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Is this group even remotely active anymore? I haven't seen any posts here fow a while, and I think it's a shame, because I will always stand behind the idea of this group -- to bring people together. Maybe you won't find your love, but you may just find some good friends instead.

Either way, I thought I could "put myself out there", so to speak.

I've been in a relationship for a long, long while. I actually wrote about said relationship in a previous post here, which I after a lot of thought, decided to delete. It wasn't doing me or anyone else any good. Anyway, I've been single for several years now, and I'm thinking that maybe it's time to meet some new people.

I'm a straight male, turned 28 just last week, and live in central Sweden. Aside from writing, I'm also heavy into both acting and photography. If you want links to my YouTube channel or DeviantArt account, don't hesitate to ask. I have short, blonde hair and a goatee I trim often. I take care to remove most of my beard, especially in the lower chin and neck, which I don't really like.

My favorite genres and settings are fantasy, medieval, post apocalyptic, and of course, all things horror. Especially psychological horror, like Silent Hill, as an example. I also adore Lord of The Rings.

Even though I feel like shit all the time due to some very specific mental health problems I've been struggling with for the past five years, I'm still always happy and friendly. Being happy is something I can't stop being, no matter how bad I feel. I always laugh and joke around, and sometimes I can be a bit annoying, but I can't help it. Oh, and I'm also a furry, just to be clear. I was a furry long befoe I discovered FiM, and I still am to this day.

In my teens I skated a lot. I used to be really, really thin. I was so skinny in fact, that I got the nickname Linnet. These days I do have a bit of a stomach, mainly due to my medication making me gain weight. I will be fixing it as soon as I can.

Before the shit I'm going through started five years ago, I had a.. "hobby" that I really loved and hope to do again. See, since I was fourteen, I've been collecting medieval and fantasy clothing. I have my own little armory, a remade closet, where I keep all my stuff. Tunics, pants, tabards, vests, jerkins, doublets, robes and cloaks, as well as many swords and peices of medieval armor. And I used to walk in said clothing in the woods. I loved it, and can't wait to do it again.

To me, there's no better feeling than to sit around a campfire at night, pulling your cloak closer as the cold of darkness sneaks up on you. I long to sleep next to the fire under the starry sky.

I'm kind to those that are kind to me. And probably to those that aren't, too. I love helping others, giving to others. And I like hugs a lot.
Yeah, I'm one of those weirdos.

Who knows, maybe someone will see something worthwhile here.

Are you a fan of The Ring series?

To be honest.. I've only seen the two American remakes :twilightsheepish: I haven't been able to find them here in Sweden, but I keep looking. Now, Ju-On on the other hand, is my absolute favorite horror series :twilightsmile:

Oh dope AF! I personally love, I repeat love, Alien. The original movie. Along with Predator. I love the idea of humans acting on their animistic instincts.

Yeah, Alien is a great movie, I won't deny that. I have both the first and the second movies, one of those bundles or whatever they're called :twilightsmile: And I haven't seen Predator in years, but I do remember it as good. I remember Arnold :twilightsheepish:

And I agree about the last thing you said. While it can be terrifying to see, it's also fascinating to see how humans act when forced into pure, animalistic emotions. Like Freud's thesis on the Id, Ego and Superego. When the animalistic behaviour, the inner Id, comes out, you can bet that the outcome won't be pleasant.

Which is why the movie/book The Island of Dr. Monroe is my jam. What actually separates a human who cares for their child from an insect that eats it?

I would say love and... as corny as it may sound: humanity. Even though we have these darker, primal instincts within us, we all do our best to push them down, to supress them. Animals on the other hand, don't. I know, I'm being obvious, I mean why else would it be called animalistic instincts? While animals do feel maternal instincts just like us, I would argue that our humanity helps us to resist the demons of the mind in a far better way. I'm not saying animals are worth any less than us humans, I love animals more than anything on this earth, but I can't deny that we as a species are a little more advanced in department of psychology than they are :twilightsheepish:

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