YouTubers of FiMFiction 59 members · 39 stories
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I used Smartpixel for a while for its built in editor, and when my 1 year license for it expired, I moved to OBS, using windoes movie maker to edit instead.

What are your favorite recording apps?

Group Contributor

5743880 I use Audacity.

5743902 Isn't that audio-only?

Group Admin

Yes. It has a lot more functionality for editing audio than WMML, in my experience. I don't think WMML even does noise reduction.

5743959 Good point. I've been keeping my editing to a minimum though for both video and audio.

Group Admin

Then you should be fine. Since I mostly do audio readings, sometimes I need multiple tracks playing on top of each other, need to make tempo changes, or do lots of silencing and deletion for relatively small bits of very long recordings. Audacity, in my experience, is fairly stable until you get into the second hour of recording. I seldom record with WMML, so I don't know how long it goes.

One thing I notice with the verbose videos I do, adding lots of captions with massive amounts of text can also make for a bad time. Save always; save often.

5743972 I usually record gameplay or unscripted hardware showcases, so unless something crazy happened, I usually upload the video without any sort of editing besides occasional sound amplification.

Group Admin

Understood. If you intend to amplify just sections of the sound, you'll likely have to split the audio and amplify the piece you want to amplify, then, using the volume tool. It doesn't actually do it based on objective measures but instead on a continuum of silent to what it thinks is loud for the recording.

Group Contributor

5743904 Yeah, but that's all I need for now.

5744008 I've got a sound blaster card that does automatic noise filtering on the mic so I usually just amplify the entire thing.

5744017 Though, I do use Audacity for minor edits to sound.

5743880 I use abs and hitfilm 4 express for editing.

5744422 I haven't edited any videos in a while considering how I haven't been able to upload, but Windows Movie Maker is a decent editor if you're shooting for bare minimum style edits like speeding up/slowing down, adding text, or just some random thing. Smartpixel's editor lets you insert frames by hand if I remember correctly, but my pro license expired so I can't check.

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