Talk It Out 90 members · 98 stories
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So recently me and a friend, who 1. Will not be named 2. Does not have an account and 3. Willingly went along with a plan that resulted in something i choose not to share, got into a big fight. Im stuck being friends with this person because "

her and her family are close family friends of ours.

" (my mums words) and apparently my feelings dont matter.

Anways, she said i was treating her rudely, and ignoring her and not talking to her. Im busy i have school, i have an internship, ive got dog walking at a shelter. But no she thinks that its all a waste of time. Thats its all my fucking fault. Wanna know what she did? She willingly went along with a plan, where i ended up sexually assaulted. She publically outed me as gay* to people i didnt know. She told her mum i was gay*, when i requested she didnt. She told her mum about my (now ex) girlfriend when i asked that she not. Yet somehow, despite the fact that i have legitimate reasons as to WHY im busy, its somehow my fault? AND she was the one who wanted space, so i willingly complied and she turned around and texted me every fucking day asking of i wanted to talk -.-

12 years... 12 long fucking years... thats how long I have dealt with shit from her. She yelled at me for not tellng her that i seof harmed. Wanna guess what i did after each lovely phone call she made about the fight? I broke a 10 month streak. 10 fucking months gone in the wind. All because she thinks the entire world revolves around her.


I would have broke off from her if not for my parents -.-
*i identify as a pansexual genderfluid person

I'm sorry dude. I really am. I don't know what to say. Maybe get a restraining order? I dunno, I'm thirteen. Force your parents to talk to you, put them in a situation where they can't get out and have to talk to you. I dunno. I wish there was more I could do...

5122903 That's completely fucked up! Normal people don't always have time for friends due to life. Sorry but your mom just doesn't seem like a normal person to me.

5122925 being 17 dosnt help either

Block her texts and everything else and say "I'm sorry, but our 'friendship' isn't going anywhere."

5122972 she would then turn to her mum who would tel my mum who would yell at me.

5123027 tried. They hate her to much to even really help -.-

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