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Clown Torres
Group Admin

Well, Trump is President, America is having mixed reactions, Russia congratulates Trump, and things here and there.

But why the overreaction? We haven't seen what he's done yet because he not in office yet. In additionally, are you getting the feeling that we been here before? Feels like it.

As in people reacting to certain Presidents such as people reacting to Obama in 2008, acting like he's the second coming of Christ while the other side feared for the future, but this time it's the other way around. When Bush Jr. ran for a second term, people (mostly celebrities) said they'll be moving out of America if he's in office and look what happened, they stayed where they are. Even past Elections might have been through scenarios like this.

I know we live in a uncertain future. But remember, the more you remember the past and compare them to the present, the more you realize how silly we and the media are acting,

Have a nice day.

Group Admin

Plus even if he is the president-elect*, he'd have to deal with a Congress where neither party has enough seats to have complete control. Without a Congress to back him, his powers would be inconsequential as the only thing he can do then is refuse to sign the budget, and Congress has the ability to override vetoes.

That's all I'm going to say on this matter.

* Not going to believe it until things are checked out. There's been too much shady crap this election.

Even a lot of establishment Republicans don't like him, he'll be much easier to stop than anybody on FIMFic realizes.

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