A Prompt A Day, Contests, And Reviews 36 members · 114 stories
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I Like Pie
Group Admin

Summary Quizzical is a new pony in Ponyvile. Speaking of her, she has a personality of Twilight, Maud Pie, and Moondancer all rolled into one (aw, yeah :yay:). This chapter basically consists of her talking to a couple of ponies and some exposition (exposition, exposition, rush it out ASAP I'm sorry, I just had to do that).

The Cons There's not much about this that I don't like. I guess some could call Quizzical 'already walked on territory'. Some could say this chapter is repetitive because many of the ponies she talks to have similar reactions to her.

The Pros I love this story so far! I could list everything I love but I could easily summarize it in one word: Quizzical. She's an amazing character and all the great things in this story stem from that! I'm looking forward to reading the next chapters!

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