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Special writing credit to Vman0. Might have gotten the ball rolling, but his handiwork was a splendid inspiration!

1954 -

"Creation, is an act of sheer will."

A 28 year old John Parker Hammond is inspired by tales by his uncle, who served alongside the Americans in the Pacific War, of seeing a living dinosaur on Lagos Island. After mounting an expedition to search and finding nothing in the following years, research in blood and genes opens up another door. He gets the idea for how dinosaurs might be resurrected after reading of a piece of amber found with blood bearing mosquito inside it despite some thinking it was too young to be dinosaur DNA. Unbeknownst to them, many of the amber samples he'd collect in time were of dinosaurs previously resurrected by ancient civilizations tens of thousands of years ago before the Toba catastrophe. (Jurassic Park: Trespasser, Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah)

1977 -

BioSyn is founded by British Lord Darren Penward. The biotech firm does make some respectable advancement in gene sequencing, but many times its advancement is born from it stealing the inventions of other groups while they are in development and sabotaging rivals. BioSyn hires more lawyers than it does geneticists. Chief among its personnel is cooperate spy and ace saboteur Lewis Dodgson, and the extremely intelligent geneticist Dr. Jane Tiptree, whom was one of the first hybrids ever born in the modern age, daughter of a human farmer and a Mysterian doctor. (Carnosaur, novel)

1979 - InGen is founded by Hammond. He hires many geneticists but his choice for a lead comes down to Dr. Atherton and his protégé, Henry Wu. The two create a dwarf elephant as a proof of concept, but some cooperate espionage implying shadiness to Atherton's character spurs Hammond to pass him over and hire now Dr. Wu along with Dr. Laura Sorkin. Hammond goes on to also hire game warden Robert Muldoon, and programmers John Ray Arnold and Denis Nedry. (Jurassic Park, novel)

Late 1979 to 1980 - Various islands in the Atlantic and Pacific are scouted for the testing grounds of InGen's goal. Eventually Isla Sorna, a large island off the shore of Costa Rica, is chosen. The plans called for Isla Sorna to be used as the production and research facility, Site B, and Site A be the place for a theme park to exhibit the species. Initially the plans called for a theme park in San Diego. (The Lost World, film)

1982 -

"As Nedry typed, the world seemed to hold its breath. And for a moment we stood at the turning point between two great planetary eras. The million-year reign of man and the age of the dinosaurs." - John Parker Hammond

The first dinosaur cloned by InGen is created. An Albertosaurus. Many other soon follow, raised on fenced in game reserve areas on Isla Sorna. However due to Wu's use of frog DNA, the dinosaurs have some health problems and uncharacteristic behaviors. Sorkin advocates for a complete genome, but Wu's method of patching the DNA yielded quick results and earns him Hammond's favor. And Sorkin's scorn. A bit of a misanthrope, Sorkin confides in an old colleague whom, unbeknownst to her, was such to an even more so and worked for a misanthrope to the extreme. Dr. Jane Tiptree. Unknown to Dr. Sorkin and Wu as they resumed work, data was stolen and copied. BioSyn knew what InGen was up to and rushed an effort to beat them to it. (Jurassic Park: Trespasser/novel)

1983 -

"This world has so many humans, too many now and too few later. I'm leaving something lasting." - Lord Darren Penward

In Britain, Lord Darren Penward commissions Dr. Tiptree to use the data Dodgson had stolen to make her own dinosaurs through 'Project Carnosaur'. A different process of DNA fragment extraction from fossils preserved in the Toba catastrophe ash is used. The discovery of only 70,000 year old or younger dinosaur fossils was quickly covered up by BioSyn with Penward seeing to it known knew on case of 'accidents' occurring. Multiple dinosaurs mutates are cloned in Penward's isolated estate, all mutations created to seek out and kill humans, with the exception of a young Brachiosaurus and reactive Scolosaurus. Penward, a hater of mankind and believer a nuclear third world war was imitate, planned to seed the wilds with his creations to have them overtake the world after the bombs dropped and ensure the surviving human race was rendered extinct. One creation, a heavily altered Deinonychus, was turned loose by Penward's estranged wife and went on a rampage across rural England, killing many persons in the moors before it's recaptured. (Carnosaur, novel)

