I HATE Starlight Glimmer 143 members · 54 stories
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I loved every last bit of the story, I'm glad I came across it, it especially feels good to read after learning about the matter of principals episode. (Even Discord doesn't trust Starlight completely)

The arguments this pony brings up are good and he had Starlight look like the fool she is. It would have felt nice in which she gets her horn removed (If I consider making a side story to Cupcakes)

Starlight and other ponies believed Starlight wanted what was best for the ponies, that her heart was in the right place, I would like to think it is not



Look how Starlight is behaving, like she's trying to coax the ponies into trusting her by putting up a "caring" mare facade, in the form of a song Pinkie Pie's clearly not buying it.

Now look at this



Starlight clearly has bad intentions, she's not really their friend in the least, especially to say she doesn't really see herself as their friend, but their superior, she is certainly an ill willed crafty hypocrite, and see how her house is separated from the other citizens, isn't that strange? Unless she likes houses that form equal signs

In my personal opinion, there's no reason to not believe that Starlight is not a pony of equality, in fact the episode the cutie map reminds me of the movie animal farm, in which the characters come to trust a person (who is based off of Joseph Stalin) in charge with sinister motives, a person who doesn't truly believe in equality, a wolf in sheep's clothing (the movie did a good job of portraying Stalinism) That's exactly what Starlight is, she's not at all interested at all in becoming their equal, but their superior. She wants us all to think that she's good, but no, she wants ponies to believe that they can trust her so that she can be in control, so she can be looked at as a hero, which your pony mentioned in your good story, she doesn't believe in free will, she forced the mane six to join her cause, she didn't give them the option of leaving, she harms them instead (similarly how those who would not support a dictator's cause, was at risk of being put to death)

When ponies lost faith in her, she was cornered, and tried to invent excuses to make them believe she actually cared about them, once again, mirroring animal farm, in which the characters lose faith in their leader, who wants them to believe his intentions are well.

I must say, for those who believe Starlight was trying to do a good thing but was misguided, hater or fan, she wasn't. She's far worse than that, she's a power hungry tyrant, simply trying to stay in control and will not hesitate to eliminate/hurt anyone who threatens her dictatorship. That is all.

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