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Root Beer
Group Contributor

So, I'm on the higher functioning spectrum of Asperger's Syndrome, and a long time ago I knew words, I knew what they meant, but talking for me was so hard all I could do was mimic what was in books. I've always been very curious and inquisiting, and today that resulted in harm being done. I'm a pacifist, so I wasn't happy with that, but here's what happened.

There was this person who was working with me, a tired person, they works a lot. They once worked 69 hours overtime. Well, today while we were working together, they had a knife in their pocket, and they were being playful. The person said "I wanna cut some stuff" and started cutting a cardboard box. Now that I think about it, that's pretty bizarre, but aside from that, I was looking at the person's arms, remembering how they used to cut them-self (they had these bright red cut lines on his arms, he's had them ever since I started working at this place. I thought to myself about them cutting, and I asked the person, "How does it feel to cut yourself?", which I can now see is a very personal question to ask during work, but I was wondering at the time, and they told me it was a very inappropriate question to ask at work, and left their station. The person seemed like they was a little hurt to me. My chief manager called me. The manager told me that it was very rude and wrong of me to ask such a question, I said sorry many times, I didn't know how much it would hurt someone, but maybe I should've thought before I talked. They sent me home.

Group Admin


They sent me home.

What do you mean by They sent me home.

Time Reaper
Group Admin


Oh yeah, inappropriate questions, I had my own share of those...

I asked once to a women (from a family me and my mom are friends of) how long it would be before the baby would be born. Granted, I was right and she was pregnant (I realized it before anyone else), but it still was a very unappropiate question.

Root Beer
Group Contributor

5347609 Well, I mean that they had too many people working and that cost too much so they asked me to call it a day and head home, so I did.

Root Beer
Group Contributor

5347752 Yeah, I watched a video on that, darn I asked the same kind of question. I brought up a topic someone didn't want to talk about, and was trying to hide. . .

Brony kaiju soldier
Group Contributor

5347491 I know that I've got a high functioning form of Asperger's. And we all have those moments where we screw up; it's what we do next that counts.

Root Beer
Group Contributor

5349747 That's true, well, I did get straight As my first two years of High school all year round (except for one semester I paid more attention to my girlfriend than my studies)

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