In a series of obscured events, a second, larger scale break out potentially occurred before it was contained. Lord Penward was seemingly gored by a steer and bled to death, but he survived his injuries. The perpetrator of the breakout, Lady Jane Penward, was tied down and eaten alive by two hatchling Tyrannosaurus. Dr. Tiptree escaped without injury and was later documented pursing work with the Eunice Corporation in America to work on "chickens".

The incident is covered up, but InGen is aware that BioSyn accidentally unleashed some sort of aberration on the public along with reports of them also conducting rabies testing in Chile on unbeknownst farmers. Sickened and resolved to try and keep such a fate from occurring with the planned Jurassic Park, the initial Site A location of an amphitheatre in San Diego is scrapped in favor another Costa Rican island not far from Site B. The Island of Clouds, Isla Nublar.

1985 -

"When I first witnessed Laura's work, I thought it splendid. A good fright for the guests to keep the blood pumping... Young David Banks, the eager intern... Oh, oh that poor boy." - John Parker Hammond

Dr. Norman Atherton apparently dies of a heart complication. Construction of Isla Nublar hits a snag when the current population of Deinonychus, initially mislabeled as Velociraptor, were found to be extremely aggressive. Dr. Sorkin believed it was due to them patching the genome with Carnosaur genes such as Allosaurus creating conflicting instincts that induced minor mania. Dr. Laura Sorkin also breeds her first dinosaurs of her own, Troodon, but soon discovers their highly venomous nature.

1992 -

"I never thought I'd see Laura agreeing with Robert. Nor did I ever think I'd hear her say the words 'they should all be destroyed' in the same tone he did. Perhaps, I should have said it too." - John Parker Hammond

Several incidents with the Troodon leads to Hammond very reluctantly ordering them to be destroyed, however Sorkin secretly keeps a pack in quarantine pens in her remote lab on Isla Nublar. Working with Wu, they create a much more complete strain of Deinonychus different than InGen and BioSyn's attempts. The new 'models' lack the scales of the previous forms, being fully feathered and more reclusive. Rather than having an over-active kill drive the moment they smelled a human, as the scaly variants associated mammals with easy food, the more natural Deinonychus are dangerous only when hungry. Hammond is charmed by them, however he can't bring himself to have the scaly variants already on Isla Nublar be put down as many of them imprinted on him when they hatched. He requests a waiting period and possibly phasing the feathery ones in gradually over time as was done on Isla Sorna. (Jurassic Park, Telltale Game)

1993 -

"After careful consideration I'd decided, not to endorse your park."
"So have I." - Dr. Alan Grant and John Parker Hammond

After an incident with a particularly aggressive Deinonychus, nicknamed "The Big One", causes the death of a park worker, Jurassic Park Isla Nublar is partially opened to a test group of people. Amongst them are investor representative Donald Gennaro, paleontologist and paleobotanist Dr. Alan Grant and Dr. Ellie Sattler, chaotic mathematician Dr. Ian Malcolm, and Hammond's grandchildren Tim and Lex Murphy.

The park however goes array when after a majority of the staff left to avoid a hurricane, the park was sabotaged. Denis Nedry, disenfranchised with his job, betrays InGen to BioSyn. Evidently Lord Penward was looking for 'new material' after the incident in his compound and dispatched Lewis Dodgson to bribe Nedry into both shutting off the park's electric fences and steal numerous dinosaur embryos in the chaos. However in transit, Nedry is killed by a juvenile Dilophosaurus, Gennaro is torn apart by the park's Tyrannosaurus, and Robert Muldoon is critically injured by the Deinonychus. The other survivors flee on a helicopter but the events of Isla Nublar weren't done yet. (Jurassic Park, film)

