twilight: "'We would sit down and think which way, to walk and pass our long love's day.'"

EQG Stardust: "...Who are you, Twilight Sparkle? You're nothing like that other pony you..."

Stroking his wild hair lovingly.

AJBS Twilight: "One day, you'll know..."

EQG Stardust: "...You remind me of someone. Long ago... Face determined as stone... Eyes glimmering with intelligence. A mouth with a breathtaking smile... Hair so fair and-"

AJBS Twilight: "Shh... Back to the mouth part... Be quiet my stubborn Warrior, and indulge your gratified Princess..."

Widened eyes and slackened jaws collectively at the soft kiss before them.

Wait.... so...... EQG Stardust is the Stardust that ended up in the EQG universe... and Jack is the one that ended up in the pony universe.... right??

I would really like to see this as an actual story, in a story format. These are just so amusing, and really help pass the time between chapter updates.

Darkwing Dust
Group Admin

Nah it's a Jack who also ended up in the EQG world... But maintained his RL body.

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