Tempest Shadow 1,054 members · 658 stories
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Hello my name is Twilight is the BEST and the name is absolutely right! Guess what I found in my youtube subscription page...

Yep a response to the forum I uploaded that went a bit out of control. What do you think of this? Is she and sketchy right or wrong?

And the cancer is talking back like an idiot, along with an faggot. Nice...

SENPAI NOTICED ME! In all seriousness though; meh. Roasting things and being roasted is a part of life.

What happened to "Let's never speak of this again"?
Also, are you insulting Sketchy just for being in the video? That's a pretty terrible reason to insult someone, and it's also a terrible thing to say at all.

Depends on what you're referring to. Right or wrong about what? Tempest? That's a discussion for the previous forum. In this video, they go through the most notable comments in that forum and provide commentary or response.

I liked it.



I'll take everything in good grace, as I sorta knew any thing Lily had to say about my arguments against her would be refuted. And she's right in the fact that once I actually looked up the difference between Transvestite and Transgender, I do feel like an idiot. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing yet, having someone make you feel like an absolute moron. (Trying to phrase this the best I can here.) But then again, it is sorta like correcting someone's grammar. Not that big of a deal (And if I'm mistaken on that aspect, I'm sorry) in the long run. I get it, I get that there are people who feel like they're born with the wrong gender. And I accept that, and I just have to pity and shake my heads at the idiots who don't realize the world's changing and they're not going to change along with it and just stick to the part of the past where they feel comfortable. And that segues into my next bit.

But Lily's also right, and god it pains me to admit she's right again, that a certain person who shall go unnamed is clearly latching onto one aspect of Lily, her transgender bit and even if you pointed out how much of a bigot that they are, they'd latch onto something else and make themselves look like more of a fool than they already are.

Quite true.



And the cancer is talking back like an idiot, along with an faggot. Nice...

I laughed way too hard at that lol

The previous thread did kinda go off the rails... then got re-railed, stayed on that path for a while before getting derailed again.

It looks like people are avoiding this one.

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