Overwatch 139 members · 16 stories
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Your thoughts?

I agree with everything except the Ana nerf. Yes, she was a tad OP considering she's support, but she hasn't gone from OP to tolerable. She's gone from OP to useless.

5839909 This is garbage. First of all, Ana, as you said, is SO bad now. Her damage is SUPER low. I can understand lowering 10 or something like that, but this is crazy. And now her grenade is so pitiful. Its still does its job of countering buffy Roadhogs, pocket Mercys, and annoying stalling Lucios, as well as healing damaged teammates faster, but it now removes her ability to keep herself alive and defend herself from frail targets. This is one of the harshest nerfs in the game. Meanwhile, Sombra is getting ANOTHER buff, making her even more threatening to Mercys and Zens, able to contest with tanks, and more likely to instantly kill Widows, Solidiers, or Hanzos providing damage from afar. And that I can deal with, as Sombra was a pretty unviable choice. But all this Rein abuse is too much. Junkrat and Zen now can shread Rein sheilds as well as the German behind it. Junkrats can go batshit insane on slower targets, and Orisa low health combined with these buffs makes her even more susceptible to insane junkrats, on-point zens, as well as all her other counter pick. Widow, Hanzo, Tracer, Sombra, Rein, Hog, Symetra and Reaper can shread right through a half-decent Orisa, and Junk and Zen joining that party is not helping her comp game. AND SHE'S GETTING NERFED. RIP ORISA. I do like the Winston buff...thats something...and I don't even like Winston that much.

5840122 I might need this later

5839909 My thoughts? I don't know. I play Bastion and McCree. Couldn't care less.

5844423 I saw this post, and was bored.

5844467 "I was bored, so I viewed a post I was ultimately uninterested in and proceeded to leave a vacuous comment, letting it be known that I am not preoccupied with the aforementioned post and providing no real discussion other than to confuse and irritate people who actually intend to make real, thoughtful remarks on this important update than can and will affect who plays what, rather than actually finding a way to relieve my boredom and benefit myself and the ones who don't enjoy my comments by not leaving such comments."


5844478 Yes, indeed. It does seem like a dick move when you say it that way.
Good for me.

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