Melodious Falcons 202 members · 0 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Group Admin

I have never seen this film, I have zero clue if it's any good or not... but this song's still one of the best villain songs I've ever heard.

It's the best part of the movie for my money. The part of it that I remember the most, that's for sure! Definitely a great song, I agree! :pinkiehappy:

There's a really good animatic of this with King Sombra as Rasputin and Twilight as Anastasia.

7244368 I like the movie, just take it with a grain of salt in terms of history.

Group Contributor

Not a bad film, assuming you can live with the fact that it's horribly historically inaccurate. Plus it's got Christopher Lloyd hamming it up, and that's awesome.

Group Contributor

It's a great film. Worth seeing atleast once in your life.

Ohhh yes. My father was a Russian history major and I really get the feeling that this movie's inaccuracies rather annoy him, to put it mildly. XD

But yeah, Christopher Lloyd hamming things up is always a win in my book.

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