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Quillian Inkheart
Group Admin

Howdy! Everpony, are you there? It's me, your best friend.

Whoops, wrong fandom!

But seriously, now that you've been roped in by a random image of best fluffyboi, I'm putting out a call; my very own bat-signal. So, would it be a pone-signal? Anyway, I need a pre-reader for a Monster Mare story I'm working on. Robipony is helping me out with the Prologue, but with his busy schedule, I'm not sure he'll be up for being a consistent pre-reader.

The story is called Amorphous: The Tale of Arcadês the Immortal. I won't go into details here, but the story starts with Twilight and crew looking for the lost journals of an ancient pony alchemist. What follows is a tale about hubris, attempting to play God, and the consequences that fall onto the shoulders of those who try to live beyond their kin and ken.

I don't really need an editor -- I don't mean to brag when I say that I'm pretty good at that myself -- but someone who can spot the small errors I make would be wonderful. I doubt there will be many, and those are usually word mix-ups, like putting "cat" instead of "car"... One letter over on the keyboard can change the entire meaning of a sentence...

P.S. -- Sorry for the randomness of this post. I'm running on two hours of sleep and lots of coffee right now, and it's somewhere around 4 am and I just finished writing. I am about half dead at the moment, but super satisfied.

I volunteer as tribute!

I'm not gonna lie, that MLP style Undertale character is a pretty nifty design. And I don't even play Undertale.

Quillian Inkheart
Group Admin

Snackrifice accepted. Pming you the info, friend.

Agreed. I do play Undertale, but I'm not one if it's ravenous fans. I just randomly stumbled on that picture and thought it was just the most adorable thing ever.

Group Contributor

Never played Undertale. But Jesus Christ I listen to all the soundtracks in my day to day life.

I probably should play it, Huh?

Anyway, you should know better than to post Undertale in a thread. This thread is now officially overcomed by Sans memes.

Undertale is overrated. Exceedingly.

Quillian Inkheart
Group Admin

Eh; I personally enjoyed it very much. The music was astounding, the characters were likeable, and the story was engaging. It was the first game in a long time that actually managed to surprise me with a twist that they implied earlier in the game. They left bread-crumbs and the observant would figure out the story before it was spoon-fed to you. It's that kind of intelligent writing that I respect in a video games like Spec Ops: The Line, Until Dawn, ect. Too many games these days assume it's playerbase is mentally handicapped and make their twists and turns like a walk through padded halls, holding the players hand and whispering calming words through the whole experience.

I'm not the type to say the game is flawless; but I do think it lives up to most of it's hype. Yes, the fans are ravenous douche-bags with the social graces of someone with a seriously debilitating mental disorder. But just saying "it's overhyped" is a little weak. It's popular for a reason.

You know, I actually only posted that image on a whim. :rainbowlaugh: I saw Asriel in MLP style and thought it looked cute, so I tossed it on this post as a random add on. I think I was running on two Monsters and an hour of sleep at that point, so perhaps I wasn't in the soundest state of mind. :twilightsheepish:

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