Printed Fiction Hardcopies 398 members · 710 stories
Comments ( 4 )
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The Maretian has been added to print on demand. Can anyone tell me where? My Google-fu is weak.

Ice Star
Group Admin

The user who added them has links and pics on their page:

I wouldn't count those as print on demand. They are individual print runs that you have to sign up for in advance.

I also noticed Project Horizons in the print on demand section. The only one I know of is by Ministry of Image and I wouldn't consider them print on demand either. They have an online store, but it's still individual print runs. Once a book runs out they may do another print if there's still demand. Still not the same as print on demand though. That'd be a service like which prints each book individually as they are ordered. (Edit: So far, MoI haven't discontinued any of their English books as far as I can tell, so never mind I guess.)

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