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Hello again.
Well. I guess I should try and be more coherent this time.
I am stressed beyond a reasonable amount.
I have started obsessively listening to Lullaby for a Princess.
I feel like I am going to puke, have felt nauseous for most of last couple days.
I am constantly on the verge of tears.
The big thing for me is that I failed a pre cal class for the second year in a term. that I need to pass.
Beyind that is deep personal shit I will not go into,
But suffice to say it is stressful, but usually its nowhere near this bad.
Usually all and all I have had a 7 or 8/10 stress, from totally chill to the most your average person can survive, but I manage it well except for the occasional breakdown. Even with everything that's going on its just been these last few days I have been totally freaking out.
But i have been running for the last couple days on what feels like a 12, of the previous scale.

Group Admin

5207295 Just approach things one step at a time. List off the things stressing you out, choose one, and work on improving it until it's resolved. Forget everything else until that one first thing is at least bearable, then choose another. Try working on the most stressful things first (unless you think it might take too long and stress you out with everything else worse, then approach the smaller things first and make things a bit easier in the long run).

We all have moments like those. We feel overwhelmed and don't know what to do. There's nothing wrong with feeling that way. It's a test of how well you can handle coming this far as a person. And I'm sure you can pass it.

We'll be here if you need us. Thank you for posting here. You're safe here. :twilightsmile:

5207295 What some people do is, they find things that don't stress them out and do those, instead. That's avoidance and doesn't solve your problems. A much better approach is that you stop doing things that distract and waste your time. Even if you do nothing, instead, it's better as you won't feel like everything is overwhelming you.

Things that you can't avoid will haunt you until you face them. Don't face them all at once, but do start thinking about the gameplan.

TL;DR: Relax and take baby steps toward your goals.

Mhmm. i gotcha. Makes sense, I have always the kind of person that pushes his emotional problems out of his mind and ignores them until either they resolve themselves or he has a breakdown.
But with this I feel like I am missing something. I have a feeling that whatever is stressing me out isn't something that is on the list of things I know is stressing me, because like I said I have already been dealing with those already and while I have been stressed. It has been nowhere near this bad.

I don't do things that don't stress me out. There id a short list of things i find distracting/relaxing, but for the most part everything stresses me out to some extent. :facehoof:
Teh gameplan - hold on to what matters and try to survive. :rainbowwild:
I mean honestly, there's not a big list of things that I can avoid tgat won't come back to fuck me over later.

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