"What the hell kind of zoo is this?!" - Nima Cruz

Park veterinarian, Gerry Harding, his visiting daughter Jessica Harding, and Dr. Sorkin were left behind on the island by accident. Lewis Dodgson's "plan B" went array as well with one BioSyn agent killed by an adult Dilophosaurus and their mercenary, Nima Cruz getting stranded. InGen Mercenaries are sent in for search and rescue mission but the creatures of the island gradually kill them all off. The Troodons, having long since escaped their quarantine pens cause the most chaos. After a mismatched report of the island being set up to be firebombed was taken to be true, Dr. Sorkin reluctantly tried to fight against the order by threatening to release the park's cloned Tylosaurus mosasaur into the open ocean. In the chaos, she was devoured by the giant marine lizard. In the end the only survivors, who departed by boat even with the tyrannosaur bearing down on them were Dr. Harding, Jess, and Nima. (Jurassic Park, Telltale Game)

"Human beings, are ants crawling through their living rooms." - Dr. Jane Tiptree

In the US Southwest, Dr. Tiptree conducts her work in secret by fooling Eunice management into giving her full autonomy over her lab with no oversight. Still working with Lord Penward, Tiptree engineers of virus that rewrites the DNA of the host and reproduces to create her own brand of dinosaur by using a combination of the Penward estate creatures, bird genes, and crocodile rNA. This was both used to create several dinosaurs from scratch with chicken and ostrich eggs, as well as code it onto a virus. Dr. Tiptree, a prodigy virologist, engineered a virus based off her previous work in pesticides that operated by wiping out the female of the targeted species. In this case, the world now lacking the nuclear doomsday Penward predicted in the 1980s , she sought to make an apocalypse via a plague that would leave behind fast reproducing and fast-growing predators in its wake. Using a mix of her own work and Mysterian technology, she creates a virus that rewrites the genetic code of the host, sacrificing their body mass and killing them in a fever while converting part of their body mass into a dinosaur egg. The targeted species is humans, with the virus weakening men and killing off the women, all while leaving behind a population of meat eaters who target humans as a prime food source. While her creations largely are slower and less powerful than their InGen counterparts, they have their perks.

The resulting retrovirus was released on a small neighboring town along with a single growing mutant Deinonychus grown from a chicken. Just like in Britain, Penward's Project Carnosaur resulted in dozens of deaths both by the creatures, the virus, and the US government's and Eunice's attempt to contain it. A released, mutant Tyrannosaurus, a "queen" capable of laying eggs that hatch into multiple species, all but destroyed part of the nearby town that had been laid low by the virus. It was eventually killed by retired surgeon Doc Smith and environmentalist Anne Thrush, who managed to collapse a mall it chased them through on top of it using a pair of skid loaders to hold it off and tear down a support pillar. However, as they were infected by the virus which had no cure, Doc and Anne allowed themselves to be put out of their misery by the government cleanup operation. The cleanup managed to destroy the virus but also found a nest of dormant eggs. While they seemed inert, worry the virus could still reawaken after it had burned itself out necessitated study of it. The nearby secure Yucca mountain uranium mine and stockpile disposal site was chosen for both secrecy as well as finding radiation burnt the virus out quicker. While the Tyrannosaurus and the initial Deinonychus were killed, rumors persisted that one creature or more might have hatched and survived in the remote wilderness. Dr. Tiptree herself may have died in the incident, victim of either her virus or one of her creatures, but anybody that might have belonged to her could not be positively identified due to being scavenged by one of the possibly surviving dinosaurs and needing to be burned for biohazard disposal in light of the virus. Before his death, Doc Smith would note he regretted not shooting her himself. (Carnosaur, film and novel combine)

