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Well, I've been in this group for a while now; might as well take a swing at this and see what happens. I'm Quill; for ease, I'm tossing up my introduction from the other thread.

Name: Quill (Or whatever Ink or Quill based nickname you can think of) I don't give out my real name until I know someone.

Age: 27

Birthday: Sep 23rd

Home: Mid-state New York

Sex: Male

Orientation: Omnisexual (Leans mostly towards younger women, but that isn't a deal-breaker)

Interests: I'm an author who spends a good chunk of his time on this site. I love MLP, music, reading, writing, playing video games, and watching anime.

Favorite Movie: Depending on my mood, either The Princess Bride / Wreck-It Ralph / RWBY (I consider each "Chapter" a movie.)

Favorite Bands: Skrillex, Skillet, Disturbed, Random Fan Covers, Various Video Game OSTs, Game Chops and Hopper, Random Songs From All Over, Brony Musicians.

Favorite Book: Anything by Brandon Sanderson; especially The Stormlight Archive series.

Favorite Shows: Aside from MLP; Star vs. The Forces of Evil, Loony Toons (the Original), Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, Adventure Time, and The Amazing World of Gumball.

Other: I'm looking for a relationship where I can be honest about myself. Being a brony always made me nervous going into new relationships; telling my parents were one thing, but a girlfriend? Dating sites are something I don't do -- between the scammers, the one-night-standers, and just how eerie it is to put all your information out there... I just can't do it.

That might go some lengths to explain why I've been single for five years. My luck with women has been... shoddy would be a generous term. I've been single for 5 years, closing on 6, and that's not for want of trying. I seem to just have bad luck, it seems. I've had some bad experiences and they've messed up my sense of trust pretty bad -- I won't pretend like I'm perfect, because I'm not. I've got a boatload of issues, but who doesn't these days?

I'm pretty much only on this site, but I'm most certainly not opposed to texting, calling, and chatting, once I get to know someone better.

My loneliness has been getting to me bad lately, and I'm kinda floundering. I'm just looking for someone to talk to right now -- no obligations or commitments.

Hi Quill! Sorry to hear about your not finding a person your comfortable with. I'm not really looking for anything around here, but willing to chat sometimes. Guess I can give my information:

Name: Just go with Halira

Age: 38 going on 21. People are shocked when I tell them I'm 38. I don't look that old, feel that old, or act that old (well sometimes act that old).

Birthday: August 21st

Home: Near Charleston, South Carolina

Sex: Transwoman, been out for years.

Orientation: Have a hard time with that. I prefer women, but am open to men, just harder to find men attractive. Been an occasional one or two.

Interests: I write, I read, listen to music, play some vintage video games or phone games. Will Netflix binge from time to time.

Favorite movie: I tend to watch movies once then love to watch certain scenes of the movies over again so hard to say a favorite movie.

Favorite bands: Not sure I can name a favorite band. My music selection on my phone is kind of all over the place. Lots of stuff from soundtracks and bring artists mixed in with some instrumental stuff.

Favorite books: The Vlad Taltos novels from Steven Brust, Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan

Favorite shows: MLP, Star vs., DuckTales, Castlevania, Big Mouth, Daredevil, Adam Ruins Everything, IZombie, Stranger Things, Game of Thrones (I'm so far behind!)

Other: I'm just here. Been single four years, been on like three or four dates in that time period. I get creeped out and run away when people come on strong, but get bored if they never come on. I'm quiet and hard to read at times. I'm also a weird mix of very shy and very energetic--I don't like parties and lots of people, but don't like sitting still for a long time either and sometimes will just "bounce around". I don't really know what to do with myself in random conversation but if you give me a subject to focus on I'm good to go. I'm slow to open up and trust. I can say lots about myself without ever opening up.

Not sure what I'm looking for, but I'm in the single writers so guess I'm moderately hoping something will come up at some point. I get lonely.

Name: Only given to people I know

Age: 20 gonna be 21 December

Birthday: December 18

Home: Rancho Cucamonga, California (I mentioned my city a few times in other threads so no point in hiding)

Sex: Male

Orientation: Heterosexual

Interests: Writing fiction, playing video games, reading, cooking, playing football, watching Youtube videos, taking care of my son dog

Favorite Movies: Star Wars, Mission Impossible, Black Hawk Down, Saving Private Ryan, Jason Bourne Series, Sicario

Favorite Music: I listen to everything from Rap to Metal to Jazz. Hell, I listen to rap or heavy metal when writing my fics.

Favorite Books: Star Wars, Tom Clancy books, used to read Rick Riordan’s books, loved to read Tintin comics when I was small, and I still read One Piece and Star Wars comics/manga. Not a big anime fan btw.

Favorite Shows: The Men Who Built America, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Gravity Falls, Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern, Ghost Adventures

Other: Never been serious in pursuing a relationship. Probably wait until I get my Bachelors. More of a waiting for someone to approach me kind of person.

Dealing with school and personal issues currently and wishing to know what it’s like to have a truly happy family.

Have a habit of driving dangerously fast on the road.

Would walk in circles when alone and fantasizing.

Took a passive stance ever since I pulled a knife and choked my sister twice when we fought in separate occasions.

Swore to never use physical punishment on my kid unless they do something incredibly stupid like commit a crime.

Once I have enough money, swore to donate half of my earnings from them on.

Wanna be a teacher as a stable job but dreamed of being either an actor, voice actor, or a director. Maybe all 3.

Very patient and never held a grudge before. I do get angry but it doesn’t last long. Like to be myself, not going to expensive restaurants and have to do all this shit to impress rich people.

I know how to play the piano and the alto sax but haven’t played in a while.

When serious, I like to strategize things. Gamers and that includes in airsoft, I prefer letting everyone kill each other off then pick off stragglers. Would rather have 1 kill and a win than 20 kills and a loss. RTS? Information is key and I like having eyes everywhere.

Trying to restart a workout routine after stopping since graduating high school. Will have more time after transfer.

Love food btw.

Did this cuz I’m bored.

Sep 23rd? That's my birthday, too!

Oh, sorry! I didn't know you'd replied. :derpytongue2:

Hah! Nice.

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