I HATE Starlight Glimmer 143 members · 54 stories
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yeah say what you want about lilly but you got to love her Starlight bashing

It's not really bashing when it's the truth.

Are you talking about the fact that she killed discord

No, I'm just saying that every negative thing she says about Starlight isn't exactly bashing.

Ah. But not everyone likes the truth so they force everyone to believe there dumb lie

She ripped off shadydoorags:

She was more bashing Josh than Starlight...

Eh for the most part I've lost all respect for the brony Annalise community

Shady Doorags: I doubt Starlight can overpower Discord

Many months later

Thank you! Starlight has shown that she's not really learning, she's not growing as a character, a point that has been addressed by a few people here. The Bronies want so badly to believe their favorite Mary Sueish pony has changed, or they are comfortable with the fact she is not changing because this reminds them of themselves. They have to white knight Starlight in any way shape or form whenever people have valid reasons to try and slay her. Starlight is still the hypocritical mare with anger issues (If anybody can think of a disorder that matches Starlight please let me know) that she was when we first met her.

So she killed discord. And tell me again why people say she's not evil


Because they love her that much, and refuse to believe their favorite pony is actually still pretty much a menace.


You are not alone, so have I

also I think starlight is close to a sociopath since you asked what disorder she has

He's not really a brony. As stated in one of his videos, he simply watches MLP so he can stay relevant.

I still have a lot more respect for Josh than a lot of the brony analysts, even if he does try to find redeeming qualities in Starlight...

This is pretty much the nail on the end. She hasn't changed, she hasn't been reprimanded for any of the things she's done, and her power level is one of the least consistent things in the show.

6556782 I still don't buy that someone who has "studied writing for years" blindingly keeps defending Starlight by saying she's not a Mary Sue.

I'm begging to question further the high school and college educations.


So true on everything


Mary Sues (at least the original definition of the person that coined the phrase) are typically characters who lack realistic flaws and weaknesses and therefore are considered too perfect to be any good, Starlight doesn't fit this description so maybe that's why they believe she's not a Mary Sue. Even I struggle to call her a Mary Sue despite my hate for this character, for me personally, the way the writers are handling her makes it very tempting to actually label her a Sue, despite being one of the most flawed characters (personality at wise at least) She is the writers' pet after all.

Yes, she has clearly "changed".


Dishonorable mention: Smugly forces Big Mac to talk with a spell because she can't be friends with someone who is quiet and gets unreasonably upset when scolded by Applejack.

Continues to fuck shit up magically, even when Rainbow Dash angrily demanded that she not put spells on her friends. Starlight apologized only to do it again in later episodes, sorry not sorry.

And let's not forget how Twilight in the newest episode called her the smartest most caring pony, lol what?


And let's not forget how Twilight in the newest episode called her the smartest most caring pony, lol what?

And the face she makes while saying it shows that not even the writers can say it with a straight face at this point.

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