Comments ( 6 )
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* "⸘Ŭalabio‽"
* NachoTheBrony
* Lunarclipse
* Chicago Ted
* amphicoelias
* ChinChillax

¿Kiuj aliaj parolas Esperanton?

Unfortunately, no. I entered this group because I want to ask about online learning resources.


Youtube has videocourses for learning Esperant and you can take free human-graded courses online:


You read and write English and live in Mexico, so you might like these better:

* ¡EN.Lernu.Net!
* ¡ES.Lernu.Net!




Do! Tiu ĉi grupo estas. . . surpriza, certe! Mi nenie pensis, ke kiel grupo estus fondita. Tre bone! Dankon, Lunarclipse!

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