Mr Allan's Collection 54 members · 1,360 stories
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Silver Inkwell
Group Admin

Welcome one, welcome all,
Come on in and join,
Whether you want to read, just talk, edit, or review, we have a place for all.
This is my very first group so it will be a learning experience for all.
I only ask that you be kind, nice, and respectful of each other, after all, we are all humans.
And all humans make mistakes.

Anyhow this is a thread to introduce yourself if you so wish.

Me for example.

My name is Daniel A. Throop (it's said Troop, but I go by Allan because EVERYONE can pronounce that, and no need for the Mr, that's just formal)
I live in Phoenix Arizona.
My favorite color is Blue.
My favorite Classical Ice Cream flavor is Chocolate and then Cookies and Cream
Favorite Genre of Music: Classical
Favorite Book Genre: Fantasy

I have lived here in Arizona for 10 years and I am currently 18 and looking forward to moving out and getting a job in the summer.

Well I'm Rachel Covaks (not my real last name).
I live in Mississippi.
My favorite color is Red.
My favorite ice cream flavor is Rocky Road.
Favorite Genre of Music: Rock and Roll.
Favorite Book Genre: Science Fiction.

And yeah, that's me in a nutshell.

I feel slightly pressured to do this, but I mean why not.

My name is Sam and I'm 20 years old.
I live in Perth, Australia after moving from Kaikoura, New Zealand eleven years ago.
My favourite colour is deep purple/indigo. (one of those feelings you hear with your tongue)
My favourite ice cream is strawberry.
My favourite music is... Um. I guess I'm really open about it, I'll listen to anything. Except that shit that sounds like a walrus that's been stabbed in the throat by a rusty spoon and is being thrown into a mincer alive and tail first. Of course, I mean that screamer stuff. I don't have anything against it though, for anyone out there that does like it. It's just my opinion.
My favourite book genre? Um, I guess either medieval history or that espionage spy type.

Yeah, that's me.:derpytongue2:

I am Matthew Lancaster.
I live in Wisconsin.
My favorite color is Black.
My favorite ice cream flavor, I would go with Mint Chocolate Chip.
Favorite genre of music: Stuff like Thousand Foot Krutch, Skillet, Disciple... not really sure how to categorize those.
Favorite book genre: Sci-Fi/ Adventure.

My name is [???].
I live in [???].
My gender is [???].
I have five favourite colors: Four make up my OC, and the fifth is Chrome Silver.
Favourite Ice Cream would be Cookies~n~Cream, and Chocolate/Vanilla swirl.
I like most music, if it has a good moral and/or good story, the exceptions to that rule are very few.
My favourite book genre is the same as music, except good moral is almost required.

I am a great deal more complex than that, but that should do for starters. :twilightsmile:

5792089 can I call you Rey Mysterious? Ha ha get it? Because you didn't give a name and it's close tot the wrestler.

Eeh, yeah I facepalmed too.

I don't follow wrestling, but feel free. :twilightsmile:

If it's all the same to you guys, I'd rather go by my username, SvenBjorn.

I live in Flint, Michigan, and no, the rumors of our wild weather are not true. It's worse. After all, if you don't like our weather, wait five minutes.

Blue is my favorite color.

My hobbies include writing, reading, gaming, and ocassionally drawing.

My favorite kind of music is Orchestral music, specifically string instruments. They can capture emotions in a way that few other instruments can.

My favorite kind of books are the ones that mix science and magic, creating stuff like you would see in Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha or VividRed Operation.

Flint has always been my home for all of the twenty six years I've been alive, but I have visited other states. I've dabbled in robotics when I was in school, and think I would rather enjoy being an engineer.

The two stories I think people would most know me for are The Harmony League and Tartarus Forged.

I think... yeah, I think that's it.

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