The Legend of Everfree Fan Group 120 members · 122 stories
Comments ( 4 )
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Group Admin

'CAUSE IT'S HYPE TIME!!! :pinkiecrazy:

5515819 Quite honestly, after watching the movie, I don't like it. I could provide reasoning like how it uses some magical girl and fighting anime cliches, has a severely undeveloped villain, is technically an environmental movie (because most of the ones that exist make you want to burn down the forests and increase global warming), barely provides explanations for things like the magic and how it got there, doesn't explain what those crystals providing the magic are, has them discovering random powers randomly, puts in romance about 5 times more rushed, awkward, and undeveloped than FlashXTwilight, and has a confused and convoluted plot. And why can Sunset read minds?! And since Fluttershy can hear what the animals are saying, they're quite obviously thinking, so shouldn't Sunset be able to imitate half of Fluttershy's power?

I guess I did provide my reasons.

They did have a lot of good songs though.

Z-blade Gracin
Group Admin


I haven't been able to watch the movie yet. I'm planning on doing that with my group on the 8th. So, until then, I can only say one thing...


Group Admin

5518456 No probs. Just saying that it's time to dust the group off. :scootangel:

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