1994 -

"And as for Caesar, kneel down. Kneel down and wonder." - Dr. Henry Wu

On Isla Nublar, Jurassic Park lays decrepit with Isla Nublar overrun by dinosaurs. Isla Sorna remains staffed, but the numbers of InGen personnel are gradually diminishing. Dr. Henry Wu, who had been working on Isla Sorna all this time, was haunted by what happened on Isla Sorna, especially to Dr. Sorkin. The two often butted heads, but he missed having someone to work off of and vice versa; now stuck in a slump. He however became aware of how John Hammond was colluding with the younger, like-minded CEO of Masrani Global named Simon Masrani. Namely how Hammond was having many naturalists work on Isla Sorna and expressing great joy and learning from Wu the staff of Site B largely fed the herbivores local foods grown on the island ecosystem. It dawned on Wu that Hammond and Masrani planned to turn the dinosaurs loose after an evacuation an allow Isla Sorna to become a biological preserve or the dinosaurs could live out their lives in peace from man and not be a threat to anyone.

Henry Wu however saw a fallacy when he noticed a disproportionately large number of dinosaurs cloned and still residing on Isla Sorna were carnivores. Too many carnivores with almost half a dozen fully grown Tyrannosaurus rex compared to Isla Nublar's single T.rex. Even if they mass-produced herbivores in the time they had left, it became clear that the high number of carnivores would collapse the entire ecosystem within a few years. All his work, and the work of his colleagues, down the drain. He wouldn't allow it. And so, Henry Wu created something big enough and strong enough it would continue the predator's numbers, put the pressure onto them to slow their growth and even, if it came down to a head-to-head fight, kill a fully grown Tyrannosaurus rex. He created his final and greatest beast by splicing together the genomes of numerous animals with a Spinosaurus and Suchomimus as a base and released it hours before the evacuation was sounded.

Unbeknownst to any higher ups however, a clutch of Dilophosaurus egg were nestled inside a tree trunk that was jostled free from Isla Nublar and floated to the mainland. (Jurassic Park Annual Comic, Topps)

1995 -

"Nukes? They got nukes here? They got nukes AND dinosaurs? That's just perfect." - 'Monk' Broody

An incident at Yucca mountain results in the dormant eggs hatching. Tiptree's altered Deinonychus and a Tyrannosaurus grow in secret and overrun the facility. All the mining staff, save one youth named Jesse Turner, are killed. Because communications were lost and the contents of the facility included nuclear material, a maintenance crew and group of specialists were dispatched. However upon finding the facility ramsacked and exploring into the bowels of the lower levels, they quickly found themselves surrounded and being dispatched themselves by the Deinonychus pack and second "queen variant" Tyrannosaurus.

A rescue is sounded and the diminishing team manage to cave in a large portion of the facility's mine and processing area with dynamite to kill off the Deinonychus. However their luck runs out when the last to survivors, Jesse and former soldier Jack Reed are cornered by the Tyrannosaurus. After escaping to the surface, Jesse sees the dinosaur fleeing off into the wilderness. Privy to how this all began with just one escaped egg nest, Jesse pilots a mass scale forklift and duels with the dinosaur alongside the rescue chopper. While unable to best the creature, he does manage to push it back into a loading bay door and down a hundred foot drop in which it dies on impact. The portion of Yucca mountain was collapsed and poorly investigated, leading to its use as a storage facility by MONARCH a few years later with the hope any radioactive storage would further act as insurance against any lingering traces of the virus. (Carnosaur 2)

"The hupia!"
"What the devil are you?!" - Pedro Santos and Aguilar Ramirez

Meanwhile in Costa Rica, the now grown Dilophosaurus begin to eat livestock and then humans in the fishing town of Bahia Anasco, even invading the town one night. After initially being mistaken for mythical jungle spirits, the local police and a motorcycle gang managed to kill most of the creatures but suffer some losses. However there is a possibility that some might have survived and retreated further into the jungle away from humans. (Jurassic Park Annual Comic, Topps)

1997 -

"Now it's only a time before this... Lost World, is found and pillaged." - John Parker Hammond

