I HATE Starlight Glimmer 143 members · 54 stories
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To those of you who have no idea what's going on, don't worry. I'll make this as brief as I can.

To those of you who engaged in the now-deleted "Starlight Glimmer Fans in a Nutshell" thread, I apologize for the... shall I say, "vigor," which I used. Those actions were done in a public venue, thus a public apology is mandated.

To Cianna200:
I never saw your last comment. To be honest, :ajsleepy: I believe that is a good thing. I was going to post this apology on that thread, but seeing as it has been deleted, I'm doing it here instead.
I was binge-watching a YouTube Channel that puts out science videos, when I stumbled across this video. Though it's about a completely unrelated topic, it did talk about humans and the nature of several biases that are psychologically hard-wired into the brains of every human on this planet, Confirmation Bias being one of them. I recommend it for anyone wondering "How in the world can those people think that?" What I was going to say on the now-deleted thread amounted to the following:

I may never understand how you and your friends can hate something so passionately, but that doesn't mean you aren't acting naturally. While your actions may not make sense to me, I'm sure they look perfectly rational to you. Though I believe dredging up the past and going after actual people in the fanbase is a step too far, I will leave you to your actions, even if I cannot make sense of them.

One of my strongest traits is my empathy. It's what drove me to make this post. It's what prevents me from hating Starlight entirely. I can't even hate the writers because 1) we all screw up sometimes, and 2) they tried to tackle a number of complex topics while under a tight 44-minute time limit. I am an INFP personality type--the same personality type as Luke Skywalker. A cyborg Sith Lord murdered an entire tribe of sandpeople in cold blood, cut Mace Windu's hand off because he caught feelings for Padme, massacred a room full of Jedi younglings for political reasons, and also cut off Luke's own hand, and what did Luke have to say about him? "There is still good in him." It is simply not in my nature to hate something so passionately--I'm too empathetic. I apologize for suspending that empathy from you during our discussion.

By the time you read this, I will be out of the group. I'm not sure FimFiction will even let me reply. I'm not here to start anything more; I'll be here just long enough to (hopefully) end it.

I'm not like you...

I don't belong here...

I never did.

Thank you for taking the time to write this, it's rare to receive an apology, especially a well done one from people who have upset me, but it isn't just me, a lot of people get hurt by another and either receive no apology, or are given one that's not a very good one. If I sounded furious, I can tell you I was, I've been getting attacked so very often now that my patience runs thin, and now I can't respond without wearing what people say "a thicker skin." Just like you I am a person of empathy , but it's just hard nowadays to express that towards those who don't deserve it. I did feel sad for Starlight when her friend left her, but than I thought about it, how she chose to handle it was so extremely selfish and horrible, especially a little too extreme for a problem that's too little of a problem to warrant that, it's hard now too feel sorry for her. Even after all that she's done, the fact that her creators seem to be rewarding her actions, mainly through not giving her any consequences, letting her be the pupil of a princess, and treating her with such adoring importance, makes it all the more difficult to sympathize. Makes it even worse that she's doing things hinting that she hasn't completely got over her past deeds. Diamond Tiara was way more easier to sympathize with. She was a bully, payed the consquences and lost a friend, and we learn she's a bully because her mother is one and treats her like crap. It makes sense, children learn how to behave by their parents. People become jerks because they've been treated like garbage. Starlight Glimmer is an entirely different story all together. Every time she appears on screen, I'm seeing a character, who is a main character, the student of the princess of friendship, the best friend of one of the best former antagonists in mlp, the savior of the main cast, and she doesn't truly deserve any of it. This is why I hate her, this is why she's the only mlp character (though Tempest Shadow was a bust too), that received my full hatred. It sucks though because I really don't like the feeling of hatred. I feel bad for hating her deep down but I just can't love her, but I am normally not a hateful person, that's especially something to say when I tell you that there are very few fictional characters I don't like and none can compare to Starlight Glimmer who is my anti waifu. Like you, I don't hate her writers, sure they created an awful character who is hurting the show but hating them for their character is absolutely ridiculous. People get worked up about fictional characters all the time but spewing vicious hatred towards the writers for making that character, or making any poor decision actually is just sad.

I may never understand how you and your friends can hate something so passionately, but that doesn't mean you aren't acting naturally. While your actions may not make sense to me, I'm sure they look perfectly rational to you. Though I believe dredging up the past and going after actual people in the fanbase is a step too far, I will leave you to your actions, even if I cannot make sense of them.

I'll be honest, While I "mostly" understand why I think Starlight stinks, I don't completely understand my hatred towards Starlight, it's like it just happened spontaneously. I really don't like it, but she just really gets under my skin and I think some if not everyone here can agree. I don't think anyone here enjoys hating Starlight because hating her brings them satisfaction, she just screwed up on being a good character, she screwed up big and that's why we don't like her. She nearly killed all our most beloved characters all for a friend and gets rewarded for it by the heroes, the very same ones she sought to destroy and the writers reward her, they reward her big. This made me shudder.
Hate isn't natural for me because it's rare for me to hate anyone, so I'm not acting naturally I'm afraid. You still aren't getting this part though, It makes me sour and misunderstood when you say this because as I said before, I only brought this up because a friend linked it to me, and what those people said there was basically attacking the people who didn't like Starlight. You are acting as if I was going on the hunt to seek out Glimmer fans to judge for not agreeing with me. That's kinda making me sound like a bully, which is not what I am. Some people actually do this, hater or fan, but I am not one of them. I don't think that's your intentions however, I just felt demonized and looked as if something was wrong with me, for getting attacked and reacting negatively. Like you I don't make sense of these much either, but what is there to be done other than to say how you feel. Like I did with the Starlight fans who attacked especially with their arguments. The love Starlight gets just doesn't make sense to me, like you don't understand why we hate her so much. I hope what I said answers your curiosity as to why so many people hate her.

It is simply not in my nature to hate something so passionately--I'm too empathetic. I apologize for suspending that empathy from you during our discussion.

By the time you read this, I will be out of the group. I'm not sure FimFiction will even let me reply. I'm not here to start anything more; I'll be here just long enough to (hopefully) end it.

I'm not like you...

You and I have a few things in common actually, we both hate to hate, at least you are the better person, because your empathy runs stronger, I just can't like Starlight, it's hard, just so hard. We both are actually intelligent and react with passion to things that upset us. We both like mlp. We both can't fully grasp the concept of hatred. Apparently we both like Star wars lol, I forgive you, I wish I could reach out to you and hug you, I do feel bad myself that I went off on you so you know. It's too bad because you and I could be friends. We just have different opinions about the same character. I hope you feel better in the long run, you aren't a bad person at all, and I hope things work out for you. I don't know if you will read and reply but I'll put it here anyway. Once again, thank you.

Just to let you know, you repeated one of the paragraphs

The computer has been glitchy lately, and I overlooked this error, I'll fix it, thanks.

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