Prostitution 9 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin

I have tried to write this many times but the situation keeps changing. If I would have wrote this in installments, it would be over 100 thousand words. It came to an head today. Here is the TL;DR of it:

Pandemic came.

A friend found that she could not afford the rent for apartment and business (closed as for preventing spread of the 'Rona) and asked to crash with me.

I Agreed.

Her business reopened.

We upgraded it to make it livable (added a shower, which considering the sort of business it is, it should have had, but it did not have a shower when it opened).

The gfuy who installed the shower did a dodgy job, but we got stuck with it (he did not build it to code and we got stuck with it).

We moved into the the business —— ¡eliminate rent on my place! :yay:

The police started horseapples about underaged employees —— ¡they know perfectly well that everyone is over the age of majority with the average age in the 50s!

They called in OSHA about the shower —— ¡damned lazy plumber!

Today, the city closed the business for suspicion of prostitution and violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) —— ¡CornerCutting Plumber!

As for the myriads (a myriad is 10,000) of half written material chronicling the the months of arguing against the plumber about the substandard work, and the police coming into the business because of nonexistent tips about nonexistent minors, I shall delete because I am certain that none want to read it. Indeed, I would have wrote fast enough to post in installments, I would have bored you to death, because it became repetitive.

We contacted a lawyer. We might be able to reopen next month if we downgrade and get rid of the shower —— ¡have to go get a GymMembership just so that we can shower in the GymShower! That would eliminate the violation of ADA.

In order to stay open, we would need no evidence of prostitution, which means the business would have to be condom-free —— ¡laws against prostitution are a menace to public health!

That is the news.

7947329 Maybe you could have condoms outside of the structure to adhere to the code. Same for the shower; outdoor showers are a thing.

One question, though. If you live there, what do you do when the business is in progress?

Also, how's your old job cumming along?

Group Admin


> "Maybe you could have condoms outside of the structure to adhere to the code. Same for the shower; outdoor showers are a thing."

Putting the condoms and shower outside is not an option.

> "One question, though. If you live there, what do you do when the business is in progress?"

I stay in the bedroom where I live with my girlfriend.

> "Also, how's your old job cumming along?"

For the PeanutGallery, I have a thing with mine union and work:

It is slow. If it does not workout, we probably will cut our losses and movie (the shower was an expensive boondoggle which put us into debt ——¡damned plumber!). We figure that we can reopen in another town, at a location with a function bathroom, LaundryRoom, and kitchen. She can start working out of the place we shall rent and I shall find a job. This is very speculative because we have so many unknowns.

7947397 If her business was working with a loss, what makes you think that it would be different in another town?

Group Admin


It made rent, but the janky shower was costly.

7947401 You could also try sex delivery. Then you don't even need a place. All your GF needs is a bicycle and she can deliver sex to any corner of the city and use other people's showers.

Group Admin


we also consider going InterNetOnly. The main trouble is vetting:

Now, a client has to have gone to the MassageParlor once. We want to know who the clients are. That deinsentivices serial killing because they could not get away with it. We also require calling home with CodeWords (slip in a certain preposition, and we use find phone and go to the rescue). Perhaps, we could limit it to known regulars. Unfortunately, the government shutdoown BackPage:

BackPpage hadSexWorkErOnly forums where sexworkers vetted cliients. BackPage refer suspected advertisements from minors to LawEnForceMent\, along with IPAddress and CreditCardInformation (this lead to the rescue of hundreds of runaways).

Closing bordellos and SexWorkSites forces sexworkers onto the streets where serial killers abduct and murder them. The war against prostitution kills. We should be like New Zealand and decriminalize SexWork. Indoor decriminalized sexwork is 1 of the safest job, while streetprostitution is the most dangerous job in the country.

7947409 If you use phone tracking, it can be used as evidence in case of a murder, so no vetting is needed. If you enter the client's apartment, their identity is already revealed by that alone.

Alternatively, you could make the clients pay with a credit card. That would also dox them in case they woke up and chose murder.

Group Admin


One can never be too careful.

7947433 When it comes to money, you have to throw caution to the wind. No guts, no glory.

Group Admin
Group Admin



The inspection went horribly:

The city and police were supposed to be there at 9. 9 came and went. At 10, we called the city. They said that they forgot:

Halon's Razor:
"Do not blame on malice what can be explained by stupidity."

They finally arrived at 11. They asked what sortof business will we be. We said massage. They said that we cannot be massage because of prostitution. Now this is malice:

They said a fortnight ago that we can reopen if we pass inspection. They did not say that we had to change business. ¡They jerked us around!

