Anon-A-Miss 1,337 members · 1,277 stories
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Did people actually believe that sunset was anon-a-miss or were they just looking for an excuse to ate sunset, again? Because, I feel like it’s 50/50.

I think so because she was their bully for many years, then had the rainbooms protection. If they didn’t protect her after twilight left the whole school would’ve killed her

The Rainbooms believed it because they didn't consider any other options. The school heroine said it was Sunset so everyone pretty much jumped on the band wagon after that.

However I can't deny that some just saw her as a scapegoat so they could be their worst, regardless of whether they believed it was her or not.

I'd say it's more 75/25, given Sunset's history as a bully and blackmailer and there being a lack of evidence to implicate anybody else.

Though something that is often forgotten, and I think this is partly a consequence of the stories on here, was that Rainbow Dash was the first to begin having doubts about the whole thing (though, ironically enough, lacked the confidence to speak up).

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