The Flash Fan Group 36 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin

Would you have made Savitar's identity different? How would the season go if up to you?

No, I wouldn't have changed Savitar's identity. Even so, I do feel like he was a bit of a cop out in terms of a character. He's supposed to be comparable to a god but he's just a man in a mystical suit of armor. Cop out much.

I would have actually used Kid Flash in his defeat, and not introduced just because.

Have him phase into the armor not Barry.


Changing Savitar's identity is probably the first thing I would do. I've said for months, even before the Future Flash reveal, that I thought having Savitar be a future version of Barry was a terrible idea. If anything, the show did a pretty good job of setting up Future Wally as a possible Savitar, at least up through episode 15 of the season. Wally was becoming faster at a faster rate than Barry, and there were a ton of moments during the season when Wally's hotheadedness and inexperience put him at odds with Barry and the rest of Team Flash. So rather than having Barry rescue Wally from the Speed Force Prison the episode after Wally gets trapped, maybe I would've had Barry fail to save Wally so that Wally would spend years or even decades suffering, losing his sanity, and maybe even discovering the secrets of the Speed Force along the way. His story would continue in the distant future fighting and losing to an older Barry Allen, the ancient past as he is creating the Cult of Savitar, and come full circle as he is trying to re-escape from the Speed Force Prison at the beginning of Season 3.

Frankly, it doesn't even have to be a future Wally. Savitar could've just as easily been a future Julian Albert, or an entirely original character (but for the love of God, none of that Tommy Thawne shit! The character arc Eddie went through was perfectly satisfying as is, and we don't need him coming back as some angsty, vengeful prick.).

Finally, I think Savitar should've been more of a presence in Season 3. Savitar was able to wreck Barry's shit in ways that neither Team Flash nor the viewers thought possible, and those moments when Team Flash was either being terrorized by Savitar or playing into his schemes were some of the best moments of the first two-thirds of the season. Take the fight between Savitar and Jesse Quick, for example. Savitar told her that he had plans for her, and that's something the season could've expanded on instead of dropping like a rock.

Group Admin

Idk, I kinda like the idea of a protagonist fighting his darker version. But tbh, they could've foreshadowed it better, and the whole time remnant loop was a mess


Normally you'd be right about that, but for the storyline they were building in season 3, an evil Barry was a poor fit. The idea that Barry would murder his own beloved just to spite himself is just stupid, and I cannot say that enough. The whole time remnant thing doesn't help either because, and I'm taking an argument from a video I saw on the subject, it's ridiculous that Barry's surviving friends and family would reject that time remnant if they were upset with original Barry for abandoning them in the first place. Just take remnant Barry in and let original Barry mope by himself in the depths of Star Labs.

Now I'll admit, a future evil Wally killing his sister is also dumb, but the difference is that the season three we got gave us a much better case for Wally turning evil than Barry. Or maybe Julian or a different character (someone with no familial or romantic attachment to Iris) could've been Savitar. But if you ask me, the whole evil Barry/Future Flash idea would've only worked if Iris wasn't going to get killed (now I'm just spitballing here, but before Iris' future death became the focus of the entire season, the only complaint I had about season 3 is that Flashpoint was only one episode).

Group Admin

Kinda agree, the motivation was really weird. Kill Iris to become a God of time and destroy Central City? Eh. Also, I guess in a way, being a proclaimed God of speed sounds more like an egotistical Wally, who we know can be. An evil Barry, would be trying to fix his mistakes, (Future Flash comics), but wouldn't be as arrogant as Savitar displayed himself to be.
Yeah, it would've been better if Savitar was FlashPoint Barry who survived. The team abandoning the time remnant idea was very dumb. Even if there were two Barry's around, they wouldn't abandon the time remnant.
WestAllen and Iris dying in the future were things I disliked. Big meh's.

Hmm, they probably should've done the Future Flash arc in Season 6, and followed more so to how the comics did it

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