Single Writers 309 members · 2,582 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Have you experienced these?

1. When you can't think of any more professional word or anything that would lead the readers to making a conclusion.

I know you use high school/post college words for your stories, right? Sych as abrogate, aphorism, and other high level words.

Solution: Start using a dictionary more often. An online dictionary is more useful since it can state its level such as elementary, high school, or post college.

2. When you screwed up to sticking to the story or making up your own.

This especially happened to me as of today, since I am thinking if I should use another family name for the pony for my next story or stick to the surname at the drama series, that is "Cassano" from the show "Vincenzo". I hope you guys comment how can you help with my confusion. Ahem! Speaking of getting screwed up, did you experience something like this? Like you thought of two plots you can use for one previous plot, but one can only be your choice?

Solution: Think more about one plot to another or find a group that promotes writing help.

3. When you have one more writing website aside from FimFiction.

Do you have any other accounts in which you are a writer present in the website? Such as Wattpad and FanFiction? Then I have a slight solution!

Solution: Instead of making and typing the story in the actual website, open an online notepad or even Microsoft Word, and enter the plot and narration of your story. How is this going to help? You can copy every detail you typed in Microsoft Word!/online notepad and paste it easily on the websites, and...check your grammar if it needs any corrections.

More problems and solutions coming soon!!!


high level words.

Reminds me of a story:

I’m sweating like crazy in the heat. But I can’t stop. The administrative battle is starting to get really intense. Some powerful words are expressed like, address, clarify, transfer, phrase, impart, transmit, devise, govern, regulate, formulate, treaty, articulate, direct, prescribe, authorize, arrange, inquire, regulate, announce, order, mediate and other good words.

I know the scrolls are really important because they use the best words like consort, articulate, enounce, pronounce, formulate, explicate, machinate, excogitate, dilate, expatiate, expound, discourse, dissertate, relinquish, forswear, dictate, accord, modulate, enjoin, rescript, revise, adjudge, promulgate, arbitrate, liaise, intercede and even bigger ones.

Can anyone help me for the "Vincenzo" part? I was asking if I should use "Cassano" for the pony or another surname (I'm asking because this is needed for my next story.)


I know you use high school/post college words for your stories, right? Sych as abrogate, aphorism, and other high level words.

Truth be told, most writers on this site don't do this. Quite the contrary, in fact.

This especially happened to me as of today, since I am thinking if I should use another family name for the pony for my next story or stick to the surname at the drama series, that is "Cassano" from the show "Vincenzo". I hope you guys comment how can you help with my confusion.

I'd be nice if you could elaborate more on this issue. Others cannot see into your head, so they lack the necessary context to advise you.

Solution: Instead of making and typing the story in the actual website, open an online notepad or even Microsoft Word, and enter the plot and narration of your story. How is this going to help? You can copy every detail you typed in Microsoft Word!/online notepad and paste it easily on the websites, and...check your grammar if it needs any corrections.

Truth be told, you can copy stories between websites as well. However, even if you're using just one site, always use a word processor such as MS Word or Google Docs. Makes the job far easier. Not to speak about the fact that you should always keep a backup copy of the story off-site.

Dudes, do I have to use "Cassano" or another surname? Don't be afraid to reply

Ummm...I'm asking because it's needed for my story

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