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Joe Biden chose Kamala Harris. As we know, as a prosecutor in San Francisco and then as Attorney General of California, she persecuted poor defenseless prostitutes just trying to make a living. When she decided to run for Senate, she pretended to be a progressive instead of the reactionary she truly is. Putting lipstick on a pig (a pig in the sense of a corrupt cop) does not change the fact that she is a pig.

That said, I feel that I must endorse Biden Harris:

Biden is far better than the alternative and Harris, as terrible as she is, is still better than the alternative:

Trump is incompetent, corrupt, neither knows nor cares about the Constitution and the Law, is a puppet of a foreign power, et et cetera. If reelected, we might see this on the on the front page of the newspaper in 2022:

"Trump President Trump announces Trump Tower Moscow."

"Trump announces the sale of Alaska to Russia for 7.2 million dollars, the same price the US Government paid when it bought Alaska from the Russians in 1867."

"After killing over a million Americans, at a peak rate of over 5 thousand a day in the summer of 2021, CoViD19 finally seems to be burning itself out. Dr. Fauci, ouster in November 2020 after the election, states that the deathtoll could have been kept beneath 100 thousand, but Republicans emulated the bad behavior their Dear Leader modelling bad behavior by and refusing to stay 2 meters apart, wear masks, and get vaccinated when the Vaccine finally because available at the end of 2020."

"Unemployment finally drops beneath 10% for the 1st time since March 2020."

Kamala Harris is a piece of shit, but she is intelligent and our shit. Trump is an idiot and the shit of Putin.

I feel like I just had to ally myself with Stalin against Hitler. Sometimes, one must choose the least bad option. I know that I made the right decision endorsing Kamala Harris over Trump, but I feel like a just ate canine excrement full of maggots.

7298530 When you're forced to choose between Satan and Devil, maybe it's time to get out of Hell.

Group Admin


Okay, I shall move to your country, which is… ¿where? ¡I have no idea! :twilightsheepish:

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