Pagan Bronies 41 members · 58 stories
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Human pagan sent to Equestria via spell mishap. Human believes that lightning can be used as a substitute for soul in the five elements, earth, air, water, fire, and soul. Human starts off getting attacked by the magi brigade of the royal guard, using fire based spells to kill human. Human absorbs the spells and when trying to swipe away the smoke sends one of the spells out at a nearby house that hadn't been evacuated yet. Human feels bad for doing that and tries to rescue ponies trapped inside. Human takes on the wounds of the father, who suffered bad burns and was knocked unconscious by the blast, and throws stallion through near window to safety. Goes to kitchen and teleports mare, filly, and colt outside, falls unconscious as adrenaline high fades. Is stuck between death and life in a wakeful coma. Mane 6 sent to investigate human. Human gets revived by RD trying to zap it when human twitched. This causes RD to zap human three or four more times before human absorbs enough lightning to create a small ring of lightning around right (or left if left handed) thumb. Figures what the hell and causes TS to hit human with enough of each of other four elements to create rings of each on different fingers. Index-Earth, middle-Air, ring-Fire, pinkie-Water. After last ring is formed, rings move to wrist and crystallize. In order of finger, amethyst, citrine, diamond, fire opal, aquamarine.

So what do you think? Good, bad, want, trash, what?

5619551 Sounds like a self-insert imba human power-masturbation fic. It all depends on the execution, though.

5620094 Which is why I'm trying to get somepony else to do it.

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