Comments ( 8 )
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The Parasprite has asked if she could be a contributor for the Unsafe Space. I think we could give her a chance and see if she does a good job. If she doesn't, the admins can demote her, and if she doesn't, we can keep her as a Contributor or just vote on it.

I just require the Senators here to make the final choice.

Since it is a position that dosen't technically have any real power I don't see too much in harm in it.

6056545 Seems okay to me. :)

Yeah, I don't see any reason not to.


1.- (minor nitpick): "  If she doesn't, the admins can demote her, and if she doesn't, we can keep her as a Contributor or just vote on it."

Fix, please. I know it's a minor thing, sorry, but I don't wanna take chances of confusion.

2.- Regarding Parasprite: While it has picked on a bit on the user Chill (I already sent her a PM regarding my opinion on alsvid) most of the time it has managed to get a comment that does contain a good thought or it was made up. While I have my reasons to believe it could be a minor troll, I think I think we can give her a Testing period of time (maybe 30 days?) and then, once the time is up, come back here and see how well she has done as a contributor (and see if she has managed to not cause a problem here on this group). So, yes.


1.- What about a test time of 30 days and then see how well she has done?

2.- If any of you are curious, this was my response to Chill Hope:

We [The Admins] decided to have a discussion about him days after he came here and we decided that the best would be to just ignore him (knowing that he would be gone or stay dormant) and it looks like it worked for a while.

Talking from experience, trolls like alsvid only want attention and the best way to shut them off is by ignoring them.

Yes, they make group trend because of how loud they are but, honestly, it would be noise formed out of hatred, demagoguery, vile toxicity and hatred towards anyone who has a difference of opinion and that's not the kind of noise either I (or the admins in this group) want for this group.

This group is named "The League of Common Sense an Unsafe Space" and (as far I'm aware) the common sense is to, not only, detect the trolls, but also, to not give in to them (depending on the kind of troll we're dealing here) and show them that civility and intelligence is the norm here, not shutting people out and insulting them for their opinion. That kind of thinking is what destroyed nations like Venezuela, South Africa or Argentina, or that is harming both the USA and Europe and making someone like alsvid a contributor would only take us on the same path that went through "Lord of Flies".

I hope you find this useful .

I hope I'm not wrong regarding what we think about this group.

6056672 I'm pretty sure she will be okay. I mean she is just a contributor. ;)

6056672 a 30 day trial wouldn't hurt.

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