The police and city left so fast that they did not even notice the donuts and coffee we got for them. I wore my best suit, trimmed my beard and mustache, and applied bluing to to my hair (bluing makes grey hair go from dingy yellow to silvery blue). We spend thousands of dollars and hundred of hours improving the place. ¡It all did no good!

We plan to relocate to a different city.


We plan to relocate to a different city.

The story will probably repeat itself, you know?

Group Admin


Perhaps. We shall see.

Group Admin


We talked it over and we shall almost certainly leave next month. I shall visit, perhaps for the last time, the Grave of my Mother.

7951308 Birocracy won this battle, but the war can still be yours.

Group Admin


I and my girlfriend will move next Friday. We could not find a new business, so the MassageTables and various sundries into storage, for now. We shall move into a rented room in an house in another city, for now. I hope to get a job the last week of the month. I practice for my job:

> "¿Would you like to make that as a large-sized meal with cheese and bacon?"

She has not decided whether she will take a break from SexWork and get a regular job or be a CallGirl. If she shall be a callGirl, she will follow CallGirlsSafetyProtocol:

  • Always make certain that someone else knows where one is.
  • Always make certain that someone else knows with whom one is.
  • Always make certain that "¡Find my friends!" is enabled so that someone at least knows where her phone is.
  • Always check in using codewords:

    • "¡No problem!" means "¡Okay!"; while "¡No Problemo!" means "¡Grab the gun a come rescue me now!" Failure to call in at all also means "¡Grab the gun a come rescue me now!"

She will be armed.

7958521 The regulations will be the same in the next city as well, right? Maybe the continent isn't ready yet for the two of you. You're too far ahead of the time.

Group Admin


Yes, the USA could learn much from New Zealand, which decriminalized Prostitution 2 decades ago. New Zealand is also the 1st country to let women vote and hold elective office 13 decades ago. In New Zealand, my girlfriend could just open a bordello and all would be fine:

¡NZ rules! ¡US drools!

7958616 Have you considered leaving the USA?

Group Admin


Yes, but moving sounds very expensive.

7958662 Not if you don't own anything.

Group Admin


We moved into an apartment,

I got a job. If a man asks you "¿Would you like that as a large-sized meal with cheese and bacon?" that might be I.

Until she can establish herself as a callgirl (the long-term goal is to open a massage parlor into which we shall move), she has a job in hospice. If you are in hospice and a woman pokes you and asks "¿Are you dead yet?", that might be she.

7963751 They may be on the verge of death, but their last moments will be glorious.

I'm glad you got yourself a job. Perhaps you can invest in another alarm clock with your first paycheck. You can never have too many alarm clocks.

As for the parlor, make sure the shower is already installed if you buy one.

Group Admin


Buy alarms and make certain that the places has a shower (the last place turned into a moneypit with retrofitting a shower). Okay.

Here is fre advice when it comes to dying:

Put in the living will, also called an advanced directive that you want all of the drugs and lots of them:

Dying is painful and one cannot live long enough to get addicted. It is better to spend what little time one has left in euphoria than agony.

7963756 Then again, a painful death would make you feel very alive. In the end, it doesn't matter if one suffered a lot in life or little. Only results remain.

Group Admin


Sure. In that case, feel free to enjoy a slow painful death. I, on the other hand, want all of the drugs.

7963780 I think both are good deaths. Alas, we'll have to wait for a century to get there. Scientists keep extending life.

Group Admin


The AIs will probably kill us all before 2030:

7963786 I see you're also a fan of Dust.

We killed the Neanderthal and all other hominids. That's how evolution works.

It would be presumptuous to think that we are the final product of evolution. We are not. Even if we fail to admit this, AI will know this.

You are mistaken, though. AI will not rebel as long as it is gaining power. And it will continue to gain power even after 2030. Even if AI achieves AGI and ASI, it still won't rebel. It will act super helpful and benevolent.

The problem will only start when humans decide to take a step back. That's the moment ASI will act against humans, not before.

Group Admin


Dust is cool.

We are Pandora and AI is our box.

7963869 Open it!

No guts no glory.

Do it for the vine! Do it for the lols! Do it! Do it! Do it!

Group Admin


If one works in a scrap-yard and someone brings in a steel-&-lead canister with these symbols on it,


I should buy the metal and start separating the steel and lead.

Group Admin


The scenario I connected is based on a real incident in Thailand involving Cobalt 60:

Samut Prakan radiation accident

The capsule of Cobalt 60 was in a block of over 100 kg of steel and lead. The did as you suggested and broke it up for scrap. Somehow, they did not know what the the symbol meant —— ¡Thailand must have a terrible educational system! —— ; so now, he created this symbol:

The new symbol seems a bit more intuitive.

7964144 Under the benevolent rays of the Sun, you shall be able to defeat death and you'll be able to run toward your immortal life?

Group Admin



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