Tails 34 members · 30 stories
Comments ( 15 )
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Group Admin

In My Little Pony, what's your favorite tail-related scene?

Mine is either any time Applejack bites Rainbow Dash's tail, or the time when they enter the biting tails chain (Applejack bites Spike's tail, Twilight bites Applejack's tail, Rainbow Dash bites Twilight's tail, Fluttershy bites Rainbow Dash's tail, and Pinkie Pie bites Fluttershy's tail), or the time Pinkie Pie takes a picture holding the camera with her tail from a distance.

5882013 This one has got to back to G1 for me. It's when Fizzy brushed up against Galaxy's tail and wound up it on her head. I was totally sold on the scene by the look on Galaxy's face when she first looked shocked and then realized it was Fizzy. The moment tells me that this was not an unusual occurrence with these two. :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

If I were to name a favorite G1 instance, it would probably be the biting tails chain in Escape from Catrina Part 1

5882177 Actually it was tail holding and it was as cute as all hell.

Group Admin

5882038 Just checked my list, so the Fizzy/Galaxy thing is in the episode The Magic Coins Part 3, right?

5884181 Yes I think so, but it could have been near the end of part two as well. I have them on DVD but it's been some since I last watched that one so I don't really remember right now.

I don't have one from MLP. XD But my all time fav is with eeyore. XD lol.

5885847 Ah yes, the whole lost tail routine. I remember it well.


I was actually looking for ANY story online that had that, but it doesn't seem like it.

5897388 I can't say that I've seen any myself.

5897406 Yea, it stinks. I'd make some myself, but I don't get turned on by things i read, ya know?

5902564 It doesn't always work that way for someone.

5902597 Wow I should read before I post. I meant I don't get turned on by my own writing. XD So Sorry. lol.

5904130 Oh, okay. :rainbowlaugh: Well it happens.

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