Mainly Furries 54 members · 0 stories
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Hey, so I've been working on this story Idea I've had for a while and have come across an obvious question. A question that I probably should've seen sooner.

The idea of the story centers around Kitsune's. For those of you who don't know, Kitsune's are Japanese fox creatures that posses shape shifting abilities, can manipulate the natural elements, and have more than one tail. They can have up to nine tails and, according to folklore, those who have nine tails posses god-like powers and are even treated as gods. Also according to folklore, they are also known as tricksters who pull funny pranks on humans and other mortals. Just a little fun fact there.

Anyway, the premise of the story is that there lies a huge country where tons of these magical foxes roam about and live carefree lives, often avoiding the other dangers of the world and try to live in peace. However, only those foxes with nine tails are fit to be the rulers of the country, and quite possibly the world. The nine tail leaders also form the Guardians group (haven't thought of a proper name yet) to recruit foxes to become, well, Guardians, powerful warriors to help protect their home country and keep the peace among other creatures. Only foxes with powerful magic can become Guardians to use their elemental powers to their fullest extent. With the world always changing and even becoming more advanced in technology, the leaders feel like their kind has forgotten about magic and has become too dependent on machines. Nevertheless, the Guardians are still strong warriors who's main goal is to protect and fight for their home.

So, that's basically the whole premise of the idea. I don't want to go too much further into detail because I might accidentally give away spoilers. As I was working on this idea, a sudden thought came to me, would this be considered a furry story? I mean, it does star foxes as main characters, but their not anthro foxes like other stories. But they can still communicate and think intelligently. So, what do you guys think? Do you think this is still considered a furry type story?

5687901 it's a really cool idea and I can't wait to check it out but...
I'm not sure if it will go in this group. Because if you take out 'foxes' and add in 'ponies' then your right back here. I don't really know.
But still awesome story idea

5687960 Thanks. But I never said this would be a fanfic, this is more like a story on it's own. I'm just wondering if this idea would be considered a "furry story" or not.

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Group Admin

5687901 Ha! I caught a few unintentional references.

nine tails


star foxes

Star Fox

At any rate, I don't think 'furry' is limited to just anthro characters, but really I think it's up to you, what do you think? I like the idea, and sounds like something I would read. If you decide that you consider it to be a furry story, then I would encourage you to search for Websites for Furry Stories. Though I've heard some places like FurAffinity aren't as good when it comes to stories, as there aren't as many people with time that are willing to read stories, vs quickly browsing through art.

5688439 :rainbowderp: oh that makes way more sense. Kinda
But the rest still applies.
And when you do post they story, where that may be, can I read it?

5689050 Tbh, I have no idea. I don't know where I should post this story. If it ever happens. It's still in the idea phase.

5689055 oh ok.
Still it getting there
And it's still cool:twilightsmile:

5689065 Yeah. Right now I'm just brain storming. If you know about any book sites where people can post and read stories online, that would be great.

5689071 boy-do I know that stage well
Don't worry once you get out of the storming stage and start write (with even more storming from boredom) it'll be worth it.

And no, I only know of the fanfic ones. Sadly. Tough it would be a cool if they had a site for that. (I'm sure they do)

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