Hammond and Masrani, knowing they need official documentation of a working ecosystem on Isla Sorna to protect the islands, dispatch a team to Site B. In their number are Richard Levine, Randy Archer, Bill Stewarts, and Gary Paladecki; a mix of trackers, paleontologists, biologists, and engineers. The expedition to the island goes according to plan... At first. Dr. Levine left early ahead of the team his contact was lost. It was discovered by the other three BioSyn was on the island, having both kidnapped Dr. Levine and undergoing active efforts of poaching and capturing the dinosaurs with Lewis Dodgson as the field leader. Agreeing that desperate times call for desperate measures, the team soon going outside of protocol and destroy the camp by luring an angry Mamenchiasaurus into it and releasing both Levine and the dinosaurs. Before and after hand they had other run-ins with wildlife ranging from a pack of camouflaging Carnotaurus to a bull Tyrannosaurus rex reclaiming its infant. One more placid encounter lead to them befriending a female Suchomimus the group nicknamed "Castiel" after they held her out of a snare trap bound across her foot. She in turn protected them from a Carnotaurus.

Knowing it was too dangerous to stay, the group made for the old embryonic cloning compound for evacuation. In route however, they are pursued by a murderous and insane BioSyn mercenary who roused the attention of Dr. Wu's final creation. Now fully grown and the "Emperor of Sorna", the Spinosaurus they nicknamed "Snoke" wrecked their trailers and made short work of the heavily mercenary. Upon reaching the compound however, they found it occupied by a still very much alive Dr. Atherton.

Initially appearing jovial, Atherton's actions and the reappearance of Dodgson made it clear he'd gone far above senile and was working with BioSyn, having commandeered the compound shortly after the evacuation. Wanting to prove himself superior to his student, Atherton sought to field test his creations. The initial release of an altered, re-engineered scaly Deinonychus the team nicknamed "Bloody Yandere" for her dogged pursuit of Dr. Archer upon getting the scent of his blood; the two found themselves chased across the old worker village. Salvation came from an unexpected source when they managed to get a previously released, normal Deinonychus nicknamed "Kuro Hime" to fight her scaly rival. After a battle going to the top of the communications tower, Kuro Hime came out victorious but spared her rival after asserting her dominance.

Angered Sorkin's creation had triumphed over his weaponized version, Atherton initiated his final sequence as the group broke into his building. After shooting Dodgson with a tranquilizer dart to knock him out, they managed to call for help and incapacitate Atherton. But not before the mad doctor released his final creation, the one he'd been working on for the past years with BioSyn, from a large paddock. The ground shook and a monstrous hybrid splice of a Tyrannosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Triceratops, and Deinonychus was unleashed. An Ultimasaurus the group soon took to calling the "Red Death". Engineered to kill anything around it, Atherton sought to destabilize and destroy Isla Sorna's ecosystem while selling off the design to Lord Penward. The Red Death ravaged the facility, devouring the unconscious Atherton after tearing the building apart. Summoned by the sound of their voices over the loudspeakers, Castiel rushed in to protect the humans and even fought alongside the Deinonychus pair. But the three dinosaurs and three humans helping them weren't enough to damage the hybrid in any meaningful way. The tide finally turned when a battered and near dead Castiel let out a distress call that her mate heard. Snoke came charging in and upon realizing what had happened, flew into a warpath.

Snoke and the Red Death, would-be preserver and destroyer of Isla Sorna, battled it out across the worker village. Smashing each other and buildings, biting and clawing at their foe, the greatest creations of Dr. Henry Wu and Dr. Norman Atherton when blow for blow in the thunderstorm pouring down from above. Knowing Snoke was the only creature that stood a chance at killing the monster, the team supported him in the fight alongside a recovered Deinonychus pair. In a final gambit, the three fit members of the team jammed their last flares into a distracted Red Death's eye socket, blinding it and giving a previously pinned Snoke an opening. The last blow came when Snoke rammed his clawed arm into a wound Castiel had opened and impaled his arm through the Red Death's chest.

