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Who were pretty damn sure we can rule out:
Joe: This is just friggen stupid, if Savitar was Joe...? No, he would kill his daughter to get back at his son...Just no...
H.R: The show wouldn't repeat themselves with a Wells villain. I know I had my speculations on it, but I'm closing it.
Julian: He was already Alchemy.
Caitlin- Killer Frost.
Cisco- Is Vine. Nuff said.

Who's really possible:
Future Barry
Future Wally
Savitar is just another person
....And for MY personal input, I'm putting Iris West. Wait hear me out! Grant said that the show had no real hints to who Savitar was (All of the above except Savitar being a random person, has hints), and Candice Patton stated that it is a real shocker, even more shocking that Reverse Flash reveal...Everyone has there hopes up for either of the four above, but if the reveal is shocking, it would be Iris...
In the Future Flash arc, the Future Flash tries to kill his past self (but explains why he doesn't erase himself from the timeline)...I'll put it up later.
So that's all I have on my Savitar speculations. Now, I'm gonna shut up and just wait till he gets friggen revealed, and stop overanalyzing this.


I'm putting Iris West.

This begs a question how can she exist if she kills her... unless she's protected by the Speed force in such a way that things like causality mean nothing to her now.


Well first of all, the Reverse-Flash reveal wasn't a shocker. At all. We suspected Wells of being Reverse-Flash ever since the pilot episode, and it doesn't help that the show was dropping crazy-obvious hints. Really, it was either him or Eddie, and Eddie was always a red herring. Apart from that, the only real question was whether or not Wells was Thawne or Zolomon (because he took cues from the comics versions of both). So Candice Patton saying that Savitar's identity/reveal will be a bigger shocker than Reverse-Flash doesn't mean much.

I'm still thinking Wally, but I've begun to reconsider. After all, the trailer for The Once and Future Flash shows him in a wheelchair, maybe even with his speed stolen (because comics Savitar could give and take speed, and the show writers seem to have taken cues from that when building up the Alchemy/Philosopher's Stone/Savitar connection), so it would have to be a distant future Wally for him to be Savitar. Plus, Savitar said that Flashpoint gave him the idea to use Kid Flash to escape the Speed Force prison, and he said it in a way that implied that Wally had never been a speedster in any prior timeline. It's still possible, but the pieces don't fit together as well anymore.

At the same time, I've been clinging to what Savitar said about having created himself. Considering that Wally got his powers from the Philosopher's Stone, and that the Stone is a part of Savitar, that would kind of make sense. Then again, the same thing could apply to Julian, which makes for a convenient segue.

Julian: He was already Alchemy.

On the contrary, him being Alchemy only makes him a more likely candidate. When you consider that Savitar used Julian as the vessel for Alchemy, and that the team has been able to get Savitar to speak through Julian directly twice, the connection between Julian, Savitar, and the Stone may run deeper than any of us realize.

Then again, it runs into some of the same pitfalls as the theory that Wally is Savitar, in that Julian would have to have also become Savitar in the prior timeline. Plus, with how the Killer Frost subplot is going, I can't help but doubt that Julian will even survive this season.

In the Future Flash arc, the Future Flash tries to kill his past self (but explains why he doesn't erase himself from the timeline)...I'll put it up later.

I never actually read the Future Flash comics (only some wikis and TV Tropes), but Future Flash strikes me as more of an anti-hero than a true villain. Plus, Future Flash's and the show's Savitar's motivations don't really line up, and while the shows don't necessarily adapt villains 100% as they were in the comics (just look at Zoom), just think it through for a second. If Savitar is Future Flash, then his motive as a villain basically boils down to "I ruined my life, so I'm going to travel back in time and ruin my past self's life to take revenge on myself!" Now I know he must have went insane in the Speed Force prison, but for fuck's sake, Starlight Glimmer's backstory makes more sense than this shit.

Savitar is just another person

It's starting to seem that way. And consider that he's said to be the first speedster ever. Now that might just be an unreliable speedster myth (or it could just pertain to the fact that the Philosopher's Stone was thrown back into the distant past, thus simply making him the first speedster to show up in the historical record), but it could also be the hint to rule out all other theories.

Also, the ancient speedster bit could implicate Eddie even more, if Eddie was affected by the Speed Force and deposited in the distant past, that would make him the self-made first speedster ever. Then again, that all depends on what happened to him after he was pulled into that vortex. Considering what was going on at the time (time travel, Speed Force, interdimensional breach), for all we know, that vortex could have dumped him in the Gotham River on FOX's show, never to be seen or heard from ever again.

Cisco- Is Vine. Nuff said.

That makes a surprising amount of sense.


that vortex could have dumped him in the Gotham River on FOX's show, never to be seen or heard from ever again.


Police Baffled, Body, While Confirmed To Be Human, Unidentifiable.

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