Anon-A-Miss 1,334 members · 1,275 stories
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I've been thinking about this story (more than I should, probably), and I think I figured out why I hate the Rainbooms in this fic.

It isn't just that they didn't believe Sunset, or that they turned their backs on her. It was how they did it.

It's like in "Reynold's Pamphlet" from "Hamilton", where instead of confessing to his wife that he cheated and settling the matter privately, he wrote an entire paper about the affair and printed it out for everyone to read, making the situation worse than it needed to be.

Instead of taking Sunset aside and speaking to her in private, they loudly accused her and denounced her in the hallway and in front of other students. Keep in mind that at this point, it was only the Rainbooms' secrets were being posted online, so the student body didn't really have a reason to be invested in Anon-A-Miss's identity.

They essentially took what was a personal friendship problem, and made it everyone else's problem. And in doing so, they painted a huge target on Sunset's back!

What do you guys think?

For me it's that they ignored how their "evidence" wasn't just applicable to Sunset but to themselves as well.
I believe another writer said it best "they circled their wagons and she didn't make the cut". It's almost like they were waiting or worse expecting something to eventually happen.
Everyone makes mistakes and considering Sunset's past suspicion is to be expected, but they barely doubted her guilt for more than a few minute seconds.

I think it's a good idea.

That is honestly the biggest problem with the Rainbooms in Anon-a-Miss. The HuMane 5 are basically the heroes of the school, so if they say that Sunset is Anon-a-Miss right in the hallways, then they believe them. But when Sunset tries to prove she is innocent, nobody listens because they all think that she is Anon-a-Miss, all because the Rainbooms said she’s Anon-a-Miss.

That's an interesting way to look at it. I might use some of that logic and I am about to do Anon-a-miss. Not my own version of the story but the aftermath for the Crusaders and Sunset's problems with the Rainbooms. Thanks for opening my eyes. I never realized what @$$es they actually are .

Indeed, plus the producers didn't even take the time to write a better apology for twilight and instead they just had Applejack apologize on behalf of them all, and worst of all Celestia and Shining armor in the end acted like they didn't owe any apology to Twilight especially since she was nearly killed in the cavern's, and that they were wrong and she was right.

And as for Anon a Miss the Rainbooms never apologized and there was no mention of reconciliation except for the fact the perpetrators aka the CMC were the only ones who apologized.

I feel like the writers of the show and the comic's don't understand what the word "Apologizing" means.

I agree with the author.

Okay, so I get what the actual post is saying, but could someone explain how the title's quote pertains to Anon-A-Miss?

It's a lyric from the cut song "Congratulations", which was supposed to follow "The Reynolds Pamphlet."

In the song, Angelica chews out Hamilton for his actions.

I still think that the Rainbooms never trusted Sunset since Fall Formal, even after the Battle of the Bands, that she could change for the better was worse.

But however, you're right about what you said Hatta. Anon-A-Miss lit the match, but the Rainbooms let the fire burn and let it spread for all the students so they can target her.

Blamed actually addressed this issue in one of the chapters.
Chapter 14 i believe

Not to sound harsh, but I was asking what the quote means, not where it's from, as in what does this specific quote mean.

Not really. You explained the context of the line, but not what the character was trying to get across with it. I have never seen Hamilton, so I have no idea what these actions she's calling out actually are. Was she calling Hamilton an immature cock for picking a fight with someone who insulted him or something?



So in the play Hamilton is enemies with Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson conspires with Aaron Burr and James Madison to discredit Hamilton, and they find evidence that suggest Hamilton is embezzling funds from the Treasury. In reality, Hamilton is being blackmailed by the husband of his mistress (he's playing with his own money). Hamilton, afraid they'll use this knowledge against him, writes a paper called "The Reynolds Pamphlet" and distributes it, not only ruining his reputation, but also dragging his wife and children through the mud.

In the cut song, "Congratulations" Angelica (Hamilton's sister-in-law) calls him out of this -

You've invented a new kind of stupid
A damage you can never undo
Kind of stupid
An open all the cages in the zoo
Kind of stupid
Clearly, you didn't think this through,
Kind of stupid

Let's review

You took a rumor a few
Maybe two people knew
And refuted it by sharing an affair
Of which no one had accused you
I begged you to take a break
You refused to (Referencing the song, "Take A Break")

So scared of what your enemies will do to you
But you're the only enemy you ever seem to lose to!
You know why Jefferson can do what he wants?
He doesn't dignify schoolyard taunts with a response!"

By making the affair public, Hamilton made the situation worse than it needed to be. By publicly accusing Sunset of being Anon-A-Miss, the Rainbooms made the situation worse than it needed to be.

Does that clear things up?

A lot, thank you. So, yes. She was, in fact, calling Hamilton an immature cock because only an immature cock would fall for the Streisand Effect before it was even a thing.

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