The dead body dropped to the ground and a battered, bleeding Snoke let out a booming roar of victory before the rescue helicopter showed up. Having heard Snoke's call over the radio during the fight, Dr. Wu joined agent Hallie We'en in the recovery mission stepped out to help the team in. He stopped to regard his creation as it did the same, recognizing Wu from its earliest memories. Snoke paused for a moment more before going back to Sorna's wilds. Content his greatest success had done his duty, Wu departed with the team. (The Lost World, RPG)

"The first it's gonna do is go to a water source. Then it's gonna look for the next thing it's body needs." - Dr. Sarah Harding

In the fallout of the mission, BioSyn finally came under the name of various governments. Dodgson was imprisoned and the Penward compound was seized. However upon its search, it was found Lord Penward had already left with the vast majority of his assets and he turned his menagerie's dinosaurs loose. Several injuries and a few deaths ensued but the compound was eventually brought under control. The surviving dinosaurs, several Deinonychus, a pair of Megalosaurus, a large Tyrannosaurid, a young Brachiosaurus, and a non-dinosaur Plesiosaurus were gathered up and contained. The only clue to Lord Penward's departure came from a cargo freighter crashed into docks of San Diego several days later. Carrying the BioSyn logo, the S.S. Venture was found to be a ghost ship with the crew torn to pieces with a large cage on the deck busted open. The escapee, later found to be a natural born Tyrannosaurus (Tarbosaurus) bataar-Tyrannosaurus rex hybrid, was accidentally unleashed. Having broken out of its restrains in transit and killing most, if not all of the crew, the dinosaur was in a narcoleptic state due to a badly dosed counter agent to a tranquilizer it had been given. Going on a rampage, the confused animal wrecked cars, destroyed a city bus, caused numerous traffic accidents; and ate several persons. An InGen team which happened to be in the area to witness the dismantling of the old Jurassic Park San Diego amphitheater managed to lure it back to the S. S. Venture and tranquilizer yet again while sealing it inside the cargo hold.

John Hammond and his nephew-successor, the ever eager-for-press Peter Ludlow, publicly released record of BioSyn's full crimes. The research and documentation from the Isla Sorna expedition team was released to the public and InGen's merging with Masrani Global was heralded by the UN declaring Site A and Site B restricted wildlife preserves for the safety of both human life and the animals themselves. Ironically Penward's creature going on very public rampage might have given the rest of the world rude awakening to what had happened over the past 20 years, but it netted InGen and Masrani Global much public support and the UN decision was accepted by every major world government. The surviving dinosaurs of Project Carnosaur were shipped off to Isla Sorna and Isla Nublar to further diversify the gene pool and as a slight of pride against Penward by Ludlow.

John Hammond died peacefully at the age of 70 at the end of the year, finally releasing his battle with organ failure and cancer with knowledge is legacy and creatures would be safe. The current head of InGen was passed to Peter Ludlow who worked with Simon Masrani for a future project.

Lord Darren Penward's whereabouts are still an enigma. He might have perished aboard the S.S. Venture, eaten by his own creation. Or he might have escaped elsewhere with still unknown amount of assets the call upon.

Currently the global none kaiju scaled dinosaur population as of 1998 all reside on Isla Nublar and Isla Sorna, presumably Skull Island, with scattered reports from mainland Costa Rica indicating a small species might have migrated there. The possibility of lone, isolated specimens surviving in the vastness of the American Southwest or Central American Jungle is still unknown.

I just wonder why include the Carnasour films? Jurassic Park and it's universe works because they're so good. Unless of course they get by with 'they're so bad, they're good?'

And yes I admit I love the Carnasour trilogy. Or all four if you want to count Raptor.

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Because while the execution fell firmly into "so bad it's good", the concepts themselves especially from the novel and first two films aren't bad at all. It makes for a lovely mine for ideas and acts as a good counter foil to the Jurassic Park series seeing how the rivalry between InGen and BioSyn plays off each other.

Could I suggest getting Grammarly for writing? It may improve spelling errors such as 'None' in place of 'Known' and various other accidental errors in the writing of this brilliantly thought out timeline

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